Issue 2 / 25th September 2015
A Message From the Headteacher:
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to meet more of you at the leadership team evening last week. For those of you who were not able to make it I hope you can fill in the survey that I have sent out – we would love to include your views in our school vision.
I am pleased to report that the school council members for each class have now been elected. Their first meeting will be on Tuesday 29th September and they will be developing all of the vision ideas. Watch this space to see what they come up with! I hope you enjoy the sunshine this weekend, and the rugby if you are watching!
Best wishes,
Headteacher /
P.S. Ask these children what they did to make their teacher say :
Year 3: Jason G. Lillie-Maude H. Year 4: Amelia F. Ingrid S. Year 5: Will, Elliot, Ashton M, Max andIsabel W Year 6: Daniel P. Catherine W. and Freddy A.
We have had a few queries about homework this term. We are long overdue a review of the homework policy and we want to ensure that the homework we are setting is useful to the children. It should develop their independence and encourage them to be curious. Until we have reviewed the policy we will not be setting homework tasks. This does not mean that there is no homework! Every child should still be working on their spellings and reading on a daily basis as well as practising mental maths skills. We will inform you of any changes we make in due course. /
Apologies for the delay in getting clubs up and running. We will be running a number of clubs over the year but not all of these will be able to start this term due to the teachers having a number of other commitments. This term we are offering:
- Year 3 and 4 Football on Monday lunchtime – this will be alternate weeks for different year groups.
- Reading Football on a Monday after school – there is a charge for this club as it is run by external coaches.
- Gardening club on a Wednesday after school.
- Explorers Club on a Thursday lunchtime with Mrs Burt (for all years)
- Netball club on a Thursday after school with Mrs Curran
- Digital leaders club on a Friday lunchtime with Miss Charlesworth (by invitation only)
Data Collection:
At the beginning of next week there will be a data collection sheet coming home. Could all parents please check the information carefully so that we are informed of any necessary changes. We need to ensure that our records are up-to-date. Please return the sheet (even if there are no changes needed) to the office by 2nd October. /
Harvest Festival:
We would like to invite you all to come along to our Harvest Festival celebration on Wednesday 7th October at 9am. More details to follow… /
Parents’ Evening
Parents’ evening will be taking place on Tuesday the 6th and Thursday 8th October. The sign-up sheets for appointments will be available in reception from Monday morning onwards. Please come and sign up for an appointment. /
We currently have some vacancies to join the team including a position for a member of lunchtime staff and a School Business Manager. For more information please see the school website. /
Changes to dates for the diary:
- We will be celebrating Armistice day on November the 11th. As part of this children will be able to come into school dressed in red, white and blue. We will also be supporting the poppy appeal and selling a range of products.
And finally some reminders…
- Year 6 need to return their bikeability forms by Tuesday 29th September so that the groups can be arranged. The course will run during the weeks commencing the 5th and 12th October. Exact days for your child will follow in information next week.
- PE kit should be in school from Monday to Friday – sometimes we need to alter the timetable and won’t be doing PE on the days you expect!
- All jewellery should be removed for PE. It is extremely dangerous to do PE with earrings in. Please remove these on PE days or ensure your child removes them. If you are happy for your child to tape over their earrings then you need to do this in the morning – we are not able to tape everyone’s ears before they take part in the lesson! Please note that this is not recommended as it does not prevent accidents.