DLB Laker Booster Club, Inc. – January 5th 2015 Minutes
Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. There were ten people in attendance including all four Board Members.
Cari Olson made motion to approve last meeting minutes. Second by Shelly Giroux. All infavor, none opposed. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: Treasurer Cari Olson reported balance as of meeting date is $20,986.95.
Old Business: Nothing to report at this time.
New Business:
-Sonya Faken had brought information about an archery program that is through the North Dakota Game and Fish Departmen for Physical Education classes. Equipment for the program is $3000.00 but if the Booster Club would donate half of the amount they would match funds for the rest. It was agreed we would give the information to the appropriate faculty and if it was something they would like to do we would help support it. Jessica Rakness made motion to approve matching funds up to $1500.00 if the program was wanted. Second by Shelly Giroux. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.
-Scott Redding had contacted Sarah Fagerland about the possibility of having a 4th Grade Basketball Tournament in the spring. All the available weekends allotted to our group by the school for this spring are taken but it was discussed that we could possibly try to tie it in with the 5th and 6th Grade Tournament in the fall.
-Darla Fimrite of Burlington Electric had contacted Cari Olson wondering if we would have use for ten cases of water they had left over from Trunk or Treat that was held at Peace Lutheran. Jessica Rakness is going to contact her as we could use them for movie night.
Committee Reports:
-Movie Night (Jan 16): Chair Jessica Rakness reported that she has the movie lined up, flyers to go out at school this week and movie “tickets” to go around as well with all the appropriate information. There are also posters that she will put up in the schoolentryway and around town. Candy, chips, popcorn, and water will be served as concessions. She was going to get a permit to raffle a few prizes like last year as well.
-Men’s Rec Tournament: Sarah Glasoe reported there were six teams that played in tournament. Total revenue after expenses was $1037.03. Many teams expressed interest in a spring tournament and had told Chair Tim Smith they were glad to have a tournament in this area.
-Fun Night (April 11): Chair Sonya Faken reported she had made up the donation forms and thank you letters and is in the process of collecting donations/silent auction items. Anyone willing to help or that has a donation/silent auction item can contact Sonya. She is in the process of getting subcommittee dates set and a SignUp Genius going as this event requires MANY volunteers to pull off.
-Box Tops: Chair Sara Hughes had nothing new to report at this time. Due to December’s assembly date and Christmas Break the next winner will be at January’s assembly.
-Merchandise: Chair Amy Schaefer reported that there is still ample inventory and they are setting up at games. There had been a lot of interest in baby/toddler clothing and she will take this into consideration when next order is done.
-5th and 6th Grade Basketball Tournament: Chair Amy Benno reported that the Shot Trainer had arrived. No new tournament information.
-7th and 8th Grade Basketball Tournament (April 25-26): Chair Amy Benno reported there has been 1 paid team and 2 verbal confirmations to date.
-Staff Appreciation: Chair Amy Schaefer had nothing new to report at this time.
-Golf Scramble: Chair Sarah Fagerland had nothing new to report at this time.
-Homecoming: Nothing new to report at this time.
-Membership: Chair Sarah Fagerland reported that there had been 2 paid memberships since last meeting date.
-Calendar: Chair Cari Olson had nothing new to report at this time.
Sarah Hughes made motion to adjourn, second by Sarah Fagerland. All in favor, none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.