Year 8 Biology Homework Planner Pupil Name:______Form______
1. Produce a flow diagram to explain ventilation (breathing). Use diagrams of the structures of the respiratory system and your knowledge of changes in volume and pressure.Date completed
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Points = /10 / 2. Find information about a specific type of carnivorous plant. Include information about it’s origin and why carnivorous plants evolved there.
Date completed
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Points = /10 / 3. Make a model of an organ.. Say which features are unique to this organ. How does its structure help it to do its job?
Date completed
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Points = /20
4. Write an A-Z of cells, tissues, organs and systems. E.g. A = animal cell, B = blood vessel etc…
Date completed
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Points = /5 / 5. Write an imaginative story about the life of an oxygen molecule. It’s journey must start in the atmosphere and end in some active tissue of the body.
Date completed
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Points = /10
/ 6. Write a poem or rap to explain plant reproduction. Include facts about wind or insect pollination as well as information after pollination. You may choose to do an acrostic poem.
Date completed
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Points = /5
7. Make a 3D model of a human skeleton and label the major bones.
Date completed
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Points = /20 / 8. Produce an obituary (summary of life) for Gregor Mendel. Make sure you highlight his major achievements. What was his major legacy?
Date completed
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Points = /10 / 9. Explain inherited variation without writing any words (Hint: draw some good pictures!)
Date completed
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Points = /10
Over to you – choose your homework’s for this term! You must gain a minimum of 20 points. If you gain 40 points you will receive an excellence credit! Aim to complete 1 homework per week, those homeworks which have a maximum 20 points may take two weeks. Your teacher will have a homework collection lesson each week, this is your opportunity to share your work with the rest of the class. Good luck! J