Cale Green Primary School
Year 4- Theme 3- Groovy Greeks
English Link up
We will spend a big part of our English for this theme working on the Stockport Children’s Shakespeare Festival. We will be using lots drama techniques to bring the story of Hamlet to life.
As well as our Shakespeare work, we will also be enjoying lots of Greeks myths and hopefully writing our own.
Maths Link up
We start the theme continuing to work on multiplication and division working on multiplying and dividing two and three digits by one digit as well as learning all times tables up to 12 x 12. We then move on to a big chunk of learning about fractions.
Cross Curricular Links
Year 4 will locate the countries of Europe focusing on Greece and the Greek islands using maps and atlases. Groovy Greeks is mainly a history topic so we will be investigating the Ancient Greeks, in particular, the legacy they left on the modern world.
Year 4 will be identifying common appliances that run on electricity. They will construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. Children will identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery. In addition, they will aim to recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit. Finally, Year 4 will recognise some common conductors and insulators.
As ever, we will continue to have Mrs Nelson coming into school on Wednesdays to do guitar lessons and will be continuing with our French studies,focusing on identifying on naming places in sentences.
Special Class Events
Year 4 Class AssemblyFriday 16th February
Hamlet Launch Workshop Wednesday 28th February
World Book Day Thursday 1st March
Maths Challenge Day Thursday 8th March
Sport Relief Friday 23rd March
Young Entrepreneurs Launch Friday 23rd March
Saturday Challenge Saturday 24th March
Easter Service Thursday 29th March
Physical Educations
Year 4will have PE on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Please help your child to develop their independence by gently reminding them to bring their kits in.
Homework is handed out on a Monday to be handed back in on a Friday. This will include spellings, grammar and maths. They will have online ‘My Maths’ where the children should aim to get over 90%. Children are also encouraged to complete some of the 3rd Theme Homework Bingo. In addition, Y4 will have guitar homework on a weekly basis.
Please encourage your child to read a little of their reading book each school evening. If they can read to a grown up as well, this would be an additional bonus. Don’t forget the Reading Bingo which will give Year 4 a new range of books to enjoy during the year.
A reminder about the strategy for learning spellings: Look-Cover- Write-Check.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to find me on the playground before or after school.
Kind regards
Mrs Sarah McHugh and Mrs Dutton
- a simple version of Hamlet