Termly Overview – Autumn 1st 2014 1 Bretton street

Dewsbury WF12 9BB

Tel No: 01924 439803

Year 5Name:Form Tutor: Nazia Apa

Literacy / Numeracy / Science / Islamiya/Arabic
In Literacy this term I will be learning:
To use correct punctuation to indicate speech. To describe settings, characters and atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action. About expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely Plan my writing by identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing and selecting the appropriate form. / In Numeracythis term I will be learning:Number (place value in whole numbers) and written addition.
  • Number (place value in decimals).
  • Written addition of money.
  • Written and Mental subtraction.
  • Shapes Revise 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes and description of
properties of polygons.
  • Number, place value and written multiplication.
/ In Science this term I will explore the topic of Earth and Space. I will be learning to:
  • To describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system
  • To understand the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
  • To describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies
  • To investigate the Earth’s rotation
/ In IslamiyaI will be learning about:
  • Boycott/Loss of 2 Friends (Seerah)
  • Journey to Taif
  • Me’raj
  • Pledges of Aqabah
  • Hijrah to Madinah
  • Names of Allah (61-63)
  • How to apply verbs into sentences
  • Correct letter formation
In Arabic this term I will be learning about:
  • Getting ready for school
  • Telling the time

My Teacher is: Nazia Apa / My Teacher is:Zohra Apa / My Teacher is:Shaista Apa / My Teacher is:Shaheda Apa
Geography / ICT / Art & Design / PE
In Geography this term I will explore the topic of Rivers and people. I will be learning:
  • To locate rivers in major cities and the course of the river.
  • To investigate our local river and relate to the significance of our town.
  • To research famous rivers around the world using maps.
/ In ICT I will be learning about E-Safety.
  • Research Methods using ICT
  • Ms PowerPoint prestation on E-Safety
E-Safety Leaflets MS Publisher / In Design Technology I will be making containers with clay. I will learn:
  • To investigate different types of containers, and their uses.
  • To practise using clay modelling techniques
To create and decorate a clay container
  • To evaluate my final product
/ I will learn about striking and fielding games. I will learn how to play Rounder’s.
I will learn:
To throw and catch a ball accurately
To develop the consistency of throwing skills
To develop batting skills in Rounder’s
To develop range of fielding techniques
To develop the understanding, of the rules of
My Teacher is: Shaista Apa / My Teacher is: Sir Ml Imran / My Teacher is:Maariyah Apa / My Teacher is: Sumaiyyah Apa

If you have any questions about what I am learning in school please call my Teacher. Please remember whenschools and parents co-operate it will help to give me a better understanding of what I am learning.