Chapter 16 Markov Chain
A Markov chain is a stochastic processsuch that
Pij is the probability that the process will make a transition into state j when it is currently in state i.
Xnis the state that the system is in at time n.
▲Markov property:
Given all the past states X0, X1,…,Xn ,the probability of any future state Xn+1 is independent of X0, X1,…,Xn-1(past states), and depends only on Xn(current state). That is, the future state is independent of past states given that we know the present state.
▲State transition diagram:
▲One-step transition matrix:
If does not depend on the time, then we have a homogeneous Markov chain.
The one-step transition probability matrix P is the matrix whose entry in the -th row and the -th column is such as
▲Stationary transition probability:
If ….., then the (one-step) transition probabilities are stationary.
That is, Pij does not change overtime.
- A Random Walk Model:
- Weather Problem I :
If it rains today =>it will rain tomorrow with prob.
If it does not rain today =>it will rain tomorrow with prob.
Let state 0 = the state when it rains,
State 1 = the state when it does not rain and
= the state at time
Then, {, n=1,2,…}is a two-state Markov chain.
- A Gambling Model : (random walk with barriers)
Each play i. wins $1 with prob. p
ii. losses $1 with prob. 1-p
Quit when the player broke or has $N
Note: States 0 and N are called absorbing states. (吸收狀態)
- Weather Problem II : (Transforming a process into a Markov chain)
P{rain tomorrow | rain today, rain yesterday}=0.7
P{rain tomorrow | rain today, not rain yesterday}=0.5
P{rain tomorrow | not rain today, rain yesterday}=0.4
P{rain tomorrow | not rain today, not rain yesterday}=0.2
Note : If we let denote the state at time n, then, {,n=1,2,…}is not a Markov chain.
=>Define state RR: (Rain, Rain)
state RN: (Rain, Not Rain)
state NR: (Not Rain, Rain)
state NN: (Not Rain, Not Rain)
- Inventory Example (p.16-2)
Let= demand during the n-th week
and ( independently &identically distributed)
=number of cameras on hand now.
=number of cameras at the end of week 1…..
=number of cameras at the end of week n.
if no camera stock in stock, order 3 cameras.
Order policy: if any camera in stock, no order.
Sale lose : if .
Expression of : max{,
(1)Why is a Markov Chain?
(2) Describe its One-step Transition Matrix.
(3)State its transition diagram.
【Ex1_1】若某製造機器在每天開始於運作會有0.05 的機率會在這天之內故障。當故障時,此機器要隔天修理,並於當天結束時修好試辨識每天結束時之三個狀態,並建立ㄧ步移轉矩陣。
Dt / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3pt / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.2 / 0.1
Xt+1= Xt , Xt>Dt
3 , Xt≦Dt
▲N-step transition probability:
is the probability that a process is in state will be in state after transitions.
P(n) is then-step transition probability matrix whose entry in the-th row and the-th column is such as
P(1)=P is the one-step transition probability matrix.
▲Properties of
▲Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations:
- Weather Problem I :
- Weather Problem II:
Find the probability P{rain Thursday| rain Monday, rain Tuesday} = ?
(2)試以and 表示各天氣狀態之穩態機率。
(3)試使用Chapman-Kolmogorov方程式求解(n步)轉移矩陣, 若, 。
【Ex2_2】在【Ex1_2】(p. 16_4)中,若某天早上有三台電熱器,則兩天後仍為三台的機率?又若某天早上有三台電熱器,則四天後仍為三台的機率?
<def> Accessible (可達性)
A stateis said to be accessible from a stateif for some,
denoted by←or→
<def> Communicate (互通性)
If←or→, then andare said to communicate denoted by.
2. Inventory Example
3. Gambling Example
<Properties> Communication is an equivalence relation, that is,
1.(reflexive). (反射性)
2. If ,then (symmetric). (對稱性)
3. If and ,then(transitive). (遞移性)
<def> Class(類別)
If ,then and are in the same class.
<def > Irreducible (不可約的)
A Markov chain is irreducible if there is only one class, that is,all the states communicate with each other.
<def> Recurrent (再生態)(重現狀態)
Let be the probability that starting in state ,the process will ever re-enter state .
If, then state is said to be recurrent.
Note: If state is recurrent, the process will re-enter state infinitely often.
<def>Transient (暫態)
If, then state is said to be transient.
Note: If stateis transient, the number of time periods that process will be in stateis a geometric random variable with parameter .
<def> Absorbing(吸態)
If , entering this state, the process will never leave this state again.
That is, if a stateis absorbing, then.
1. Gambling Example
2. Another Example
<def> Period
The periodof stateis the largest integer such that wheneveris
Not divisible by. That is , is the greatest common divisor of allsuch
that .
<def > class property
(1)All states in a class are either recurrent or transient.
(2)In a finite state Markov Chain, not all states can be transient.The process must be some state that are recurrent.
(3)All states in an irreducible finite state Markov Chain are recurrent.
<def> Aperiodic(無週期的)
A state with period 1 is said to be aperiodic.
<Corollary推論 Recurrency is a class property. That is,if and state is recurrent,
then state is recurrent also.
<Theorem定理 Periodicity is a class property.
=>if, then
=>if and are in the same class, then they have the same period.
A state is called ergodic if it is recurrent and aperiodic.
<def> ErgodicMarkov Chain
A Markov chain is called erdodic if it is irreducible and all states are ergodic.
【Ex3_1】Given the following one-step transition probability,
(i) Which states are transient? (ii) Which states are recurrent?
(iii) Which states are absorbing? (iv) Is this a Markov Chain?
(1)哪些狀態為暫態? 哪些狀態為再生態? 哪些狀態為吸態?
(3)此馬可夫鏈是否為ergodic (Why)?
P1= / P2=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
◎Long –Run Properties of Markov Chains
▲Steady-State (or Limiting) Probabilities: (n→∞)
<Theorem> For any irreducible, ergodic Markov chain, exists and is independent of . And letting or , thenis the unique non-negative solution which satisfies the following steady-state equations (穩態方程式)
or =P if =
<Corollary > If = be the steady-state probabilities for a finite state Markov Chain, then we have =P.
As .
2. As, the limiting probability that the process will be in state is which i is independent of the initial state. (stationary)
3. As, is the long-run proportion of time that the process will be in state.
4. For an irreducible, recurrent, periodic Markov Chain, is interpreted as the long-run proportion of time that the process will be in state.
Matrix Formof Steady-State (or Limiting) Probabilities:
For =P(I-P)=0 or (I-P)=0 (whereis the transpose of ).
To have non-trivial solution, det(I-P)0 or det(I-P)0
- Another Example:
Let, find the Steady-State probabilities.
【Ex4_1】在【Ex1_3】(p. 16_4)中,試求在長期間,他在各城市A, B 與C城推銷之機率為何?
A / B / CA / 0.7 / 0.2 / 0.1
B / 0.2 / 0.75 / 0.05
C / 0.1 / 0.1 / 0.8
▲Expected Average Cost per unit time
For an irreducible finite-state Markov chain, letCost incurred in state , where , then is a random variable which is independent of time n.
Expected (long-run) average cost for the first n periods = .
Let , the long term Expected Average Cost =
(can be shown)
Inventory Example:
Let , find the expected (long-run) inventory cost.
◎First Passage Time
▲<def>First Passage Time from state state
= the number of transitions from state state for the first time
Note: If, then
= recurrent time for state
= the first passage time required to return to the initial state
Inventory Example:
Expected first passage time
Inventory Example:
- Expected Recurrent Time =
Inventory Example:
- 某一馬可夫鏈有三個狀態,其一步轉移矩陣P 如下,試求每一狀態的期望再生時間(mii) 為何?
【Ex5_2】若某製造機器在每天開始於運作會有0.05 的機率會在這天之內故障。當故障時,此機器要隔天修理,並於當天結束時修好。
【Ex5_3】某製造商有一台機器,在每天開始運作,而有0.1的機率會在這一天之內故障, 當故障發生時,這機器要在隔天修理,而會在當天終了時修好。
◎Absorbing States
▲<def> AbsorbingState(吸態)
If , entering this state, the process will never leave this state again.
That is, if a stateis absorbing, then.
▲Let state is an absorbingstate
the probability of absorption from . We have
if state is recurrent (another absorbing state),
Gambling Example:
Player A has $2, Player B has $2, bet $1 each time until one is broken
P(A wins) = 1/3, P(B wins) = 2/3
(1)Describe its One-step Transition Matrix.
(2)State its transition diagram. Which states are absorbing? Which states are recurrent?
(3)State the probability of losing and winning for Player A?
Another Example:
State 0: Fully Paid
State 1: 1~30 days delay
State 2: 31~60 days delay
State 3: bad debts
(1)the probability of a 1~30 days delay customer which will lead up to a bad debt.
(2)the probability of a 31~60 days delay customer which will lead up to a bad debt.
1 1/4 1/4 1/2 0
P= 2 1/3 1/3 0 1/3
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1
【Ex6_2】某公司將其客戶的A/R情形分為四類:1.已付清 2.欠款一個月 3.欠款1至2個月 4.壞帳。因過去的記錄,該公司得以下的轉換矩陣:
1 1 0 0 0
P= 2 0.5 0.35 0.15 0
3 0.35 0.25 0 0.4
4 0 0 0 1
(1) 建構錄影機的狀態演進過程的馬可夫鏈模式的(一步)轉移矩陣,其中包括產品置換保證及錄影機安然渡過保證期間的兩個吸收狀態。
(2) 求解這公司需要履行產品置換保證的機率。
【Ex6_4】Consider the following gambler’s ruin problem. A gamble bets $1 on each play of a game. Each time, he has a probability of of winning and probability of losing the dollar bet. He will continue to play until he goes broke or nets a fortune of dollars. Let denote the number of dollars possessed by the gambler after the nth play of the game. Then {} is a Markov chain. The gambler starts with dollars, where is a positive integer less than .
(1)(*) Construct the (one-step) transition matrix of the Markov chain and find out the classes of the Markov chain
(2)Let and . Please find out the probability of the gambler to lose the dollar bet if he starts with $1 and $2, respectively.