January 21, 2012
Present: board members Meda Cobb, Keith Johnston, Jim Kear, Dick Polen, David Senter, Russ Simmons and David Smith. Member absent: Cindy Rywak. Also present: POA membersGary Seifert and John Tye.
Vice-President Russ called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.
Minutes were approved from the December 17th board meeting.
Roads and Gate Committee: Chair Jim Kear reported the committee will meet in February to work on a recommendation for road work to be done in 2012.
The board confirmed by vote to proceed with the purchase of a tractor not to exceed $65,000 as approved in the 2012 budget.
Treasurer's Report: Dick Polen reported the year-end financial reports would be completed shortly and emailed to board members.
The board approved the policy of sending out past due letters 30 days after the annual dues payment deadlines to remind members who have not paid.
Russ handed out the first draft of guidelines for subjects that are appropriate to be sent to POA members by POA e-blasts. Members will review and discuss at the next meeting.
Trails: David Senter has had positive discussions with Phil Whitson (on behalf of Phil Rash of Leatherwood Rentalsand Dick Johnston, the developer) about the POA taking over the trails. It is important that a trail maintenance agreement be completed before trail responsibility is handed over to the POA. David said he and POA attorney Steve Palmer would meet with Dick and Phil and Phil to work out a framework for the agreement, which will be presented to the board for consideration.
Communications and Activities Committee: Annual meeting date is Saturday March 24 in the South Barn at Leatherwood. Notice of annual meeting and board member nomination forms will be mailed next week.
Facilities Committee: John Tye, who has done a great deal of work on and planning for improving Raymond's Pond, attended the meeting to answer questions about recommended work in clearing brush around the perimeter of the pond. The board approved going forward with the work, to be performed by Ed Harrison with the assistance of our two POA employees.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Johnston, Secretary