2015 Annual General Meeting

Friday, June 5, 2015

The 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Yarmouth/Argyle Branch of the Retired Teachers Organization was held at the Knights of Columbus Building on Friday, June 6 with fifty members and guests present.

President Blair Boudreau presented the agenda which was agreed to on a motion by Wayne LeBlanc and seconded by Sharon Sullivan.

A moment of silence was held for those retired teachers who have passed this year. Names were called out of those who passed.

Minutes of the 2014 AGM were approved as circulated on a motion by Norbert LeBlanc and seconded by Margaret d’Entremont.

Milton Fraser presented the Treasurer’s Report which displayed the financial records of 2013-14, 2014-15 and a budget for 2015-16. A motion moved by Milton Fraser, seconded by Ann Jones and carried the Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

Gary Archibald presented an auditor’s report saying he had reviewed the financial records for the year and found them to be an accurate account of the financial activities of the Branch.

Under New Business a resolution was moved by Gary Archibald, seconded by Milton Fraser and carried that the Branch By-Laws be amended to include:

“Up to three members-at-large be added to the Executive”.

Wendy Woodworth was introduced as the new Member at Large for the South West Region. She reported she will be attending her first meeting in July. She thanked outgoing MAL Gary Archibald for his work on behalf of the Branch and presented him with a gift as a token of appreciation.

President Blair then reminded members of the up-coming Branch Events, namely breakfast, “Beyond the Classroom” in August and the golf tournament in September.

Past-president Wendy Woolworth presented a slate of officers for the coming year to include:

President Wayne LeBlanc

Vice-president Brian Noble

Past-president Blair Boudreau

Secretary Gary Archibald

Treasurer Milton Fraser

Communication Committee Ron Cox

Telephone Calling Committee Sharon Sullivan

Social Committee Sharon Raynard

Web master John Armstrong

President Blair then called upon Phil Kitter and presented him with a certificate recognizing his years of service providing Branch members and guests with delicious meals. Phil was given a standing ovation by those present.

On a motion by Wayne LeBlanc and carried the meeting was adjourned.