Minutes of the meeting of BOS with local members held on 17-09-08 at 3pm in DCMs with Prof B. Ramakrishna Rao in Chair.
(1) The Chairman on behalf of the members of the PG BOS expressed thanks to the members of the Sub – Committee who prepared guidelines for evaluating student performance with regared to soft skills papers introduced in the respective semesters in respect of M.Com and M.B.A courses from the academic year 2008-09. The members unanimously approved the above guidelines prepared by the Sub – Committee.
(2) The members identified a few mistakes in the syllabus of MBA papers such as C.P 103 Managerial Economics, CP 303 Knowledge Management, CP- 206 IT for Management, HRM 406 Legal Framework in HR and CP 202 IT for Business in the case of M.Com. It is resolved to authorize the Chairman to submit to the University the syllabus copies of the above papers after making necessary corrections. The Chairman is also authorized to make necessary corrections wherever necessary in respect of other papers relating to both M.Com and MBA (FT &PT)
(3) Resolved to approve credits to the M.Com and MBA Project Report and Viva exam asfollows.
M.Com & M.B.A Project Report - 6 credits instead of 4 credits.
M.Com & M.B.A Viva-voce Exam - 4 credits instead of 6 credits.
(4) In paper HRM -303 Compensation and Welfare Management Unit -2 of MBA(FT) the word” Minimum” is to be substituted in the place of “Maximum”
(5) In view of the declining demand for M.Com (regular course) every year, it is resolved to make admission into M.Com course open to the students who passed other Bachelors Degrees (other than BFA and BA (OL) of Andhra University or any other University recognized by the Academic Senate as equivalent there to
(6) Resolved to include the topic “Ratio Analysis” in unit I MBA paper 201 Financial Management (II semester) .Also resolved to include the following topics in Unit V of CP 202Marketing Management of MBA course. Emerging Trends in Marketing such as: Network Marketing,Viral Marketing, Ambush/ Guerilla Marketing Green Marketing, Direct Marketing etc .
Objective: to enable the students to understand economic concepts and theories and their application in management decision-making.
Unit I- Introduction: Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics; Objectives of the Firm-Traditional Theory, Sales and Revenue Maximizing Theories, Managerial Theories and Behavioral Theories; Profit Maximization. Vs. Wealth Maximization.
Unit II- Demand Analysis : Demand-Meaning, Determinations Of Demand, Demand Function; Law of Demand; Elasticity of Demand –Price, Income, Cross and Promotional or Advertising Elasticity of demand, Managerial Uses of Elasticity of Demand; Demand Forecasting. Demand Forecasting Methods for Existing and New Products, Criteria for Good Forecasting Method.
Unit III- Production Analysis: Production Function –Law of Variable Proportions, Isoquant and Isocost Curves, Least Cost Combination, and Returns to Scale; Economies of Large Scale; Cobb-Douglas Production Function and Constant Elasticity of Substitution - Production Function; Cost concepts and Cost Oriented Pricing Methods.
Unit-IV Market Analysis: Price and Output Determination under Perfect Competition; Profit-Meaning and Profit Theories-Profit Planning-Measurement.
Unit – V: Economic Optimization: Economic Problems and Optimization Techniques – Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization; Unbounded Maxim – Optimization of Functions of One Variable and Optimization with Multivariate Function;
(Case Study is compulsory in all Units)
Suggested Books:
1. Dean,Joel: Managerial Economics, PHI.
2. Peterson H.Craig, Lewis W.Chris and Jain Sudhir K.Managerial Economics, pearson Education,2006.
3. Trivedi M.L: Managerial Economics, Theory and Applications, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company, 2002.
4. Suma Damodaran - Managerial Economics, Oxford University press.
5. Mehta, P.L: Managerial Economics, Text and Csaes, S.Chand & Co.
6. Mithani, D.M: Managerial Economics, Theory and Applications, Himalaya Publishing.
7. Attmanad; Managerial Economics, Excel publications.
8. G.S.Gupa, Macro Economics: , Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Dwivedi, D.N. Macro Economics: Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill
Objective: to equip students with the basic information technologies available for improving managerial performance.
Unit-I – Introduction to Computer Concepts – Elements of Computer – Classification of Computers – Basic Computer Architecture – Input-out Devices – Software Concepts: Types of software-Software: its nature and qualities – Windows Operating System Functions.
Unit-II – MS Office – Applications of MS Word in Business Correspondence: letters, tables, mail merge, labels – Applications of MS Excel: Graphs and Charts – Calculation of various financial functions – MS Access: Tables and Queries.
Unit-III – MS Power Point: Introduction – Toolbar, their Icons and Commands – Navigating in Power point – Creation of slides, animation, and templates – Designing Presentations – Slide show controls – Making notes on Pages and Handouts – Printing Presentations – Customizing Presentations – Auto content Wizard.
Unit-IV – Computer Networks: Overview of a Network – communication processors – Communications Media – Types of Network – Network Topologies – Network protocols – Network Architecture.
Unit V – Information Systems for Management-Concept of Information System – Types of Information Systems – Functional Information Systems, Enterprise Information Systems, Expert Systems, Intelligent Information Systems.
Suggested Readings
1. Dhiraj Sharma, Information Technologies for Business, Himalaya Publications. Mumbai, 2007.
2. C.S.V.Murthy, Fundamentals of Computers, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006.
3. David Whigham, Business Data Analysis using Excel, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Mahadeo Jaiswal and Monika Mital, Management Information Systems, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
5. D.P.Goyal, Management Information Systems; Managerial Perspectives, Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi.
6. Waman Jawadekar, Management Information Systems, Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2007.
Objective: to introduce the process of knowledge management for better decision making and performance by managers.
Unit-I : Introduction to Knowledge Management – Knowledge society-from data to information to knowledge-Drivers of knowledge management-Intellectual capital-KM and learning organizations-Case studies.
Unit-II : Strategic alignment – Creating awareness – articulation – Evaluation and strategic alignment-Infrastructural development and deployment-Leadership and Management of Knowledge Creation-measurement and refinement-Role of Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) – Professional development in KM – Case studies.
Unit-III : Analyzing business environment: Knowledge audit and analysis – Designing KM team-creating KM system blue print-implementation-capture-Store and sharing, KM standards – KM metrics and indicators – Incentive systems – Case studies.
Unit-IV : Strategy, organization and personnel for KM – Technology components: Intranet and Groupware solutions-tools for collaborative intelligence-package choices-implementing security – Case studies.
Unit-V : Integrating with web-based and internal operational and support systems – change management-reward systems-continuous improvement-Case studies.
1. B. Ratan Reddy, Knowledge Management, Himalaya Publications., Mumbai, 2007.
2. Awad, Knowledge Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Barnes, Knowledge Management System, Thompson Learning, New Delhi.
4. A.Thodhathri Raman, Knowledge Management, Excel Books, New Delhi.
5. Mattison, Web WW and Knowledge Management, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6. Amrit tiwana, ‘The essential guide to knowledge management, ‘Pearson education, 2001.
7. Ratnaja Gogula, Knowledge Management: A New Dawn-ICFAI-2002, Hyderabad.
Unit – I: Introduction: Principles of Labour Legislation; Labour Laws – Classification – Impediments in Implementation.
Unit – II: The Factories Act, 1948 – Rules and Working of the Act – Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1948, Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Unit – III: The Workmen’s’ Compensation Act, 1923 – Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Unit – IV: ESI Act, 1948, The Employees’ Provident Fund Act, 1952, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Unit – V: Labour Administration: Nature and Scope – International Labour Organisations and its Influence on Labour Legislation in India.
(Case Studies are Compulsory)
Suggested Books:
1.Mishra S.N.Labour and Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications, Allahabad.
2. P.R.N.Sinha, “Indu Bala Sinha and Seema Priyadarshini Shekhar, “Industrial Relations”, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Srivastava, IR & Labour Laws.
4. Singh: Labour Laws for Mangers, Excel Publications.
5. A.M.Sharma: Industrial Relations conceptual and Legal Framework, Himalaya Publications
Objective: to equip students with the basic information technologies available for improving business processes.
Unit-I – Introduction to Computer Concepts – Elements of computer – Classification of Computers – Basic Computer Architecture – Input-output Devices – Software Concepts: Types of software – Software: its nature and qualities – Windows Operating System Functions.
Unit – II : Information Technology: Telecommunications Channels – Twisted wire, Coaxial Cable, Fibre Optics and Optical Networks, Wirless Transmission. Network Topologies: Star Network, Ring Network – LAN, MAN and WAN. E-mail, Internet Technologies, Concept of WWW and Internet Browsing, Multimedia.
Unit-III – MS Office – Applications of MS Word in Business Correspondence: letters, tables, mail merge, labels – Applications of MS Excel: Graphs and Charts – Calculation of various financial functions – MS Access: Tables and Queries
Unit-IV – MS Power Point: Introduction – Toolbar, their Icons and Commands – Navigating in Power point – Creation of slides, animation and templates – Designing Presentations – Slide show controls – Making notes on Pages and Handouts – Printing Presentations – Customizing Presentations – Auto content Wizard.
Unit-V – E-Business and E-Commerce: Meaning, Traditional Commerce Vs. E-Commerce – Business Models for E-Commerce-B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, and Brokerage, Aggregator, Info-mediary, Community, Value Chain, Manufacturer, Advertising, Subscription and Affiliate Models.
Suggested Readings
1. Dhiraj Sharma, Information Technologies for Business, Himalaya Publications. Mumbai, 2007.
2. C.S.V.Murthy, Fundamentals of Computers, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006.
3. David Whigham, Business Data Analysis using Excel, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Mahadeo Jaiswal and Monika Mital, Management Information Systems, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
5. D.P.Goyal, Management Information Systems; Managerial Perspectives, Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi.
6. Waman Jawadekar, Management Information Systems, Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delh, 2007.
7. P.T.Joseph, S.J., E-commerce: An Indian Perspectives; 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
8. C.S.V.Murthy, E-commerce; Concepts, Models, Strategies, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004.
Minutes of the meeting of BOS with local members held on 19-09-2008 at 9 am in DCMS, with Prof. B. Ramakrishna Rao in Chair:
1. The members expressed the following practical difficulties involved in following the six-hours norm for M. Com & M.B.A. papers besides increase in the workload to each teacher teaching three papers to the extent of six hours per week.
a) Since there are seven papers in M.B.A (FT) and six papers in M.Com I Semester, the students have to stay in the class room from 8 am to 4.30 pm in the case of M.B.A (FT) and from 8 am to 3.30 pm in the case of M.Com.
b) The teachers too have to stay in the Department from 8 am to 4.30 pm along with the students, and some of the teachers have to take again evening classes.
c) Since the credits assigned to each paper relating to M.Com and M.B.A are four the workload of each paper should also be four hours.
In view of the above, the members unanimously resolved to follow the earlier norm of four hours per week for each paper for both M. Com & M.B.A (FT) courses from the academic year 2008-09.
2. Some members brought to the notice of the Chairman and to the other members the irregularities in conducting computer practicals in some colleges offering M.B.A and M.Com. In view of this, it is resolved to request the University to consider the possibility of conducting the computer practicals from the academic year 2008-09 in affiliated colleges by involving the teachers from the Department, Andhra University who are well-versed in the subject of computers.