Year 4 Medium Term Planning

Week / Maths topic covered / TS / Objectives covered /
1 / Place Value
Ordering numbers / TS1
(3 days)
(2 days) / ·  Understand what each digit represents in a 3- or 4-digit number
·  Write place-value related additions and subtractions, e.g. 256 – 50 = 206, 3047 + 200 = 3247
·  Locate 3- and 4-digit numbers on land-marked lines, 100s or 1000s labelled, and on empty number lines
·  Round three-digit numbers to the nearest 100
2 / Multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 times tables
Multiplication and division (including commutativity, and rounding up or down after division) / TS3
(2 days)
(3 days) / ·  Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, up to the tenth multiple
·  Revise multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables, and learn corresponding division facts. Learn multiplication facts for the 9 times table
·  Look at patterns, investigate general statements
·  Multiply single digits by single digits and 10, and divide by the same (answers no greater than 10) including remainders
·  Use commutativity to find the easier way to multiply
·  Begin to decide whether to round up or down after division
·  Use the relationship between multiplication and division
3 / Shape – properties of 2-d shapes
Shape – symmetry / TS_S1
(5 days) / ·  Recognising and understanding properties of 2-d shapes
·  Draw polygons and classify them, identify their properties including line symmetry, right angles and whether they are regular or not
4 / Mental and written addition of two- and three-digit numbers / TS5
(5 days) / ·  Revise adding any pair of two-digit numbers (totals more than 100) by partitioning and recombining
·  Revise adding three-digit and two-digit numbers together.
·  Choose to partition and recombine or to count on in tens and ones, when adding two numbers, include reordering (e.g., 41 + 54, add 40, then 1 to 54)
·  Begin to use expanded vertical addition to add pairs of three-digit numbers (not crossing 10s, 100s or 1000), and then those where the ones digits total more than 10.
5 / Subtraction including finding a difference
Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than 4-digit numbers / TS6
(4 days)
(first day) / ·  Find a difference between near multiples of 100, e.g. 304 – 296.
·  Subtract a small number crossing 100, e.g. 304 – 8.
·  Derive quickly pairs of two-digit numbers with a total of 100, e.g. 72 + □ = 100.
·  Use complements to 100 to find differences between two- and three-digit numbers, e.g. 137 – 72.
·  Choose between counting back in tens and ones (J10) and finding a difference bridging 100 (T100) to subtract
·  Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than four-digit numbers
·  Count on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s from four-digit numbers to add and subtract
6 / Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than 4-digit numbers
Reasoning and explaining / TS7
(last 2 days)
(3 days) / ·  Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than four-digit numbers
·  Count on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s from four-digit numbers to add and subtract
·  Solve mathematical puzzles
·  Explain methods and reasoning orally
Half term
7 / Measure, reading scales Length – measuring using centimetres, metres and kilometres
Handling data / TS_M1
(3 days)
(2 days) / ·  Interpret intervals and divisions on partially numbered scales and record readings accurately
·  Choose and use standard metric units and their abbreviations when estimating, measuring and recording length
·  Know the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli'
·  Where appropriate, use decimal notation to record measurements (e.g. 1.3 m)
·  Answer a question by identifying what data to collect
·  Organise, present, analyse and interpret data in tables, diagrams and tally charts, using ICT as appropriate
·  Organise, present, analyse and interpret data in pictograms and bar charts, using ICT as appropriate
8 / Doubles and multiplying and dividing two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers / TS9
(5 days) / ·  Derive quickly doubles of all whole numbers to 50, and corresponding halves
·  Use place value and known doubles to double any two-digit number
·  Multiply multiples of 10 to 90 by a single-digit number (e.g. 70 x 4 = 4 x 70 = 4 x 7 x 10 = 280)
·  Begin to multiply two-digit numbers by single digit numbers, using well-known multiplication facts and place value, e.g. 24 × 3
·  Divide two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, using chunking, e.g. 39 ÷ 3
9 / Ordering and finding fractions of shapes and numbers / TS10
(5 days) / ·  Find tenths, fifths and eighths, then several tenths, fifths and eighths of shapes, strips and sets of objects
·  Use diagrams to identify simple equivalent fractions, to compare fifths and tenths, halves, quarters and eighths, and to find two fractions with a total of 1, e.g. 1/8 and 7/8 or 1/5 and 4/5
·  Begin to relate finding unit fractions to division and use to find ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5 or 1/10 of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
10 / Time: Read time to nearest minute on digital and analogue clocks
Handling data – collecting and displaying information to do with time – especially days/months/weeks. / TS_M2
(3 days)
(2 days) / ·  Read the time to nearest minute on digital and analogue clocks
·  Use am, pm and 12-hour clock notation
·  Choose units of time to measure time intervals
·  Answer a question by identifying what data to collect
·  Organise, present, analyse and interpret data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, using ICT as appropriate
·  Organise, present, analyse and interpret data in pictograms and bar charts, using ICT as appropriate
11 / Problem solving / TS11
(5 days) / ·  Solve word problems, single and multi-step (all four rules)
·  Use ordered lists/systematic working to find all possibilities
·  Use reasoning skills to solve problems and explain decisions
12 / Assess and review / TS12
(5 days) / ·  Locate 3- and4-digit numbers landmarked lines (1000s labelled)
·  Understand what each digit represents in a 3- or 4-digit number
·  Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than four-digit numbers
·  Begin to use expanded vertical addition to add pairs of three-digit numbers (not crossing 10s, 100s or 1000), and then those where the ones digits total more than 10
·  Derive quickly pairs of two-digit numbers with a total of 100, e.g. 72 + □ = 100.
·  Use complements to 100 to find differences between two- and three-digit numbers, e.g. 137 – 72.
·  Begin to multiply two-digit numbers by single digit numbers, using well-known multiplication facts and place value, e.g. 24 × 3
·  Divide two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, using chunking, e.g. 39 ÷ 3

Scroll down for Mixed Age Range

Y3/Y4 Mixed Age Range Medium Term Planning

Week / Year 3 / Year 4 /
1 / TS1: Place Value: 3-digit numbers and writing money (£3.46) (3 days)
TS2: Ordering 3-digit numbers and locating these on a landmarked number line (2 days) / TS1: Place value – 4-digit numbers and writing money (£3.05) (3 days)
TS2: Ordering 4-digit numbers and locating these on a number line
(2 days)
2 / TS3: Addition and subtraction facts, adding several numbers; revise using number facts to add and subtract units in 2-digit numbers and to bridge ten
(5 days) / TS3: Multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 times tables
(2 days)
TS4: Multiplication and division (including commutativity, and rounding up or down after division) (3 days)
3 / TS_S1: Shape – Properties of 2-d shapes; describe, visualise, classify and draw and make the shapes Shape – Draw and complete 2-d shapes with reflective symmetry; draw the reflection of a shape in a mirror line along one side (5 days) / TS_S1: Shape – recognising/ understanding properties of 2-d shapes; draw polygons and classify them
Shape – symmetry (5 days)
4 / TS4: Knowing doubles to 20, doubling 2-digit numbers, using near doubles to add two numbers (2 days)
TS5: Adding two 2-digit numbers by partitioning and recombining (3 days) / TS5: Mental and written addition of two- and three-digit numbers (5 days)
5 / TS6: Subtracting using bridging tens, place value and number facts (3 days)
TS7: Adding and subtracting near multiples of ten (2 days) / TS6: Subtraction including finding a difference (4 days)
TS7: Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than 4-digit numbers (1 day)
6 / TS8: Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than any 2-digit or 3-digit number (2 days)
TS9: Reasoning and explaining - Solve mathematical puzzles, explain methods and reasoning orally (3 days) / TS7: Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than 4-digit numbers (2 days)
TS8: Reasoning and explaining - Solve mathematical puzzles, explain methods and reasoning orally (3 days)
7 / TS_M1: Length – measuring using centimetres, metres and kilometres, including ordering 2- and 3-digit numbers (3 days)
TS_D1: Handling data - use tally charts, frequency tables, bar charts (2 days) / TS_M1: Measure using scales
Length – measuring using centimetres, metres and kilometres, including ordering 2- and 3-digit numbers
(3 days)
TS_D1: Handling data - use tally charts, frequency tables, bar charts (2 days)
8 / TS10: Multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables
(3 days)
TS11: Multiplication and division (including commutativity, grouping and finding a remainder) (2 days) / TS9 Doubles and multiplying and dividing two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers (5 days)
9 / TS11: Multiplication and division (including commutativity, grouping and finding a remainder) (2 days)
TS12: Ordering and finding fractions of shapes and numbers (3 days) / TS10: Ordering and finding fractions of shapes and numbers; relating fractions to division (5 days)
10 / TS_M2: Time: use units of time and begin to tell the time to nearest five minutes on digital and analogue clocks (minutes past) (3 days)
TS_D2: Handling data – collecting and displaying information to do with time – especially days/months/weeks
(2 days) / TS_M2: Time: Read time to nearest minute on digital and analogue clocks
(3 days)
TS_D2: Handling data – collecting and displaying information to do with time – especially days/months/weeks.
(2 days)
11 / TS13: Problem solving: solve word problems (all four rules); use ordered lists/systematic working to find all possibilities (5 days) / TS11: Problem solving: solve word problems (all four rules); use ordered lists/systematic working to find all possibilities; use reasoning skills to solve problems and explain decisions
(5 days)
12 / TS14: Assess and Review (5 days) / TS12: Assess and review (5 days)

Y4 Links to Renewed Framework Objectives

2006 Renewed Framework Objectives / Hamilton Maths Objectives
Using and applying mathematics
Solve one- and two-step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time; choose and carry out appropriate calculations, using calculator methods where appropriate
Represent a puzzle or problem using number sentences, statements or diagrams; use these to solve the problem; present and interpret the solution in the context of the problem / Problem solving
Solve word problems, single and multi-step (all four rules)
Use ordered lists/systematic working to find all possibilities
Use reasoning skills to solve problems and explain decisions
Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy needed to follow it; collect, organise and interpret selected information to find answers / Reasoning and explaining
Solve mathematical puzzles
Use ordered lists/systematic working to find all possibilities
Explain methods and reasoning orally
Identify and use patterns, relationships and properties of numbers or shapes; investigate a statement involving numbers and test it with examples / Investigating
Recognise multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, up to the tenth multiple.
Look at patterns, investigate general statements
Report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving explanations and reasoning orally and in writing, using diagrams and symbols / Reasoning and explaining
Solve mathematical puzzles
Explain methods and reasoning orally
Counting and understanding number
Recognise and continue number sequences formed by counting on or back in steps of constant size / Locate 3-digit numbers on landmarked lines and ENL
Locate 4-digit numbers on a 0-10 000 landmarked lines (1000s labelled)
Count on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s from four-digit numbers to add and subtract
Partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers; use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line; state inequalities using the symbols < and >, e.g. –3 > –5, –1 < +1 / Understand place value of four-digit numbers, and write related addition and subtractions
Find 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than four-digit numbers
Round three-digit numbers to the nearest 100
Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and partition decimals; relate the notation to money and measurement; position one- and two-place decimals on a number line
Recognise the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths / See equivalence between 1/2 and 5/10,and 1/5 and 2/10.
Begin to relate finding fractions to division
Use diagrams to identify equivalent fractions, e.g. 6¤8 and 3¤4, or 70¤100 and 7¤10; interpret mixed numbers and position them on a number line, e.g. 31¤2 / Revise finding ½, ¼, ¾, 1/10s, 1/8s and several tenths/eighths of numbers.