KEY NAMES- Charles Booth: found that 30% of population in London were in poverty
- Seebohm Rowntree: researched in York & worked out poverty line (poor when you have kids & grow old)
- New liberals: Asquith, Churchill & L-George- argued the government should help the poor
- Salvation army, charity led by William Booth
- Churchill- new liberal, minister for navy in WWI, PM in WWII
- Lloyd George- chancellor of the exchequer, author of the liberal reforms, PM in WWI
- Asquith- Liberal Prime minister, until replaced by L-George
- Queen Victoria- opponent of votes for women
- Suffragists NUWSS- National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, fought for votes for women lawfully
- Suffragettes WSPU-Women’s Social & Political Union, impatient suffragists who were prepared to be illegal
- Millicent Fawcett- leader suffragists
- Emeline, Sylvie, Christabel Pankhurst- leader’s suffragettes
- Emily Davison- died at Epsom derby
- FANYS- first aid nursing yeomanry (army nurses)
- Canary’s- female munitions workers
- Kitchener- minister for war in WWI, face of famous ‘Britain wants you’ poster
- Tribunal- pacifist newspaper, shut down in WWI
- Pals Battalions- groups of friends who joined & fought together
- Rudyard Kipling & H.G. Wells- writers who wrote propaganda in WWI
- Kaiser- King of Germany
- Boer war- 1/3 of recruits were too unfit, a stronger working class would help army &industry
- School meals act & medical inspections-helped some young people
- Young persons act- gave young people stronger legal protection than adults
- Old age pensions- for those 70 or above
- Labour exchanges- early job centres, matched unemployed to businesses
- Trade boards- tried to improve wages & conditions
- National insurance acts- for sickness & unemployment
- 1910 Black Friday- 190 suffragettes beaten and arrested by police on march
- 1913 Epsom derby- Emily Davison died under the feet of the King’s horse
- 1913 cat & mouse act: suffragettes on hunger strike were released then rearrested when they ate
- Defence of the Realm act 1914- BST, licensing hours for pubs, reserved occupations
- Military service act 1916- allowed the government to bring in conscription
- Representation of the people act 1918- gave women the vote
- Laissez faire- belief that people should sort their own problems out (without government)
- Poor law- only help available for poor before liberal reforms. Set up work houses.
- Workhouse- building where poor work in return for food & shelter. Harsh conditions.
- Causes: liberal reforms: Booth & Rowntree, warning from Boer war, German example, new liberalism, civic pride, win working clas vote, rise of Labour
- Civic pride: pride in ones city e.g. cities competed to provide best facilities
- Separate spheres- the idea that men should work, women have family
- Reserved occupations- jobs important to war effort (e.g. oal miners, farmers)
- Rents control act- concern over price rises led to this law in 1915
- Conscientious objector- someone who believes war is wrong (e.g. pacifists)
- BST- British standard time, moving clocks forward adds an hour to the working day in winter
- Closing time- pubs closed during the day, to help workers productivity
- U boat- submarine
- Reparation- money to repair damage from war
- Right to serve- suffragette campaign for women’s work in WWI
1830s poor laws ended worst problems of 1800s
1897 NUWSS (suffragists) form
1899-1902 Boer war
1900 Labour party formed
1901 study of town life: York. Rowntree’s report, published.
1903 Life & labour in London- Booth’s report, published
1903 WSPU: suffragettes form
1906 Liberal party win election
1906 school meals act
1907 school medical inspections
1908 children & young person’s act
1908 old age pensions
1909 trade boards
1909 budget (battle with Lords)
1910 Black Friday
1911 National insurance act
1913 cat & mouse act
1913 Epsom Derby
1914 Defence of Realm act
1914 whitby, scarborough, Hartlepool bombarded by German navy
1915-17 zeppelin air raids
1915 rent control act
1915 suffragettes: right to serve’
1915 Bryce report=German’s make soap from corpses!
1916 conscription
1917 department for information
1917-18 food riots (rationing)
1918 by now 6 million women in work
1918 representation of people act