Date: 24/11/17

Time: 13:10

Location: SU exec room third floor

Minutes by: Rabia Zakria

Members present:



Sam Searle

Rabia Zakria

James O’Neil

Katie White

Simranjeet Uppal

Richard Broome

Members not present:

Richard (pre-arranged)
Hannah Lonsdale

Daniel Walsh


Approval of Minutes- Approved


-Two weeks since kit room code has been changed- needs to be changed again will be done today. Check all areas are clean and today no fines given.

-Membership club fees- inform where money is going. Nadine is doing the report- will be ready before council, will be presented to SA exec before council.

-Newsletter successfully sent out inform Sam of any events or things going on around campus.

-Academic Facebook page currently in the process of being completed.

-AU ball tickets will be released next Friday- waiting marketing.


-Facebook page- using VPSA login.

-Optomfest- have emailed tutors to try to create and host this event on campus. Awaiting details and then report back to the SA. If possible to hold on campus will be using the accommodation, b4 bar, lecture halls etc. all still pending.

-Chase up pharmacy society- currently don’t have a complete committee

-Christmas dinner- event details went online currently tickets are being sold. Next week will be going to finish off decorations and final details.

-Clubs reps- been chasing clubs for more content for the newsletter.

-Welfare- working on getting committees first aid trained.

-Nadine- trying to get some events and content for international women’s week in March.

-Tuesdays- SA table in the Union


-Numbers that abstained- 2

-Did not approve- 4

-Approved- 0

-Union council will decide to approve candidate

Fresher Reps

-Pilot a scheme to get fresher’s more involved. To get a fresher involved in the committee who can help involve everyone within the club.

-Although not all clubs would use the idea the ones who would be interested in it would be successful

-Want 5 clubs and 5 societies to use this idea- engage to see if this idea works and see if it is something that can be carried through to coming years.

Walkabout Term 2

-Meeting with Dave, Scotty and Hannah to discuss the nights for next term

-Reserve dates and then split it all out with the sports clubs

-After the 6 clubs who have the contract have their dates with walkabout then additional clubs can gain their walkabout dates to host

New Societies

-Aston film society- approved by all 6 members

-Pencer- Nadine speak to MLK, currently pending

-Labour- political society. Approved by 3, abstaining by 3. Decision not made will wait until the next exec meeting.


-Next meeting go through 2 of the pending societies.

Sport Club Membership

-Issue with the £15 additional fee, however this helps support clubs with funding etc for BUCS or for clubs that are not in BUCS the funding will go to entrance fees.

Kit room Security

-Kit room fully unlocked on Wednesday last night

-Women’s football- asked for additional security cages.

-New motion to discuss moving the kit store from the additional new SU plan to under the astro. Suggest tin containers under the astro.

-Societies will gain storage

-Look at increasing additional storage for club’s kit in the new building- same size storage needed.


-Sponsor needed from other companies for remaining SU events

-Inform every one of which companies we are contacting

-M leisure sponsoring varsity, walkabout and student housing company

Khalistan Society

-Complaints society currently being frozen.

-Currently waiting the unions position on this matter.


Meeting adjourned at 14:10pm.

Next meeting: 3pm till 4pm 1st December

Action items







[Action item] / [Name(s)] / [Date] / [Status, such as In Progress or Complete]

Find out what kind of

Storage societies need

Ideas from sports clubs – Scotty, Amy and Katie

On storage

Update content for clubs

And societies

Send out a Poll for all

Societies- asking to take photos

Letter created for the raffle- Rachel