YEAR 2 OVERVIEW (3 pages)

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
ENGLISH / Traditional tales Instructions
Poetry / Letters
Information texts, Narrative – stories with a familiar setting / Poetry
Stories by the same author. / Writing for the puppet show – scripts , adverts, tickets
Instructions (how to make a puppet)
Recount of the show / Information texts.
Fantasy stories -
story planning and writing fantasy story / Story writing
Letter writing - transition
MATHS / Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measures, Geometry: properties of shape, Geometry: position, direction and motion
SCIENCE / Animals inc humans (offspring, basic needs, keeping healthy) / Animals inc humans (offspring, basic needs, keeping healthy) / Uses of everyday materials (suitability, changing shapes) / Uses of everyday materials (suitability, changing shapes) / Plants (growing/health) / Living things and their habitats
Throughout the year -Ask simple questions. Observe closely. Perform simple tests. Identify and classify. Suggest answers to questions. Gather and record data.
Maths Data Objectives:
- interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables
- ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each category and sorting the categories by quantities
- ask and answer questions about totalling and comparing categorical data
HISTORY / The Great fire of London
The plague / Why do we remember Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole?
Geography / Our United Kingdom and its weather / Geographical vocabulary (human and physical) through fiction text – Katie Morag / Geographical vocabulary (human and physical) through fiction text – Katie Morag / A contrasting locality overseas (area of Amazon rainforest and our local woodland) / A contrasting locality overseas (area of Amazon rainforest and our local woodland)
Geographical skills and fieldwork –on-going across the year
R.E / Festival and
celebration-Light and food / Festival and celebration –Light and food / Festival and celebration –Light and food / Festival and celebration –Light and food / Festival and celebration –Light and food / Festival and celebration –Light and food
D and T / Making a house
(History) / Making a house
(History) / Puppet making for show (English) / Puppet making for show (English) / Moving vehicles / Moving vehicles
Art and design / Drawing/Painting / Printing/Textiles / 3D work/ Making Connections
P.E / Dance
Gymnastics/Outdoor games / Dance
Gymnastics/Outdoor games / Dance
Gymnastics/Outdoor games
Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to
apply these in a range of activities. Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Perform dances using simple
movement patterns
PHSE / What keeps me healthy? / Keeping safe in the home (fire) / Boys and girls- families / Boys and girls- families / Working and playing together / Medicines and me
1) Programming a sprite to move around the screen / 2) Exploring how computer games work / 3) Digital Photography / 4) Researching and Presenting a topic / 5) Sending, receiving and replying to emails (inc. how to stay safe doing so) / 6) Collecting and organising data
Class lesson / London
(Famous Londoners and Events)
Unit 5 exploring pitch
Traditional London songs
City-inspired composition / Puppets
Unit 3 exploring duration
Pinocchio puppet song/colour score (boomwhackers)
Further notation/symbols / Rainforest
Unit 7 Exploring tempo, timbre, dynamics
LEARNING OUT OF SCHOOL / Tower of London – tour and workshop / TBC / TBC