Monday 25th September 2017
Dear Parents,
Year 6 Able Writers Group
Your child ______has been identified as an ‘able writer’ and selected to take part in a special project being organised by the STAR Teaching Alliance – our local network of schools.
Around 60 pupils from 13 schools will meet together to work for 3 days during the academic year, along with a professional writer. This is a fantastic opportunity to further develop your child’s writing, as well as to work with other pupils locally. The 3 days will take place at Riverside Community Primary School, Tadcaster, running from 9.30am until 3.00pm. Insert your own travel arrangements here!
The dates for the project and writers involved are:
Date / AuthorThursday 12th Oct/Friday 13th Oct / Colin Parsons – fiction and non-fiction author
Thursday 8th March/Friday 9th March / Harriet Goodwin – award winning children’s fiction writer
Thursday 21st June/Friday 22nd June / Tony Walsh – performance poet
Riverside School are able to provide catering for pupils for this visit, but will need to know about numbers in advance. If you would like your child to take a school meal, please indicate using the reply slip below and remember to send £2.20 for the meal on the day. The school menus are available via the school website and always include meat/fish option, jacket potato and vegetarian option, as well as a salad bar. You may alternatively send your child with a packed meal.
Please ensure you fill in the permission slip below at your earliest convenience, so that we can plan appropriately.
Yours sincerely,
Able Writers Group 2017-2018
I give permission for my child ______of
______School to take part in the Able Writers Group 2017-2018, to be based at Riverside School, Tadcaster.
I would like my child to take a school lunch/packed lunch.
I will make appropriate arrangements to transport my child to the school on each of the days.
My emergency contact details are: ______
Any medical or dietary needs: ______
I do/do not give permission for the use of unnamed pupil photographs to be used in a press release to local news media.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Sherburn-Tadcaster-And-Rural Teaching School Alliance