NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart

Year 4 Summer Term unit 1 – Place value

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Begin to multiply by 100 / Use vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers and the symbols > < and = correctly
Give a number lying between two given numbers and order a set of whole numbers less than 10 000 /

Round any positive integer less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100. Estimate calculations by approximating

Main Teaching /
TF 157-158

TF 54-56

/ TF 72-75
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 158
1 Multiplying by 10 and 100
2 Multiplying by 10 and 100
Textbook page 39 TF 168 /

Pupil Activities TF 55-56

1 Using < and > signs
Textbook page 6 TF 59

Pupil Activity TF 75

1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating
Textbook p10 TF 76
Support / Pupil Activities TF 158
2 Multiplying by 10 and 100 /

Pupil Activities TF 55-56

3 Ordering number cards /

Pupil Activity TF 75

1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating
First list all the numbers involved in the questions and ask pupils to work together to round each one to the nearest 100. They must then use this information to complete the sheet.
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 158
1 Multiplying by 10 and 100
Ask pupils to select three cards and multiply the three-digit number they create by 10 then 100. /

Pupil Activities TF 55-56

2 < and > dominoes
Play in pairs /

Pupil Activity TF 75

1 Pupil Sheet 10 Approximating
Having made their approximations, ask the pupils to find the actual answer to each question using a method of their choice.

Year 4 Summer Term unit 2 – Addition and subtraction 1

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust / Use number facts and place value to add or subtract any pair of two digit numbers, including crossing the 10s boundary /

Understand the principles of the associative law as it applies to addition

Develop written methods for column addition of two three-digit numbers / Refine written methods for column addition by ‘carrying’ below the line / Develop and refine written methods for column addition of more than two whole numbers less than 1000
Main Teaching /
TF 93-94
TF 123-124 /

TF 88-89

TF 126-127 / TF 109-110 /

TF 110-112


TF 112-113

Core Activities /

Pupil Activity TF 94

1 Adding game using dice and cards
Textbook page 16 TF 96

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Textbook page 25 TF 128 /

Textbook page 12 TF 91

Textbook page 26 TF 128

Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. /

Pupil Activity TF 110

Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first /

Pupil Activities TF 112-113

1 Pupil Sheet 19 HTU + TU/HTU, no bridging/bridging 10
2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template /

Pupil Activity TF 113

1 Pupil Sheet 20 Template
Textbook pages 23-24 TF 114
Support /

Pupil Activity TF 94

1 Adding game using dice and cards
Label the die 11, 21, 31, 19, 29, 39 and provide a set of cards showing two-digit numbers less than 50.

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Provide a 0 – 100 number line to help pupils find the answers / Textbook page 12TF 91
Provide a 0 – 100 number line for support.
Textbook page 26 TF 12
Provide pupils with a 0 – 100 number line for support. Allow them to make jottings to help them find each answer. /

Pupil Activity TF 110

Pupil Sheet 18 Expanded recording, least significant digits first
Provide pupils with place value cards to make each question and support their calculations. /

Pupil Activities TF 112-113

1 Pupil Sheet 19 HTU + TU/HTU, no bridging/bridging 10 /

Pupil Activities TF 113

1 Pupil Sheet 21 HTU + TU/HTU, bridging 100
Extension /

Pupil Activity TF 94

1 Adding game using dice and cards
Provide cards with some three-digit numbers on.

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Ask the pupils to create their own set of domino cards using pupil sheet 96 and swap with a friend to arrange. / Textbook page 12TF 91
Ask the pupils to answer all the questions mentally and time themselves to see how quickly they can find all the answers. Ask them to explain to each other how they found each answer.
Textbook page 26 TF 12
Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. Give pupils a set of 0 – 100 cards. Ask them to select two cards and find the difference between them. Time themselves to see how quickly they can complete ten questions. /

Pupil Activity TF 110

Give pairs of pupils a set of three-digit place value cards. Shuffle each set of cards and take it in turns to pick cards to make two three-digit numbers. Add them together and record using the expanded vertical method. /

Pupil Activities TF 112-113

2 Pupil Sheet 20 Template /
Extension Textbook page E3
TF 118

Year 4 Summer Term unit 3 – Addition and subtraction 2

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Develop and refine written methods for column subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000 / Use knowledge of sums or differences between odd and even numbers
Use written methods for column addition and subtraction of two whole numbers less than 1000 /

Develop and refine written methods for money calculations

/ Choose appropriate ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper). Check results of calculations, including using knowledge of sums and differences of odd and even nos / Use all four operations in word problems involving ‘real life’ and money using one or more steps
Choose appropriate number operations and appropriate ways of calculating to solve problems
Main Teaching /
TF 143-145

TF 128

/ TF 246-247 /

TF 127-128


TF 248

Core Activities /

Pupil Activities TF 143-144

1 Pupil Sheet 27 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 10
1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100

Pupil Activity TF 145

1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template
Textbook page 34 TF 148 /

Textbook pages 28 TF 128

Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers by using rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers. Provide a set of questions for them to check and use as the basis of their poster.


Pupil Activities TF 246

1 Connection cards Pupil Sheet 96
2 Finding total costs
Textbook page 64 TF 249

Pupil Activities TF 247

1 Change from £20 practical work
2 Pupil Sheet 55 Change from £20
Textbook page 65 TF 249 /

Textbook pages 27-28 TF 128

Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers, e.g. by using the inverse operation or rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers. Provide a set of questions for them to check and use as the basis of their poster. /

Textbook page 66 TF 250

Support /

Pupil Activities TF 143

1 Pupil Sheet 27
With the pupils as a group partition the numbers involved in each question before letting the pupils complete them independently.

Pupil Activities TF 144

1 Pupil Sheet 29 Expanded recording, two-/three-digit numbers, exchanging 100
2 Pupil Sheet 28 Template
Give further practise of exchanging a 10 or 100 if necessary before giving examples of doing both. / Textbook pages 28 TF 128 /

Pupil Activities TF 246

1 Connection cards Pupil Sheet 96

Pupil Activities TF 247

1 Change from £20 practical work
First ask the pupils to lay out the notes and coins that could be used to pay the exact price for each CD. / Textbook pages 27-28 TF 128 /

Textbook page 66 TF 250

Provide the pupils with coins and notes to enable them to answer the questions practically.
Extension /

Pupil Activities TF 143-144

1 Pupil Sheet 27
Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in pairs ways in which they could make the calculations quicker. Discuss their ideas as a group.

Pupil Activity TF 145

1 Pupil Sheet 28 Template
Give the pupils some similar questions and ask them to discuss in ways in which they could make the calculations quicker, building on ideas from the previous exercise. / Textbook pages 28 TF 128
Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers by using rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers. /

Pupil Activities TF 246

2 Finding total costs
Ask pupils to select three or four items and find the total cost. Given four items ask them to find all the combinations there are of buying 2 then three items from the selection.

Pupil Activities TF 247

2 Pupil Sheet 55 Change from £20
3 Pupil Sheet 56 Change template
Ask pupils to put their own prices on the blank sheet and swap with a partner to solve. / Textbook pages 27-28 TF 128
Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers, e.g. by using the inverse operation or rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers. /

Textbook page 66 TF 250

Provide pupils with pictures of items that the shop sold labelled with their price. Tell them they had £10 to spend and they must decide on the items they would like to buy and what the total cost would be. Repeat allowing them £20 spending money.

Year 4 Summer Term unit 4 - Measures

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Begin to recognise ¼, ½, ¾ and tenths of 1 litre in millilitres
Use, read and write litre (l), millilitre (ml) and pint
Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure capacity / Know ¼, ½, ¾, 1/10 of 1 litre in millilitres /

Know and use relationships between familiar units of capacity

Record readings from scales / Use all four operations to solve measurement word problems / Use all four operations to solve word problems involving numbers in ‘real life’ or measures
Main Teaching /
TF 373-374

TF 375-376

/ TF 376
Core Activities /

Textbook page 101 TF 377


Textbook page 102 TF 377


Pupil Activity TF 376

1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres
Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres
Provide pupils with some containers. Ask them to estimate the capacity of each to the nearest 10ml. They must then see how accurate their estimates were by measuring.
Support /

Textbook page 101 TF 377

Provide the pupils with cards with the comparisons of q2 written on. Work with the pupils as a group and fill a measuring jug to the amount of each container. Decide which card matches the amount in the jug. /

Textbook page 102 TF 377

Provide the answers to the questions on cards and ask pupils to work in pairs to place the cards against the right questions. /

Pupil Activity TF 376

1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres
Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres
Extension /

Textbook page 101 TF 377

Ask pupils to use four containers not already used in q1. They must estimate to the nearest 50ml the capacity of each container and then measure to see how accurate they were. /

Textbook page 102 TF 377

Provide pupils with some containers with a capacity of 500ml or less. Ask them to first estimate then measure how many times each container could be filled up from a litre jug. /

Pupil Activity TF 376

1 Pupil Sheet 83 Millilitres
Pupil Sheet 84 Millilitres
Ask pupils to use litre jugs to measure out 1l of water and then other materials such as pasta or rice. They must then estimate how much each material will weigh. They then check their estimates and put the litres of materials in order from lightest to heaviest.

Year 4 Summer Term unit 5 – Shape and space

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes. Understand and use the associated language / Classify 2D shapes according to their lines of symmetry /

Sketch the reflection of a simple shape or pattern where the sides of the shape do not touch the mirror line (lines all parallel or perpendicular to the mirror line). Know that equivalent points are the same distance from the line of symmetry. Revise the use of co-ordinates

/ Make patterns by repeatedly translating or reflecting shapes. Know that rows on a grid are described as horizontal, columns as vertical / Use co-ordinates to describe position
Translate and reflect shapes
Main Teaching /
TF 405-406

TF 406-407

TF 402
Core Activities /

Textbook page 110 TF 408


Pupil Activities TF 407

1 Pupil Sheet 87 Line symmetry
2 Making symmetrical patterns
Textbook page 111 TF 408 /

Textbook page 109 TF 404

Support /

Textbook page 110 TF 408

Give pupils mirrors to use to help them decide on their answers. /

Pupil Activities TF 407

1 Pupil Sheet 87 Line symmetry

Textbook page 111 TF 408

Provide a sheet with the first part of the patterns already drawn on. Allow pupils to use mirrors to help them complete them. / Textbook page 109 TF 404
For q2, ask pupils to make the shapes and show you them but not draw them.
Extension /

Textbook page 110 TF 408

Ask pupils to draw their own designs similar to those in q3 that have 1/2/3 lines of symmetry. /

Pupil Activities TF 407

2 Making symmetrical patterns

Textbook page 111 TF 408

Provide pupils with reference books showing symmetrical patterns from art or other cultures, e.g. Rangoli patterns or Islamic art. Ask pupils to pick one they like and try to recreate it. / Textbook page 109 TF 404
Ask pupils to make up their own patterns with shapes on dotty paper.

Year 4 Summer Term unit 6 – Angles and position

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360o and a quarter turn is 90o
Start to order a set of angles less than 180o / Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees
Make and measure clockwise and anticlockwise turns /

Make and measure clockwise and anticlockwise turns

Recognise position and directions
Recognise simple examples of horizontal and vertical lines
Main Teaching /
TF 415-416

TF 414-415

Core Activities /

Textbook page 117 TF 418


Textbook page 116 TF 418

Support /

Textbook page 117 TF 418

Provide pupils with an enlarged version of the diagram and toy people to position and move to help answer the questions. /

Textbook page 116 TF 418

Provide pupils with an enlarged version of the diagram and toy people to position and move to help answer the questions.
Extension /

Textbook page 117 TF 418

Ask pupils to make up their own words using the letters on the wheel and then give directions to write each word starting from C each time. /

Textbook page 116 TF 418

In pairs ask pupils to make up their own map and write some questions similar to those on the textbook page. Swap with another pair to answer

Year 4 Summer Term unit 7 – assessment week

Year 4 Summer Term unit 8 – Properties of numbers

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, up to the tenth multiple / Solve mathematical problems and puzzles.
Recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict
Explain methods and reasoning about numbers orally and in writing /

Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, up to the tenth multiple

Solve mathematical problems and puzzles.
Recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict
Explain methods and reasoning about numbers orally and in writing / Use this year’s calendar / To be able to read and use timetables. Use correctly am and pm and the notation 9:53
Main Teaching /
TF 315-317

TF 327-328


TF 343

Core Activities /

Textbook page 80 TF 321


Textbook pages 83-84 TF 328


Textbook p89 TF 343

Support / Textbook page 80 TF 321
Provide pupils with a set of 1 – 100 cards. Ask them to find all the multiples of 5 then 10. Ask them to find 10 multiples of 3 and then 4. / Textbook page 83 TF 328
Put the answers to each question on flashcards. Ask the pupils to work in pairs and match each card to a question.
Textbook page 84 TF 328
Allow pupils to write down all the days that are included in each time duration and use this to help count the total number of days, and hence weeks, for each question. /

Textbook p89 TF 343

Using a large analogue and digital clock face, work with the pupils and use the clock to answer the questions orally.
Extension / Textbook page 80 TF 321
Give pairs of pupils a set of 20 two-digit cards all multiples of 2,3,4,5 or 10. Ask them to lay them out face down. Pupils take it in turns to say what multiple they want e.g. ‘ I want a multiple of 3’. They then turn one card over and if it matches their statement they keep it. If not they turn it back again. The winner is the person with the most cards. / Textbook page 83 TF 328
Give pupils a current calendar. Ask each pupil to write down the date of five events happening in their lives this year (e.g. birthdays). Swap events with a partner who has to find out the day of the week each event will take place on.
Textbook page 84 TF 328
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing dates in the year. Pupils take it in turns to pick two cards and find the number of weeks and days between the two dates. /

Textbook p89 TF 343

Ask pupils to introduce an evening boat to the timetable and decide on its arrival and departure times from each place. They must then create some questions about their new timetable for another pupil to solve

Year 4 Summer Term unit 9 – Multiplication and division 1

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
NNF Objectives / Use known facts to multiply and divide, including by 10 and then by 100
Use doubling and halving, starting from known facts / Use the relationship between multiplication and division /

Round up and down after division depending on context

/ Use all four operations to solve word problems involving numbers in ‘real life’ money and measures using one or more steps / Understand distributive law
Main Teaching /
TF 171-173

TF 216-217

/ TF 225-226 /

TF 248


TF 171

Core Activities /

Pupil Activity TF 173

1 Pupil Sheet 39 Beyond tables, mental strategies for x4, x5, x20
Textbook page 45 TF 175 /

Textbook page 56 TF 220


Textbook page 60 TF 227


Textbook page 66 TF 250


Pupil Activity TF 171

1 Pupil Sheet 38
Beyond tables by 2, 3, 4 or 5
Support /

Pupil Activity TF 173

1 Pupil Sheet
Discuss the strategies for each section with the pupils as a group and complete the first three questions in each section together before asking pupils to complete the rest of the sheet. /

Textbook page 56 TF 220

For each question, provide the pupils with cards showing the numbers involved and the operations x, ÷ and =. For example, 42, 6, 7, x, ÷ and =. Ask them to work in pairs and arrange the cards to make true statements. /

Textbook page 60 TF 227

Read through the questions with the pupils as a group and decide on the calculations that need doing for each one. Allow pupils to use informal methods to find their answers. /

Textbook page 66 TF 250