Year 2 – Spring Terms 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview

Our themes for the next two terms are ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and “Spring”.

We will continue to develop reading and writing skills, alongside which we will make an information book, answer questions through report writing an extended story around our themes. / NUMERACY
Our Numeracy work will include counting on and back in steps of different sizes. We will also choose and use appropriate operations and calculations strategies to solve word problems (including money). Please practise telling the time with your child whenever you can as well as discussing different units of measure.
We will be using maps, atlases and Google Earth to locate British Heritage sites. The children will be learning about British Heritage and what it means. We will be visiting Abington Park, having a medieval day and visiting Warwick Castle to learn more about ways of life, entertainment and jobs in the past. / SCIENCE - We will be finding out about the science behind how a drawbridge and portcullis works and investigating the best material to build our own castles with.
D.T - We will be looking at how a drawbridge and portcullis works and then design and make our own! We will also be making our own dragons!
The children will be drawing and painting their own coat of arms, using ideas from our research. They will then transfer their coat of arms to an ICT package to print onto a T-shirt! / ICT
We will be continuing to learn how to use the internet safely – please go to,.uk to find out more. We will be using the internet to research our theme. We will also be using a graphics package to handle and interpret data.
Please make sure you have PE kit for outdoors with trainers or plimsolls that fit! / Please ensure your child has kit on the correct day.
Miss Edwards’ class have PE on a Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Penny’s class have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday.

We will round off our theme with a medieval feast in Abington Park, to which you will be invited!

Thank you for your continued support – Miss S Penny and Miss L Edwards

Teacher PPA
Our PPA cover for both classes is Thursday afternoon. Mrs Stephenson will teach in Miss Penny’s class and Mrs Smith will teach Ms Edwards’ class.
Please continue to read books and complete weekly homework sheets with your child. / Barry Primary School

Year 2
Spring Terms 3 and 4

Our themes are
‘Dungeons & Dragons’ and “Spring”