Year 3/4 Tennis Scheme of Work
Week 1Lesson Objectives (LO):
To understand the basic movement & forehand technique / Main theme: Movement & Forehand
Warm ups- Whistle commands- jogging, sprints, backwards, sidesteps/lateral, hop, skip and arm rotations
Balance ball/keep ups/hit downs
Throw to throw- Under arm to racket in forehand style (both rackets on floor & try and land it on the partners racket- 1 point if you/your parents hits the racket)
Floor tennis- Rolling the ball to partner using forehand style with racket
Bounce, hit, catch- 1st player bounces the ball, hits the ball to partner who then catches it and repeat 5/6 times
Skills practice: Target tennis with cones, 1st game no racket & throwing and 2nd with racket / Differentiation:
Progress students onto rallies who are completing the task easily
Use a hoop for a target area for the students & 1 point if it lands inside the hoop / Teaching Points:
-Low to high, finish above shoulder & start below waist
-Skim top of the ball with racket
-Sideways stance & shoulders width apart
-Ready position
-Soft/bendy knees
Week 2
To be able to understand & perform the backhand technique / Main theme: Backhand
Warm ups- Shadow movement (copy opponents movements in court movement)
Throw to throw- Underarm to partners racket in backhand style (2 handed throw)
Floor tennis- Hitting the ball on the floor by skimming the ball to partner using backhand style with racket
Bounce, hit, catch- 1st player bounces the ball, hits the ball to partner who then catches it & repeat 5 times
Skills practice: Target tennis with cones, 1st game no racket & throwing and 2nd with racket / Differentiation:
Progress students onto rallies who are completing the task easily
Use a hoop for a target area for the students & 1 point if it lands inside the hoop
One handed backhand / Teaching Points:
-Low to high, finish above shoulder & start below waist
-Skim top of the ball with racket
-Sideways stance & shoulders width apart
-Ready position
Week 3
To be able to understand why we use the volley in Tennis & to perform a volley with good technique / Main theme: Volleys
Warm ups- Movement warm up.. 1) High 5 with right hand, 2) High 5 with left hand, 3) Left foot, 4) Right foot, 5) Two feet
Throw to throw- Overarm/underarm throw to hit partners racket
Throw, hit, catch- 1st player throws the ball underarm to partner who then volleys the ball back to partners hands & repeat 5 times
Volley’s (keep it up)- Partners hit the ball to one another without hitting the ground.. Step back if too easy/add score or bring it closer together if struggling.
Skills practice:Living wall- Square shape with half the students on the outside holding racket above head (for volleys) & half students in middle throwing the ball underarm towards them / Differentiation:
Progress students onto rallies who are completing the task easily
Feed the ball to different areas for the volley; e.g, above head/below waist/out wide. / Teaching points:
-Always on our toes
-Step into volley with opposite foot
-Eye on the ball
-Do not let the ball bounce!
-One hand on the racket
-Racket starts below waist
-Push into ball for power
Week 4
To be able to serve the ball underarm & to recognise why precision is more important than powerful serves / Main theme: Serving
Warm ups- Tick-tock jumping- One cone, two players and partner called tick (jump left) & tock (jump right) catching the ball
Reactions game with ball (high 5’s)
Serve to target- Serves the ball underarm and at partners racket on the floor (use hoops)
Serving continuously in pairs- one person starts serving and play the rally out. Swap over with 4 goes each
Four areas game- in a boxed out area there are four kids within their own area and they have to hit the ball to another area using any technique. Ball can only bounce once. / Differentiation:
Hit the serve on the full (without bouncing)
Aim for target area infront of partner (three cones etc)
Students have to hit every other shot with a backhand. / Teaching points:
-Drop the ball to the floor/racket
-Keep eyes on the ball at all times
-Low to high, finish in line with chest area
-Back into ready position once served
Week 5
To apply the ground strokes & serve that have been learnt into a mini game. / Main theme: Combining skills learnt & games
Warm ups - Widths- jogging, sprints, backwards, sidesteps/lateral, hop, skip and arm rotations
Going over the skills learnt the last 4 weeks (forehand, backhand, volley, serving). Starting with a rally with key focus being on control and accuracy, aiming for partner.
Skittles- In pairs, children have three cones each at their feet and they have to try and aim the ball using any ground stroke learnt in the past weeks.
The ladder game- Split Netball court in half with net in the middle and use tape either side of net. There is 12 players playing a singles game (one each side of the net) and play first to three points. There will be kids waiting on the side to come on once a slot becomes available. Can use ‘centre court/no.1’ or ‘Wimbledon/US/French Open’. / Differentiation:
Students have to hit every other shot with a backhand.
Explain to me the scoring in Tennis and how it operates. / Teaching points:
-Ball can only bounce once.
-Eye on the ball at all times.
-Ready position
Week 6
To apply the ground strokes & serve that have been learnt into a mini game / Main theme: Games
Warm up- ‘Beans on toast’ & Balance ball/keep ups/hit downs
King/Queen of the court- Doubles matches, first to three points and winning team move to other side of the court if win. Challengers start opposite side and try to beat them!
Jailbreak- I start one side of the court and feed the ball to the first pupil who tries to hit the ball over the net and into the marked out area (court). If they do this successfully they go to the back of the line, however if they hit it out/hits the net they join me in jail. Pupils who are in jail have to catch the ball in the air or one-hand-one-catch in order to break free & have another go at hitting. / Differentiation:
Students have to hit a winner with a volley. / Teaching points
-Ball can only bounce once.
-Eye on the ball at all times.
-Ready position
-Two goes at serving
-React to each point/game