Yarmouth-Dennis Soccer Club, Inc.
Attendance Sheet & Agenda
September 17, 2014/ @ George Davis, Inc
7:00 pm
President Daniel Bach
Secretary/ Rec director, William Terranova
Registrar/ Treasure, Scott Maclean
Travel Director, George Davis
Tops Director, Julie Edwards
Uniform Coordinator, Susan Colgan
In attendance: Dan Bach, Julie Edwards, Deyse Riker, Scott Maclean, George Davis, Sue Colgan, Evan Cohan, Melissa Burgess, Billy Terranova, Scott Santos
Meeting began at 7:05
After call to orderPresident Dan Bach discussed vacant or anticipated vacant positions. These positions included:Rec Director, Registrar, Travel Director: Vice President and Fields Coordinator. After discussing the duties and requirements of the positions. The board discussed who may be good fits for these positions. At that point Presidetn dan Bach appointed attending members to the positions listed below:
Rec Director: Deyse Riker
Registrar: Evan Cohan
Travel Director: Vacant
Vice President: Melissa Burgess
Fields Coordinator: Scott Santos
- Review Minutes fromAugust 6, 2014
Minutes were approved
- Treasurer’s Report
- Treasurer Scott reported on the current accounts. He reported that there was a $9500.97 income for August
- The board remarked that the treasurer reports are much more in depth than previous months/years.
- George Davis suggested budget planning for future years. The board agreed to work on this and Scott recommended beginning this process in April.
- A big thank you/appreciation from the Board was given to Scott for his work
- Jon Volpe has offered training for system. Tht will not
- Report was accepted
- SCSL Meeting Recap/Travel Director Report
- George reported that Travel Soccer was offered in the Fall for the 1st time this year. YDSC was not involved, but the board discussed the potential to get involved next fall 2015. The Board discussed which age groups, potentially U8 or U10 through U18. This was tabled for next meeting.
- George reported that the SCSL stipends will no longer continue. Stipends are not utilized in any other league. SCSL will adopt a re-imbursement model for travel expenses for Board Members.
Motion was made for YD Soccer to support new amendments. It was unanimously approved based on George Davis' recommendation
- Travel soccer was discussed in relation to payemtn for Board Members. George reported that registration is covered by the league for BOD but uniforms are not.
We will register Winter 2 Session.
- Travel team tryouts and registration was then discussed by the Board. Members discussed moving tryouts to one day. However, President Dan Bach reported that we have never cut players except for those that have no or very little soccer playing experience. A motion was made to move travel soccer from a tryout registration toan open registration process. Discussion about motion about moving to open registration instead of tryouts. George reported that regardless of decsion November 1st will be close date. Board agreed to ove forwardon the notion with the inclusion of a provision stating "Final selection of teams will be discretion of YD Soccer Club. Refunds will be issued if players are not able to play."
Motion was voted upon and unanimously approved.
- Board discussed next steps:Travel Flyer will be amended by George Davis. Poster will be created and posted on the field instead of flyers being sent home.
- Board discussed the need for travel coaches- 2 Boys U10, 1 Boys U14, 1 Boys U18 1 G U10, 1 G U11, 1 G U12, 1GU14, 1 G U16
- Board discussed travel soccer fees will be $80 till Oct 7th and $90 till Nov 1. Several members felt this was not enough time for early registration sign-ups. It was decided that if email goes out to all members about travel soccer after Sept 26th the early registration date moves to Oct 15.
- President’s report,
- Potential Board Memberscompleted before meeting at presidents discretion
- Discussion about the process for working with Cape Cod Textiles and how and where to pick up new orders.
- Dan reported that he made the decision forCSUto run our U7 Academy program. The program will consist of 3 coaches for 7 weeks at a cost of $1,050. Academy will run on Thursdays at 5pm. CSU will inclide 1 free coaches clinic.
- Field layout- Board has amended field names.
- Board discussed the need to order U4 Balls and U7-9 blue nets
Motion was made to purchase new balls and nets up to $1,000. Unanimously approved
- Registrar’s Report
- Final Registration Update at Aug 31st we had 197 players registered. This number did jump to over 400 players, a finlal report will be created for October 15th Board Meeting
New Business
- Academy Update: Motion To Approve U7 Academy see presidents report
- Registration Night Revision Ideas:
- Separate Meet the Coach and Registration Nights
- paper registration on nights prior to meet the coach
- No registration on meet the coach night
- Cut Off Registration at certain number
- List of Needs for Meet the Coach Night
Board discussed tabling to next or future meeting
- 2014 Calendar Update
Board discussed tabling to next meeting
- Opening Day:
Board discussed tabling to next or future meeting
- Spring Soccer:
Board discussed tabling to next or future meeting
- New Board members still needed:
See above
- Volunteer Coordinator:
Board discussed tabling to next or future meeting
- TOPS Program Update:
Julie reported out
- Other Items: -
Revs NightBoard discussed current methods of payment and where tickets will be distributed. Due to small numbers, Scott and Sue will contact those that purchase directly.
Julie and Sue is thinking about fundraising. It was discussed to sell red tickets at future games.
- Next Meeting:Wednesday Oct 15 6:00 pm