Communication and Participation- The Key to Unity and Self-Support

Panel 1

Communication and Participation:

  • Sharing the Message of Service
  • Our Key to Keeping A.A. Strong
  • Leadership in A.A.: Building Communication

Prison work

Listed meetings and activities on island of Hawaii, Puna district and

Central office


Reach out to the newcomer

Valuable and informs the newcomer especially Sponsorship workshops

Be welcome to the newcomer

Avoid cliques

Kupunas or elders develop or nurture new leaders

Bleeding deacons-Impose their leadership or views upon the groups

Elder statesman-sharing comes when you need it the most, always there

Keep ego out of it

General Service Workshop

Co-operate with other districts

Leadership through example-powerful

Leaders speak from the I

Focus-do one job well-stay committed

Essential for leaders to be humble

Let others find their way – don’t interfere

Panel 2


  • Our Common Welfare should come first
  • Principles Before Personalities
  • Diversity: Reaching Out to All Alcoholics

Groups need to be available for newcomer

Trust higher power

Comes from 1st tradition

Individual welfare comes a close 2nd

Go to meetings when I don’t want to

Disease gives a distorted sense of self

Essential to newcomers being a part of the group

Workers among workers

Group inventory very helpful, healing to develop group unity

Unity means “we”

Part of what service is about

Leaders unify!

Make A.A. commitment a priority when something more fun comes along

We grow into unity

Put principles before my personality-takes courage

Get out of the 2nd grade

Pray to not judge others

Struggle for all alcoholics

Feeling fear is not unity

Fear is separation

Join a steering committee- you will find out about principles, personalities

Carry the message not the mess

Sometimes my personality is the problem

Take you own inventory

One dollar for me, one dollar for the person who doesn’t give

PRAASA experience-native people drunk on the street-not reached

Diversity is more than translations and group Specific pamphlets

Words we use are important

Share you culture

Language of the heart, love, kindness transcends culture, language barrier

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Look inside self for prejudges, pre-judgments

Want A.A. to be there for anyone who needs it

Be patient- miracles happen when we don’t give up

Panel 3


  • Self-Supporting Through Members Voluntary Contributions Only
  • Contempt Prior to Investigation
  • Responsibility to Communicate and Participate

Hopefully the day will come when voluntary contributions will be our sole support

Not broke-don’t’ fix it!

Finance committee knows more than we do

Trust our trusted servants

A full service group is attractive to those looking for home group

Refusal to take direction

Honest, Open-mindedness, Willing

Hope those who scoff will stay long enough to pray

Investigation is important

Ignorance causes confusion

Sick people /sick organization

Strong sponsorship is important

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Listen more than you talk

Broken thinking slowly healing

Keep coming back- experience a new freedom

Grateful to those who came before us

General Service is fast track to growth

Strength comes from living experience

Live positively one day at a time

Every thing comes back to unity

Reach out to others-accept them

Don’t boss-share

Collective decisions are important to unity

Panel 4


  • Discuss request that a Finance Kit be developed to assist group, Intergroup/central offices, district and Area service workers in carrying the message of our shared responsibility for the Seventh Tradition
  • Consider the request to “Discuss the benefits and liabilities, both spiritual and practical, of funding the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous solely by the voluntary contributions of A.A. members and A.A. groups, that profits from literature sales will no longer be used to fund our General Service Office. Further, consider a procedure for gathering input from the fellowship as a whole and prepare a report on these discussions for the 2009 Conference.”
  • Discuss Self-Support

Yes- Finance kit would be helpful

Would be easier for those new in Finance

Yes to anything that would help those new in service (Finance)

What is the cost of the kit?

What is the A.A. need?

Caravan to meetings and inform them of what Area, District, GSO does

Our communication in this area needs improvement

Book sales are a contribution by members

Look and seek group conscience continually

Add to 7th tradition long version a statement from A.A. World services

What services would suffer at GSO by only member’s voluntary contribution

Buying literature is self-support

Where’s the issue?

Membership can’t be complacent about literature sales

We need continued dialogue

Shouldn’t be dependant on outside entities for revenue

Prosperity & abundance is more than money

Members give time, energy

Depend on traditions and concepts rather than codified policy

When the fellowship is informed of the need- members respond

Dialog needed at Area level on budgets and needs

How much can we afford?

We discuss issues over - we always have new people rotating in

Put an extra dollar for those who don’t give

Businesses for profit (Hazelton) make money on our literature

Important that group treasurer understand where the money goes

Stay out of fear about money!

Panel 5

A.A. Grapevine

  • Consider publishing two CDs of stories from La Vina on Traditions One –Twelve
  • Reconsider the 2007 General Service Conference Committee Advisory Action recommending that:

“The Grapevine and la Vina include a section on

The medical, legal and social aspects of

Alcoholism, with an appropriate disclaimer”

  • Discuss the A.A. Grapevine’s legacy of self-support
  • Consider ways to increase awareness of the Grapevine and La Vina’s roles in the fellowship today

Yes-publish two Cds for La Vina –traditions one thru twelve

Several Publicationsare on the horizon

Will compliment sales of La Vina and move in the direction of self-support

Gray pages will inform the medical field more about A.A.

Bridges the gap between A.A. and the medical field

Will help close the distance between the 1.1 million members we have and 17 million alcoholics there are that in U.S. and Canada that are untreated

Mis-informs newcomers

Medical information always changes

Look at the intention of the “gray pages” not the letter of the law

Co-operate w/ medical, legal field

Need more variety in the stories

Doctor’s opinion –important to the newcomer

“Gray pages” does not imply endorsement

Grapevine is the international journal of A.A.

Allow the freedom for the grapevine staff to make the decisions

Trust our trusted servant on this issue

Separation between the medical and spiritual is good

No- traditions state we stay away from affiliation real or implied

Avoid future problems by not having “gray pages”

Will tear out “gray pages” before I give to newcomer

Keep it simple

No presentation

Have a Grapevine Rep at the home group

Keep it light- Ham & Rye

Keep to stories by A.A. members for A.A. members

Grapevine Workshop

Grapevine meetings

Sponsor subscriptions

Panel 6


  • Consider a request to change the title of the pamphlet “44 Questions” to “FAQ” subtitled to Frequently Asked Questions About A.A.”
  • Consider a request to reinstate the pamphlet “Letter to a Woman Alcoholic”.

Title is confusing

FAQ is a street term for Fxxx –you

People don’t like FAQ- don’t know what it is

Suggestion- 44 Frequently Asked Questions

Consensus- Get rid of FAQ

Yes- New/old timers could relate

Majority of those asked thought that pamphlet not be re-instated but re-written and include stories from A.A. women


Describes women drunk as fat, blousy, get sober be more attractive, get husband

Feed-back-good nuggets but found in other literature

Erroneous or deceptive information

Panel 7

Public Information

  • Discuss the 2002-2006 General Service Conference Advisory Actions regarding replacement and production of television P.S.As.
  • Consider proposed text for anew section on posthumous anonymity in the pamphlet “Understanding Anonymity.”
  • Consider request that a wall poster with information about Alcoholics Anonymous be created for placement in school guidance counselor offices.

Support Proposal to review PSAs before discontinuing

Posthumous anonymity – decision to be made by family and wishes of the deceased

Bill & Dr. Bob’s anonymity broken after death with permission

In favor of individual making their own decision

Schools already inundated with anti-drinking literature

Poster beneficial for teens and teachers who may have a problem

Poster would be helpful

Ask the teen today for ideas

Literature for teenagers is geared to 5 yr. olds and insulting

Support kids in starting their own A.A. meeting

Sounds like we are creating a temperance movement

If poster could save one kid –it is worth it

Young people think posters are dumb

Information should come from Ala-teen

Poster should contain information about A.A for School guidance counselors

Posters could be defaced and have negative impact

Have information on My Space

Teens don’t need posters

Posters not effective

Posters would need to be distributed by an active P.I. Committee

Want more evidence that poster would be effective

Need more information/background

Poster could go into health room

Will only reach schools that have an active P.I. Committee

No need to create a poster


Message of A.A. sometimes not known by those who work in the field

Anything that would inform others about A.A. is good

Literature is neutral-works well

Sounds like a printing or publishing seminar

Message of A.A is carried by one alcoholic talking to another

What is the cost?

P.I. is already accomplishing this

Poster may plant the seed for sobriety even though teens make fun at first

General consensus was against the poster but not overwhelmingly so

Panel 8

Report and Charter

The A.A Service Manual, 2007-2008 Edition:

  • Consider a paragraph titled “District Information” for inclusion in chapter three
  • Consider a suggestion to place a glossary of terms used in the A.A. Service Manual and the Twelve Concepts for World Service after the text of the A.A. Service Manual and directly preceding the index.

A.A. Directories (Canada, Western U.S. and Eastern U.S.):

  • Consider listing the online Intergroup of A.A. (OIAA) in the new section titled “Online Intergroups” under the section “International Correspondence Meetings” in the A.A. Directories where “Online Meetings” appear, and include the online intergroup web site and email addresses.

Need to reflect accurate information

Revisions need to update

Teaches new GSRs what service is about

Glossary-great, very helpful

What is the cost?

List in A.A. directories

Too much money spent on revising the Service Manual

Spend money and time carrying the message

Panel 9

Treatment Facilities

  • Discuss the possible development of Conference-approved literature and/or service material to stimulate A.A. members’ interest in Treatment Facilities Twelfth Step work.
  • Discuss a proposal that the pamphlet, Bridging The Gap (BTG), be rewritten to reflect that the BTG program is used in both Treatment Facilities and Corrections service work

Pamphlet unchanged since 1991

While doing 12 th step work have some sobriety, don’t do it alone

Contacts thru BTG are temporary only

Person released from treatment facilities/prison same intention- stay sober

While doing prison work- be punctual and well groomed

Contact newcomer while still in treatment

Inform new person about the big book, the different formats in the meetings

Explain Home Group and sponsorship

Need sponsors to pass it on

Suggest sponsees get involved with BTG program

Read “Coming of Age”

This is just another pamphlet we are not going to read and takes away from sponsorship

Are correction workers aware of the BTG program?

Don’t give medial advice

Be welcoming and encourage attendance at A.A. meetings

Be familiar with what A.A. is and what A.A. is not

No solicitation

Yes re-write and include prisons, everyone should have the opportunity to recover

A.A. has huge population that comes from treatment centers

Two major issues- not easy to mix treatment center and corrections work

Many newcomers have other problems-drugs

Enough pamphlets already!

Treatment facilities try to impose their ways on the A.A. 12th stepper

No to pamphlets!

Didn’t get sober from a pamphlet

Firm believer in pamphlets

Need more education about BTG at home group

More effective than pamphlets is the excitement of the A.A group being represented in treatment facilities

Service provides the opportunity to face fear and challenge self

Pamphlets have niche and explains A.A position

People learn different ways

Pamphlets supplement the message carried by us

Essential to give to others what has been given to us

Panel 10


  • Review report from the trustees Committee on Nominating regarding Nominating Procedure No. 9 (“Guidelines for Hiring General Manager, G.S.O.”) and length of service of General Manager, G.S.O.
  • Discuss request to revisit the 2007 General Service Conference Advisory Action to consider all eligible Class A and Class B trustees when selecting the Chairperson of the General Service Board.

Don’t tie the hands of General Service board trustees negotiating term of service for the next GM

Spirit of rotation still valid for GM

General Manager requires a different skill set

Best interest of A.A. for GM to serve at will of the Board

Keep it simple

Abide by spiritual principles, these principles apply to everyone

Controversy over issue being re-visited

There is no written restriction on Class B trustees being considered as Chair of the GSB

No evidence that the present system is working badly

Class A trustees are rich source of wisdom and can appear in public, newspapers, etc.

The most qualified candidate should be chair no matter if class A or class B

Trustees are the best qualified to determine length of service

Trustees are volunteers, have passion for A.A.

GSM is a special situation- against rotation

Common practice for head of organization to rotate

Term of service is O.K.

No time limit for GM position

Change is hard for alkies

Trust in God- we are not in control

No time limit for this position

Best for A.A that a Class A trustee to be chair so they can be the face of A.A. if needed in the public arena

If its not broke- don’t fix it and waste the conference time

Class B-why not? Assign someone else to be the face

Time to try fresh ideas

Anonymity issue will be dealt with

Clearly articulate the term of service for the new GM

Qualifications are most important factor


  • Discuss ideas for making A.A. archives and history more readily available to the Fellowship in
  • The future.

GSO Archives staff is readily available via phone and internet

Loosening of the Archives Committee policies would assist in more ready access for the fellowship

Archives staff could be more flexible in their office hours

Internet is a possibility but there are concerns

What is in place is sufficient

Panel 11

Workshop-Love and Tolerance, Now Than Ever

  • What does the face of A.A, look like? Is there diversity in my group,district,area, at the conference? If not what can or should be we do about it?
  • How are Twelfth Step calls being made these days?
  • What challenges have you faced while participating in A.A. service with placing principles before personalities? In terms of love and tolerance, how well or badly did you deal with theses challenges

Are we welcoming?

What about people who smell?

Atheist or Agnostic?

Gay or from another culture?

Self-important because of your service position?

Don’t put a wall between the message and the messenger

Learned principles from those I didn’t like the personality

Not enough 12th step being done

Do I talk to the tough ones or am I afraid?

Treatment changed the face of 12th step work

GSO needs to create more time and energy to do 12th step work

Ask myself-what can I do to help the newcomer?

The word tolerant is arrogant, doesn’t go with who we are and A.A as a whole

Reach out to someone different than myself

Ask more about them and less about myself

Race, color, creed so shallow! We have other reasons not to like each other!

Get deeper and get over it!

Concentrate on similarities, not differences

All children of God- all deserve love no matter race, religion of orientation

Keep my side of the street clean

Love one another like there is no tomorrow

God is in charge

We will get here when it is time

Carry the message

Program works for those who are given the gift of desperation

Talk about slogans, promises-not pamphlets

Pray first, get in God’s car and do the 12th step work

Alcoholism is no respecter of persons

Listen to the little voice-“take him to a meeting”

You have no idea who is going to help you

Go to any lengths to carry the message

Area 17 is doing a great job on 12 step calls

Every day is an opportunity to do 12th step work

Share ideas more between fellowships

Why should I love someone more or less they are in A.A. or not in A.A.?

Fear stops love

It is important to listen to ideas that make me feel uncomfortable and open to ways of thinking different than my own. Helps me to examine my blind spots