Brocklesby Triathlon 15 November 2015

Twelve members of our Pony Club entered our Triathlon held at Yarborough Leisure Centre in Lincoln.

In the boys Minimus class Ralph Strawson, in his first Triathlon had a respectable shoot and run, but had a fantastic swim and took joint 2nd place in the swim, he came 11th overall. Also in the class was Thomas Dyson who had a slightly better shoot than Ralph, but very level in the run and swim, and came in 9th.

In the Mini Mini Boys Hugo Read tried hard in the shoot, he had a good swim and put in a good time on the run with brought him 8th place. Also competing in his first Triathlon, George Hendry had a great shoot and swim which secured a 6th place position for him. Collectively the 4 boys took 3rd place in the Team event.

In the Girls Minimus event Laura Jeanes had a great shoot and run, but her swim was outstanding, collecting her the Best Swim medal, she came 2nd in a strong class of 23 girls.

In Mini Mini girls Jessica Dyson had a good shoot, swim and run which pulled her into 6th place and Kitty Williams didn’t have luck on her side in the shoot but had a good swim so came in 7th overall. Daisy Williams had a disappointing shoot for her but had a good swim, squeezing in 2nd behind Laura. She was placed 4th in the upper age group but came 1st in her own age group. The 4 girls as a Team came 3rd overall.

In the Bean bag class for 7 and unders, Arthur Strawson had a good Bean bag throw, swim and run taking 6th place in a class of 18. Charlie Jeanes also had a good “Throw”, but with great run and swim performances, he took the 2nd place rosette. Milo Read, in his first Triathlon had a good “Throw”, run and swim and took 17th place and Charlie Hendry, also competing in his first Triathlon had a good Throw, and with great swim and run performances he stormed home in 1st place. He also took the Best Run medal and had the 2nd best swim performance.

A great day for us all and as always, sadly the last one of the season.

Well done to all our performers for all your hard work and sportsmanlike behaviour, you are a credit to yourselves, your families and the Brocklesby. WELL DONE!!!!!

If any other members are interested in trying your hand at Triathlons or Tetrathlons, please contact Jill Williams on 07802 542205 or email