Study Guide Hematologic System & Disorders & Clinical Oncology
Hematology systemclinical oncology is an expanding science with new concepts and ideas appearing in the literature almost daily.
In this block, we will learn about the basic of hematology, disorder of blood cell which occurred in the hemopoiesis process, or during circulation process and during the destruction process of the cell, and management therapy of blood disorder. In this block, we also will learn about the basic of malignancy, epidemiology, early detection of cancer, diagnosis of cancer and management therapy of cancer including surgery, radiotherapy, and systemic therapy for better quality of life of patient with cancer.
This block will take 25 meeting to be completed, each meeting consist of introductory lecture continued by individual learning, single group discussion and self assessment, student project and ending with plenary session. In each topic there will be a list of tasks to discuss which some of them are based on a case that commonly find in clinical practice. There will also a simple clinical problem that you need to discuss and respond, each part will be given a cut of clinical information for you to be responded.
Evaluation in this block will be formative and summative. The formative evaluation is directive and will take as checklist and peer assessment, while summative will be conducted at the end of this block.
We believe that the basic of hematology and clinical oncology that you will learn in this block will impulse you to learn more about it to help you dealing with hematology problems in patients.
Good luck,
Planner team
1. Preface……………………………………………………………………………………….1
2.List of Contents……..………………………………………….…………………………...2
3.Planners Team &Lecture………………………………………………………………… 3
4. Facilitators……………………………………………………………………………. 4
5.Seven General Core Competency……………………..………………………….. 5
6. Curriculum Block: The Hematology System &Disorder & Clinical Oncology..….6
7.Time Table
- Regular class…….………………………………………………………………………..7
- English class……..……………………………………………………………………… 7
8. Meeting of student representatives………………………………………………………..14
9.Assessment method………………………………………………………………………..14
10. Student Project ……………………………………………………………………………. 14
11.Content outline and learning task……………………………………………….....………19
12.Curriculum Mapping………………………………………………………………………….48
No. / NAME / DEPARTEMENT / PHONE1. / Dr. dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
(Head) / Internal Medicine / 0811394108
2. / dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, SpPK(K) (secretary) / Clinical Pathology / 08123647413
3. / Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, SpPK / Clinical pathology / 0818566411
4. / dr. Wayan Sudarsa, SpB Onk / Surgery / 0811398971
5. / dr. Ketut Ariawati, SpA (K) / Dept. of Child Health / 08123600792
6. / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM / Internal Medicine / 081338728421
7. / Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M.Repro / Pharmacology / 081805368922
8. / dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, SpPA / Anatomy Pathology / 087862457438
9. / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 08123995536
10. / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 081803651656
NAME / DEPARTEMENT / PHONEProf. Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, SpPD KHOM / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 0811399625
Prof.Dr. dr. I B Tjakra Manuaba, MPH SpBOnk / Div Onkologi Lab Bedah / 08113937779
dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 0811394108
Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 081338728421
Dr.dr. Wayan Sudarsa SpBOnk / Div Onkologi Lab Bedah / 0811398971
dr. I Wayan Sugiritama, M.Kes / Lab. Histologi / 08164732743
Prof. dr. N Agus Bagiada, SpBiok / Lab. Biokimia / 081338338611
Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M.Repro / Lab. Farmakologi / 081805368922
dr. Tjokorda Gde Oka, MS., SpPK / Lab Patologi Klinik / 081338454245
dr. N Wiadnyana Steven Christian, SpBOnk / Div Onkologi Lab Bedah / 08123801156
Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, SpPK / Lab. Patologi Klinik / 0818566411
Dr. dr. Elysanti SpRad, / Lab Radiologi / 081805673099
dr. Ketut Ariawati, SpA (K) / Div HOM Lab Pediatri / 08123600792
dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 08123995536
dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, SpPA / Lab. Patologi Anatomi / 087862457438
dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD / Div HOM Lab. Interna / 081803651656
Drs. I MadeAdioka , Apt, M.Si / Lab.Farmasi / 081999418471
dr. Ni Putu Ekawati,M.Repro, Sp.PA / Lab. Patologi Anatomi / 08113803933
dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, SpPK (K) / Lab. Patologi Klinik / 08123647413
dr. AA Widnyana, SpA / Div HOM Lab Pediatri / 081338550049
NO / NAME / GROUP / DEPT / PHONE / VENUE1 / dr. Ni Nyoman Margiani, Sp.Rad / 1 / Radiology / 081337401240 / 3nd floor: R.3.09
2 / Dr. dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari , Sp PK / 2 / Clinical Pathology / 08155237937 / 3nd floor: R.3.10
3 / Dr.dr. I B G Fajar Manuaba, Sp.OG, MARS / 3 / Obgyn / 081558101719 / 3nd floor: R.3.11
4 / dr. Ni Ketut Sri Diniari, Sp.KJ / 4 / Psychiatry / 081338748051 / 3nd floor: R.3.12
5 / dr. Made Agus Hendrayana , M.Ked / 5 / Mikrobiology / 08123921590 / 3nd floor: R.3.13
6 / dr. Komang Ayu Kartika Sari, MPH / 6 / Public Health / 082147092348 / 3nd floor: R.3.14
7 / dr. Kadek Agus Heryana, Sp.An / 7 / Anasthesi / 081338568883 / 3nd floor: R.3.15
8 / dr. Ketut Rai Purnami, Sp.PD / 8 / Interna / 0818350703 / 3nd floor: R.3.16
9 / dr. Ni Putu Ekawati, M.Repro, Sp.PA / 9 / Anatomy Pathology / 08113803933 / 3nd floor: R.3.17
10 / dr. I Gusti Lanang Ngurah Agung Artha Wiguna, Sp.OT (K) / 10 / Orthopaedi / 0811388859 / 3nd floor: R.3.19
NO / NAME / GROUP / DEPT / PHONE / VENUE1 / dr. I Gusti Ayu Widianti , M.Biomed / 1 / Anatomy / 08123921765 / 3nd floor: R.3.09
2 / dr. I Gst.Ngr.Ketut Budiarsa , Sp.S / 2 / Neurology / 0811399673 / 3nd floor: R.3.10
3 / dr. Kadek Fajar Martha, M.Biomed, Sp.OG / 3 / Obgyn / 081236297575 / 3nd floor: R.3.11
4 / Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M.Repro / 4 / Pharmacology / 081805368922 / 3nd floor: R.3.12
5 / Dr.dr. I Made Muliarta, M.Kes / 5 / Fisiology / 081338505350 / 3nd floor: R.3.13
6 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena , Sp.PD / 6 / Interna / 081803651656 / 3nd floor: R.3.14
7 / Dr.dr. Elysanti Dwi Martadiani, Sp.Rad / 7 / Radiology / 081805673099 / 3nd floor: R.3.15
8 / dr. Ida Ayu Putri Wirawati, Sp.PK / 8 / Clinical
Pathology / 081933090039 / 3nd floor: R.3.16
9 / dr.Kumara Tini, Sp.S / 9 / Neurology / 081238701081 / 3nd floor: R.3.17
10 / Dr.rer.Nat. dr. Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi, M.Kes / 10 / Biochemistry / 081337141506 / 3nd floor: R.3.19
1..Patient care
Demonstrate capability to provide comprehensive patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the management of health problems, promotion of health and prevention of disease in the primary health care settings.
2. Medical knowledge base
Mastery of a core medical knowledge which includes the biomedical sciences, behavioral sciences, epidemiology and statistics, clinical sciences, the social aspect of medicine and the principles of medical ethics, and apply them
3. Clinical skill
Demonstrate capability to effectively apply clinical skills and interpret the findings in the investigation of patient.
4. Communication
Demonstrate capability to communicate effectively and interpersonally to establish rapport with the patient, family, community at large, and professional associates, that results in effective information exchange, the creation of a therapeutically and ethically sound relationship.
5.Information management
Demonstrate capability to manager information which includes information access, retrieval, interpretation, appraisal, and application to patient’s specific problem, and maintaining records of his or her practice for analysis and improvement
6. Professionalism
Demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities and to personal probity, adherence to ethical principles, sensitivity to a diverse patient population, and commitment to carrying out continual self-evaluation of his or her professional standard and competence
7. Community –based and health system- based practice
Demonstrate awareness and responsiveness to larger context and system of health care, and ability to effectively use system resources for optimal patient care
- Comprehend the erythropoiesis, granulopoiesis, thrombopoiesis, basic principles of haemostasis and transfusion medicine
- Apply and interpret physical examination, laboratory, and imaging diagnosis of hematology system disorders.
- Apply general principles of approach and management of patient with malignancy.
- Diagnose and manage patient with common forms of anemias and to recognize or identify common forms of white blood cell disorders.
- Diagnose and manage common forms of hemostatic or coagulation disorder.
- Diagnose and refer special patients with hematology system disorders
- Plan patient, family, and necessary community education about hematology system disorders and clinical oncology.
Sub thema 1 : Hematologic system and disorders.
Sub thema 2 : General and clinical oncology.
Sub thema 1
- Describe the biology of the hemopoetic system and its clinical implications
- Describe the general principles and mechanisms of hemostasis and coagulation
- Apply the general principles of transfusion medicine
- Recognize or identify common forms of thrombotic and thromboembolic disorders
- Recognize or identify common forms of splenic disorders (hypersplenism, splenomegaly, and spleen rupture)
- Differentiate and diagnose common form anemia
- Differentiate acute and chronic leukemias, and myelodysplastic syndrome
- Differentiate Hodgkin’s and non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Sub thema 2
- Describe the general principles of cancer genetic and cancer cell biology and immunology of cancer
- Apply general principles of prevention and early detection of cancer
- Apply general principles Clinical and Pathological approach to patient with cancer
- Describe general principles of cancer therapy
- Apply general principles of follow up, rehabilitation, palliative care, ethic and psychosocial to cancer patient.
Class / English
Class / PIC
1 / Monday
Sept, 7, 2015 / General Information
The Hematology system disorder / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
General Information
General Oncology / Intro.Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr.dr. Wayan Sudarsa, SpB Onk
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOMDr.dr. Wayan Sudarsa, SpBOnk
2 / Tuesday
Sept, 8 2015 / Laboratory picture of patient with blood cells disorder (BSC) / Intro. Lect / 08.00-09.00 / 09.00-10.00 / Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK
3 / Wednesday,Sept9, 2015 / Leukopoesis, / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. I Wayan Sugiritama, M.Kes
Thrombopoesis / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. I Wayan Sugiritama, M.Kes & Dr.dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK
4 / Thursday
Sept, 10, 2014 / Erythropoesis
Synthesis of Hb, function of blood and blood cells metabolism / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30
08.30- 09.00 / 09.00-09.30
09.30-10.00 / Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
Prof. dr. N Agus Bagiada, SpBiok
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr. Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
Prof. dr. N Agus Bagiada, SpBiok
5 / Friday
Sept, 11, 2015 / Anemia
Polycythemia / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Ketut Ariawati, SpA(K)
Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Ketut Ariawati, SpA (K) dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
6 / Monday
Sept, 14, 2015 / Information Nutritional Anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
Pathophysiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
7 / Tuesday
Sep, 15, 2015 / The diagnostic of iron deficiency anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.00-09.00 / 09.00-10.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
8 / Wednesday
Sep, 16, 2015 / Pathophysiology folic acid and B12 deficiency anemia
The diagnostic of folic acid and B12 deficiency anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
9 / Thursday
Sep, 17, 2015 / AML / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPDKHOM
ALL / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr. AA Widnyana, Sp.A
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPDKHOM
Dr. AA Widnyana, Sp.A
10 / Friday
Sep, 18, 2015 / Management therapy of iron deficiency / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M.Repro
Therapy Folic acid and B12 anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Drs. I MadeAdioka , Apt, M.Si
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M.Repro
Drs. I MadeAdioka , Apt, M.Si
11 / Monday
Sep, 21, 2015 / -Anemia on chronic disease / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
-Aplastic anemia / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPDKHOM
12 / Tuesday
Sep, 22, 2015 / Thrombositosis / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
Thrombocytopenia / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM &dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
13 / Wednesday
Sep, 23, 2015 / Principle of Hemostasis / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM
DIC, APS, / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. Ketut Suega, SpPD KHOM &dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
14 / Friday, Sep, 25, 2015 / Hemophilia / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr. AA Widnyana, Sp.A
Von Willebrand’s disease / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr. AA Widnyana, Sp.A & dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
15 / Monday,
Sep, 28,
2015 / Malignan lymphoma / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
Malignan lymphoma (diagnostic pathology) / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM&dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
16 / Wednesday,
2015 / Congenital hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinopati / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr. Ketut Ariawati, Sp.A(K)
Acquired hemolytic anemiaManagement / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr. Ketut Ariawati, Sp.A(K)
dr. Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, SpPD KHOM
17 / Thursday
Oct, 1,
2015 / Blood transfusion / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
Blood banking
(BCS) / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
18 / Friday
Oct, 2,
2015 / Multiple Myeloma, / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
MDS Langerhans cell tumor / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
19 / Monday
Oct, 5,
2015 / CLL / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
CML / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Losen Adnyana, SpPD KHOM
20 / Tuesday
Oct, 6,
2015 / Epidemiology of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Dr.dr. W Sudarsa SpBOnk
Screening of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr.dr. W Sudarsa SpBOnk
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Dr.dr. W Sudarsa SpBOnk
21 / Wednesday
Oct, 7,
2015 / Molecular biology of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / Prof.Dr. dr. I B Tjakra Manuaba, MPH SpBOnk
Immunology of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Prof.Dr. dr. I B Tjakra Manuaba, MPH SpBOnk
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / Prof.Dr. dr. I B Tjakra Manuaba, MPH SpBOnk
22 / Thursday
Oct, 8,
2015 / Management diagnostic of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. N Wiadnyana Steven Christian, SpBOnk
Management therapy and referral of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / dr. N Wiadnyana Steven Christian, SpBOnk
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. N Wiadnyana Steven Christian, SpBOnk
23 / Friday
Oct, 9, 2015 / Diagnostic pathology, tumor marker / Intro. Lect / 08.00-08.30 / 09.00-09.30 / dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, SpPA
Diagnostic Imaging
of cancer / Intro. Lect / 08.30-09.00 / 09.30-10.00 / Dr.dr. Elysanti SpRad,
Ind. Learning / 09.00-10.30 / 12.00-13.30
SGD / 10.30-12.00 / 13.30-15.00 / Facilitator
Break / 12.00-12.30 / 11.30-12.00
Student Project / 12.30-14.00 / 10.00-11.30
Pleno / 14.00-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, SpPA& Dr. dr. Elysanti SpRad
24 / Monday
Oct, 12, 2015 / Basic Clinical Skill
(Clinical Pathology) / dr. Sianny Herawati, SpPK& dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
25. / Tuesday
Oct, 13, 2015 / Basic Clinical Skill (Pathology Anatomy) / dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, SpPA
dr. Ni Putu Ekawati, M.Repro, SpPA
26 / Wednesday
Oct, 14 2015 / Silent Day
27 / Thursday
Oct, 15, 2015 / Evaluation / Team
In the middle of each block curriculum, a meeting is held among the student representatives, facilitators, and resource person of the block. The meeting is to discuss about the effectiveness of on going teaching and learning processes, facilitators and lectures as a feedback to improve process. This meeting is held on…( schedule to be advise).
Assessment in this thema consists of:
SGD: 5 %
SP (review article): 15 %
Final exam: 80%.
Format Paper (Article Review)
(subject/topic: choose from compentency list)
Faculty of Medicine
Udayana University
- Introduction (Pendahuluan)
- Content (Isi, sesuai topik yang dibahas)
- Summary (Ringkasan)
- Refferences: (Daftar Pustaka, minimal 10, 5 tahun terakhir)VanCouver style,
Punnonen K, Irjala K, Rajamaki A. Serum transferrin receptor and its ratio to serum ferritin in the diagnosis of iron deficiency. Blood. 1997;89(3):1052-7.
Libby P. The Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In: Braunwald E, Fauci A, Kasper D, Hoster S, Longo D, Jamason S (eds). Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. 15th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2001. p. 1977-82.
WHO. Clinical Use of Blood. Geneva: WHO 1998. [cited 2005 July]. Available from: .
10-15 pages, 1.5 spasi, Times new romance 12
NO / TOPIC / GROUP1 / Patophisiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia / 1
2 / Acute Lympoblatic Leukemia / 2
3 / B12 Deficiency Anemia / 3
4 / Chronic Myeloblatic Leukemia / 4
5 / Aquired Hemolytic Anemia / 5
6 / Interpretation of Complete Blood Count Result / 6
7 / Polycytemia / 7
8 / Laboratory Screening for Hemostasis / 8
9 / Multiple Myeloma / 9
10 / Hemophilia B / 10
11 / Promotion and Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia / 11
12 / Transfusion Reaction / 12
NO / TOPIC / GROUP1 / Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia / 1
2 / Acute Myeloblatic Leukemia / 2
3 / Chronic Lympoblatic Leukemia / 3
4 / Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia / 4
5 / Epidemiologi, Screening and diagnositic Of Cancer / 5
6 / Congenital Hemolytic Anemia / 6
7 / Hemophilia A / 7
8 / Limphoma / 8
9 / Anemia on Chronic Disease / 9
10 / Idiopatic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) / 10
11 / Aplastic /Hypoplastic Anemia / 11
12 / Von Wilebrands Disease / 12
The Schedule for Student Project Presentation
NO / Date / Topic / Learning Situation / Regular Class / English Class / Lecture1. / Thursday Oct, 1, 2015 / Limfoma (English class)
Acute Myeloblatic Leukemia (English class)
Aquired Hemolytic Anemia (regular class)
Polycytemia (regular class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr Tjokorda Gde Dharmayuda, Sp.PD KHOM
2. / Friday Oct, 2, 2015 /
- Patophisiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia (regular class)
Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia (English class)
Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia (English class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena, Sp.PD
3. / Monday, Oct, 5, 2015 / Congenital Hemolytic Anemia (english class)
Hemophilia A (English class)
Hemophilia B (regular class)
Acute Lympoblatic Leukemia (regular class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. AA Widnyana, SpA
4. / Tuesday, Oct, 6, 2015 / Chronic Lympoblastic Leukemia (english class)
Chronic Myeloblatic Leukemia (regular class)
Multiple Myeloma (regular class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. Losen Adnyana, Sp.PD KHOM
5. / Wednesday Oct, 7, 2015 / Anemia on Chronic Disease (english class)
Idiopatic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) (english class)
Aplastic /Hypoplastic Anemia (english class)
Von Wilebrands Disease (english class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. Losen Adnyana, Sp.PD KHOM
6. / Thursday Oct, 8, 2015 / Interpretation of complete blood count result (reguler class)
Laboratory screening for hemostasis(reguler class)
Promotion and prevention of iron deficiency anemia
(reguler class)
Transfusion reaction (reguler class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)
7. / Friday
Oct, 9, 2015 / Epidemiologi, Screening and Diagnostic Of Cancer (English class) / Student Project / 12.30 – 14.00 / 10.00 -11.30 / Dr. Winarti, SpA/dr. Elysanti, Sp.Rad
NOTE : Presenter will be choosen by moderator on site
Article Review Assessment Form
Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University
Block: Hematology systems & disorders and clinical oncology
Name : ______
Student No. (NIM): ______
Facilitator: ______
Title: ______
Time table of consultation
Point of discussion / Week / Date / Tutor sign- Title
- Refferences
- Outline of paper
- Content
- Final discussion
- Paper structure :7 8 910
- Content:7 8 910
- Discussion:7 8 910
Total point: ( A + B + C ) : 3 = ______