1st Assignment: a) Read pages 4 thru 13 of Remini book and do 1 SQRRR for page 4 to top of 5.

Do two SQRRR’s for pages 5-8. Do one SQRRR for pages 8-9. Do three

SQRRR’s for pages 9-13.

b) Take the Quia Practice quiz

c) Read chapter 1 of The Story of America by Jill Lepore (pages 17-30) and

write a one page essay answering the following question:

“Explain how the historical views concerning John Smith and

the establishment of Jamestown have changed over time”(COT)

d) Read the article about Roanoke that is posted on line and write a one

paragraph summary about the article but DO NOT make this part of

the homework assignment you turn in. Instead bring it to class since

we will be discussing the article in class.

Due Monday, September 12th for Day 1 and Tuesday, September 13th for Day 2.

2nd Assignment: a) Read pages 13-30 of Remini book and do 4 SQRRR’s for pages 13-20. Do four

SQRRR’s for pages 20-26 and two SQRRR’s for pages 26-30.

b) Read chapters 2-6 of the Pageant textbook online

(helpful to take notes)

c) Take the Quia quizzes for chapters 2-5 / pay attention to the ending

dates of the quizzes on the Quia calendar

d) Read chapter 2 of The Story of America (pages 31-43) and write a one page

essay answering the following question:

“ Analyze how the historical views of King Phillips War may or may

not have an real basis in fact” (HTS)

e) read the 3 articles about Jamestown posted on line, write a one paragraph

summary of each article but DO NOT make this part of the assignment you

turn in as homework. Instead bring it to class since we will be discussing the


Due Thursday, September 22nd for Day 1 and Friday, September 23rd for Day 2


3rd Assignment: a) Read pages 31-45 of Remini book and do 3 questions for pages 31-33.

Do 5 questions for pages33-41, and do four questions for pages 41-45.

{Thus there are 12 questions due for this reading}

b) Read chapters 7& 8 of The Pageant (pages 122-161).

c) Take the Quia quiz for chapters 6&7.

d) Read chapter 4 in The Story of America (pages 59-71) and write a one page

essay answering the following question (HTS):

Why was Thomas Paine so disliked by his contemporaries and yet today

we regard him as a hero? Remember to type out this question above

your essay and submit the essay at the same time as your SQR but

on a separate page.

Due, Wednesday September 28th for Day 1 and Thursday, September 29th for Day 2

Summative Assignment: Read the Paul Revere Poem and Lepore chapter on Paul Revere (page 220-239) and answer the questions at the top of the poem. The poem and questions are located on my teacher web page. This assignment is due on Monday, October 3rd.

4th Assignment:

a) Read pages 45-62 of the Remini book and do 3 questions for pages 45-48.

Do 5 questions for pages 48-53 and 6 questions for pages 53-62.

b) Also read chapters 9 and 10 of The Pageant (pages 166-209).

c) Do quia quizzes 7-9 (3 chapter’s one quiz) and quia quiz 10

d) There will be a major paper assignment on Hamilton and Jefferson

that will be a summative grade

Due Thursday, October 6th for Day 1 and Friday, October 7th for Day 2

5th Assignment:

a) Read pages 63-86 of the Remini book and do 3questions for pages 63-70.

Do 3 questions for pages 70-74, 2 questions for pages 74-76,

2 questions for pages 76-78 and 3 questions for pages 78-86.

For a total of 13 questions. Please limit your work to four pages.

b) Also read outlines of chapters 11-12 of The Pageant (pages 211-255).

c) Do quia quizzes for chapters 11 and 12

d) Hamilton vs. Jefferson paper (which is a separate grade and due on

a separate date)

Due Thursday, October 13th for Day 1 and Friday, October 14th for Day 2