Section 1: Membership in the Maclay School Anchor Club is open to all Junior and Senior girls possessing a 2.0 GPA.
Section 2: Anchor Club Advisor, current Anchor treasurer and secretary will review the
application and approve acceptance of new members.
Section 3: Members must maintain an overall cumulative 2.0 GPA to continue as a member of the Maclay School Anchor Club. GPAs will be reviewed at the end of each term to determine continued eligibility for membership. Failure to maintain the grade point average is grounds for expulsion from the club.
Section 4: Members must also regularly attend meetings and participate in club-sponsored projects, fundraisers and other activities to continue membership. The Executive Board may choose to drop members from the membership roster after two unexcused absences.
Section 5: Members are required to complete at least one hour of service per week (nine hours per quarter). Failure to comply will result in probation (18 hours of service required in the next quarter to get off the probation list). Failure to remedy probation will result in expulsion from the Anchor Club.
Section 6: Members are required to sign in and out at each attended project. Failure to sign out with a sponsor, advisor or club officer, will result in only one hours of service. Anchor Club members are required to purchase and wear club t-shirt to all meetings, service and club projects.
Section 7: Members are required to attend the annual Induction Ceremony; Anchor Club Dance; and Anchor Officer Installation. Members are required to provide and sell baked goods at bake sales.
Section 8: Membership may be revoked for not showing up for projects/service work without prior approval of advisor; showing up late for project or not working at project for which you signed up; or disruption of meetings, misconduct at school or Anchor function.
Section 10: Anchor Club Parent/Guardian Permission Form must be properly signed and returned to the Anchor advisor by the first meeting (first Tuesday) in September.
Section 11: Acceptance of membership in the Maclay School Anchor Club denotes
willingness to abide by Pilot International and Florida District Bylaws, as well as the Maclay School Anchor Club Standing Rules.
Section 1: During the school year, the Maclay School Anchor Club shall meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at lunch break. The minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer’s report shall be read or available online.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called when necessary by the Advisor of the club,
president of the Executive board, or three Executive Board members, in good standing,
provided due notice is given to each member including the time, place and specific purpose for which the meeting is called.
Section 3: The secretary shall be responsible for informing the members of the time and place of meetings and on-going activities.
Section 4: Meeting for the Executive Board will take place during the summer to plan for the next school year. The time and place of meetings will be announced at the May meeting.
Section 5: It shall be the duty of any absent member to notify the secretary in writing or by email within three days of a missed meeting, fundraiser and/or community project; otherwise, the member will be listed as an unexcused absentee. After two unexcused absences, during an eighteen-week period, the member will be dropped from membership. Members are allowed to have two excused absences per semester. An excused absence must be one that is excusable and approved by the advisor/sponsor.
Section 6: If a member is tardy for more than ten minutes to a meeting, she may be
considered absent and must turn in a written note or send an email to the secretary within three days explaining the reason of tardiness to receive an excused absence.
Section 1: Annual dues shall be paid by all members at the beginning of the school year in the amount of $30 for returning members and $40 for new members. Dues include $14 Pilot International dues and insurance fee, $5 Florida District dues with the balance going towards local club dues. A $10 late fee will apply to payments received by after the second meeting in September (third Tuesday).
Section 2: Members failing to pay dues by the second meeting in September (third Tuesday) may be dropped from membership by the vote of the Executive Board after a warning letter has been issued. The Anchor Advisor may grant exceptions to students that demonstrate financial hardship.
Section 1: The officers of the club will be the President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to three elected Directors. The President Elect position should be a junior, who will move up to the office of President her senior year.
Section 2: The Anchor Club Executive Board are required to attend the annual Anchor Officer Training, presented by the Pilot Club of Tallahassee.
Section 3: Appointee for the club will be the Historian (or Co-Historians).
Section 4: Officers will be elected no later than March. Nominations may be made from the floor with prior consent of the nominee. If there is more than one nominee for any office, the election will be by ballot. A majority vote of votes cast will elect.
Section 1: Members of the Executive Board are encouraged to represent the Maclay School Anchor Club at the Florida District Anchor Convention, unless excused by the Advisor. Anchor members will be responsible for paying all expenses associated with attending.