
To replace automatically a dyestuff


Concerned: Supervisor.Level: Medium.

The powder dyestuff 'Deep Black M' can't be easily dissolved above 10g/l, the liquid dyestuff 'Deep Black N 150%' has to be used instead.


In the dyeclass operation line and only in this line, it is possible to modify the dyestuffs quantities individually using the Table rule.

It is not possible to add a dyestuff to a recipe using a rule.

When doing production correction, the used dyestuffs and their quantities are the quantities of the recipe, not the quantities after eventual replacement of the powder dyestuff by the liquid one. The correction calculation is done based on the recipe with the powder dyestuff. The calculated correction with the powder dyestuff should then be readapted in the addition operation.


Both dyestuffs will be introduced in the recipe, the powder form with the normal quantity and the liquid form with a zero quantity.

Above 10g/l, we will reverse the powder and the liquid quantities.

If the liquid form is needed but the liquid dyestuff is not in the recipe, we will display a message on the recipe card.

Attention: To be able to add the liquid dyestuff in the recipe tab of the dyelot, we must have the permission to modify the dyelot recipe in ITMProcess registry. The registry 'Reload the dyestuff from recipe before dyelot generation' must have the value ‘No’.


This is a 3 steps rule:

  1. We create a parameter ‘ReDeepBlackL’ (not printable) which stores the liquid quantity needed.

  1. We modify the quantities of dyestuffs.

Remark: Num(ValueOf(‘ReDeepBlackL’)=0) returns 1 if the value of ‘ReDeepBlackL’ is zero and 0 otherwise.

  1. We create a parameter ‘ReDeepBlackP’ that displays an alert message if its concentration is too high and the liquid dyestuff is not in the recipe.

Note of line 1: Quantity to high for good dissolution. Add the liquid dyestuff 'Remazol Deep Black (L)' in the recipe with a null quantity and generate again. ITM will calculate the needed quantity.


First case.

The bath concentration of the solid dyestuff ‘Deep Black M’ is . It is less than 0.01kg/l, so the liquid form is not required.

Recipe tab of the dyelot

Dyelot card.

Second case.

The bath concentration of the solid dyestuff ‘Deep Black M’ is . It is more than 0.01kg/l, so the liquid form is required. As the liquid dyestuff is not in the recipe, a message is displayed.

Recipe tab of the dyelot

Dyelot card.

Third case.

The bath concentration of the solid dyestuff ‘Deep Black M’ is . It is more than 0.01kg/l, so the liquid form is required. As the liquid dyestuff is in the recipe, the needed quantity is displayed.

Recipe tab of the dyelot

Dyelot card.

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