Harris Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy

(Targeted Assistance School)

The Harris Elementary Staff realizes that parents play a vital role in their children’s education. In addition, the staff recognizes that parents, at times, may also need some guidance to enhance their child’s success. We, as a staff, are dedicated to providing the best possible learning experiences for students and parents alike, within a safe and comfortable learning environment.

It is the intent of Harris Elementary School to follow the parental policy guidelines in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Harris Elementary School will distribute this policy to parents of students participating in the Title 1 program. This policy will be updated periodically.

The Harris Title 1 Parental Policy is as follows:

Ø  An annual meeting will be held at a convenient time for parents of students who are participating in Title 1, to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title 1, and to explain the requirements and parent rights of such programs. After the Title 1 Parent Meeting in Sept. 2015, we will revisit in April, 2016, to review the year and take recommendations for next year’s program.

Ø  Parents of Title students will receive the Harris Elementary School Compact, which entails the responsibilities of the staff, student and parent (guardian).

Ø  Offer meetings to explain to parents assessments used in order to monitor student progress, along with age appropriate goals for their student.

Ø  Assure parents that the Title 1/Classroom teacher work together with supplemental material to enhance their child’s learning.

Ø  Flexible number of meetings or trainings will be offered to provide parents with suggestions on helping their child at home. Please see back side of this for dates of interest.

Ø  The Title 1 program may provide materials to assist parents with setting up a homework area at home (at a parent’s request).

Ø  Parent input will be incorporated into the organization of meetings, as listed above, along with the review, improvement, and update of parental involvement policy.

Ø  Parents of Title 1 students should be made aware that the Title 1 staff works closely with the district’s literacy committee, as well as local preschools and daycares when asked for assistance in making the transition from preschool to all day school easier.

Ø  Parents will be provided other reasonable support for parental involvement activities (at a parent’s request) including the use of the www.fscp.org website which links to the Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC)

Ø  Timely communication between Title 1 staff and parents will come in the form of:

o  Newsletters or progress reports

o  E-mails and links to the Harris website

o  Phone messages

o  Parents’ visits to school, parent/teacher conferences