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Faculty Board of XX
XXX111, Course Title, xx higher education credits
First Cycle/Second Cycle
In Swedish and English state the following; course code, course title, higher education credits, and whether the course is given within the first or second cycle.
1 Confirmation
“The syllabus was confirmed by the Faculty Board of xxxxx (where relevant state transfer of delegation of authority), 200X-XX-XX”, revised version 200X-XX-XX.
State date when the syllabus, or the revised version, is valid together with relevant interim regulations.
State disciplinary domain and the department (or where relevant; the section) in charge. When the course is shared between several departments or sections these should also be stated.
If the course is given within a main field of study this should also be stated.
2. Position in the educational system
State the level of the course in relation to degree requirements University Degree, Bachelor of Arts Degree, Master’s Degree (One-year or Two-year) and Vocational Degree.
At each level subject progression should be stated.
State if the course is part of a study programme, freestanding course, and/or is given as contract education.
3. Entry requirements
State entry requirements and other qualifications necessary to be eligible for admission to the course.
4. Course content
State the course content briefly. If the course is divided into subcourses, state the name, the content and higher education credits. The name of the subcourses should be given in both Swedish and English. (A subcourse can be further divided into one or several modules. Such modules are not entered separately in the Ladok system).
5. Outcomes
The outcomes for the course should be expressed in terms of expected learning outcomes in relation to what has to be achieved for a pass grade.
After completion of the course the student is expected to be able to ...
The outcomes are to be written with regard to preceding and successive courses and in relation to the outcomes for the degree (see SFS 2006:1053 System of Qualifications, appendix 2).
The outcomes should be detailed and state the progression, i.e. the level of difficulty within and between various course levels.
The outcomes should be given using the following headlines: 1. Knowledge and understanding, 2. Skills and abilities, 3. Judgement and approach.
6. Required reading
The course syllabus should include a reading list. It is appropriate that the reading list is supplied separate to the syllabus as it is normally subject to regular revision. State approximate number of pages. Where necessary also state other types of course material.
7. Assessment
State the type of examination and modules requiring obligatory attendance for a pass grade.
State form/s of examination used in the course, which modules are possibly included in the examination, if the examination is oral or written, if the examination is given in an examination hall or as a home exam, if the examination is given individually or in a group, and how a retake exam in case of absence from the whole or part of an exam is to be carried out.
State the following: “A student who has failed a test twice has the right to change examiners, if it is possible. A written application should be sent to the Department.”
State wherever necessary to what extent the number of examinations and placements is limited. The number of examinations is to be limited to five occasions and the number of placements is to be limited to two occasions.
State the following. In cases where a course has been discontinued or major changes have been made a student should be guaranteed at least three examination occasions (including the ordinary examination occasion) during a time of at least one year from the last time the course was given.
8. Grading scale
The grading scale comprises Fail, (U), Pass (G) and Pass with Distinction (VG). Any other grading scale presupposes granted exemption. (The decision regarding grading scale has been delegated to the Faculty Board in accordance with the chain of command 2006-06-08)
Regarding the application of ECTS scales, please see Vice-Chancellor’s decision 2007-05-28, dnr G 8 1976/07.
State requirements for a Pass/Pass with Distinction for a complete course. This could be given as: “Course title (XXX), xx hecs, in order to be awarded XX for a full course, modules equivalent to a minimum of half of the total number of higher education credits have to have been awarded XX.
9. Course evaluation
State how the course evaluation is carried out, how the results is conveyed to the students. The results and possible changes in the course should be shared with the students who participated in the evaluation and to those who are beginning the course.
10. Additional information
State other requirements, prerequisites and conditions not previously mentioned, e.g. if the course includes time abroad or if there are any additional costs for a sub-course or module.
State whether the language of instruction is a language other than Swedish.
Kursplanemall fastställd av rektor 2009-01-19
Dnr G25 5247/06