Boy Scouts Troop 474
Parents' Committee Meeting
May 13, 2008
Julie ThompsonBob Czaplinski
Tracy AsherJim Arnold
Audrey OakesScott and Nancy Payne
Julie ThompsonDoug Wollen
Lisa and Jeff PikeBob Hoffman
Louis and Penny McGranaghanPete Logar
Jim StrongPat Coffman
Matt Forrell
Paul Fujii
Scott Gilyeat
Meeting was called to order by Pat Coffman, our new parents' committee chair. He replaces Doug Wollen, our previous committee chair. Thank you Doug for your service to the troop. Welcome Pat!
Committee Leadership:
We have new woodcutting chairs! Thank you!
Uniforms position open (position would manage box of uniforms, and doesn't involve a lot of work)
Treasurer's Report:
$1,085 collected from woodcutting.
Still collecting fees for summer camp. 27 of 50 spots filled.
LNT had their outing
couple of other odds and ends
audit done recently, and everything comes out okay
motion to approve the report, seconded, voted and approved
Outings Report:
big outing was the Evergreen Aviation Museum, it was a big success!
LNT went well in the snow. Four adults and lots of boys certified.
Schedule Review:
Bob Hoffman reviewed schedule
Camporee sign-up ends tonight and gets turned in the 16th. Pat Coffman encouraged parents to sign-up. There will be helicopters, Civil War re-enactment, Dutch over cook-off, etc. Kent has invited a Webelos den to come.
Rainier climb is the same weekend.
Submarien outing is postponed till the fall (perhaps)
Tyke Hike is second week of July, with Thorp Lake trip at the end. Perhaps other destination will be needed.
18-20 of July is an Anaconda car camp trip.
August is pretty wide open.
Question asked as to when troop leadership would change. Kent is looking at elections being after summer camp.
Round Table Report:
Pat reported there was some discussion about summer camp and how one troop organizes, using name tags, etc. Pat gave Audrey some info. about this.
Camp Parsons 90th celebration is this year. $5 a personJune 21st. Lots of festivities will occur.
NYLT week long camp in August focusing on leadership. Boys have to be recommended by Kent to go.
47th Eagle Recognition Banquet coming up soon
Memorial Day, Tahoma National Cemetery looking for boys to help
Cub Scouts Day camp looking for Scouts to help.
6/12 Round Table is at St. Stephen the Martyr Social Hall. Recognition of volunteers will occur.
Scoutmaster's Report:
Summer camp has 27 of 50 spots filled. Boys are encouraged to sign up!
Class one uniforms are to be worn on every outing. Permission slips will change to reflect changes. Page two can be photocopied
Troop used to have close relationship with pack 474. Pack is looking for den cheifs. kent will talk to boys tonight. Den cheifs typically become patrol guides when den moves over.
50 miler will be later in the summer/fall
tyke Hike: someone will do a check of traditional spot 6/6-6/7
Open Time:
National Trails Day- Lake Fenwick Park is undergoing major renovation, June 7th big presentation (same weekend as camporee)
Fuel Policy:with the increasing price of gas, some parents are paying a lot of money for gas. discussion of how to be fair in charging the boys to help offset the cost. We may have a "drivership:" line item in the budget to make sure boys who can't afford to help pay towards gas still have the opportunity to go on the outings. We can make up a form to be used. We could consider a small/medium/large distance for outings and have a fuel fee based on distance. Or, perhaps a set amount per mile (eg 20 cents a mile). Suggestion made to have a time limit, perhaps 30 days out from outing, for drivers to make requests for reimbursement. Jeff Pike to work with Kent and Pat on setting up a proposal, put into trial with review at July meeting.
Audrey shared that adult recognition is underway, and is working with Kent on it. District awards will be incorporated, as will fun awards.
Audrey shared that a Board of Review class will be offered at the next meeting, for those parents who sit on Boards of Review for the boys.
6/10 there will be a short term outing class, with what parents need to know (resources, etc.) Same night will have a patrol Dad Orientation class
First Aid Kits: Audrey proposed that the troop get 1-2 First Aid Kits that patrols can check out for outings. They are about $40 each from REI, and each takes cvare of about eight people. Proposal voted on and approved.
Discussion of having the Quartermaster position job re-instated.
Julie T. (non-treasurer) shared samples of trading cards that can be used for outings. Will be presented at next COH.
Forest passes have expired. Recommendation to have new ones purchased. Voted on, passed, and approved.
District commissioner and Unit Commissioner visited.
Minutes from previous meeting re-viewed and approved.
Minutes submitted by: Tracy Asher