Xinhua Bai, PhD in Physics

Physics Department
South Dakota School of Mines & Tech (SDSMT)
501 East Saint Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 / Office Phone: (605) 394-5198
Website: http://www.phy.sdsmt.edu/~bai/


Beijing University, Beijing, China, Nuclear Physics B.Sc. 1988

Beijing University, Beijing, China, Experimental Nuclear Physics M.Sc. 1993

Beijing University, Beijing, China, Nuclear & Particle Physics Ph.D. 1996

Postdoc Experience (1996-1998):

Fermi National Accelerator Lab Pierre Auger Project 1997-1998

Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing Pierre Auger Project 1996-1997


South Dakota School of Mines & Tech. Assistant Professor 2009-present

Bartol Research Inst. & Univ. of Delaware Associate Scientist 2004-2009

Bartol Research Inst. & Univ. of Delaware Research Associate III 2002-2004

Bartol Research Inst. Limited Term Researcher 1999-2002

University of Wisconsin-Madison Winter-over Scientist 1998-1999

China Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing Assistant Researcher 1988-1990


1.  J. Liu, X. Bai, “Identify Signatures of underground muons from atmospheric charm: Simulation study”, Astropart. Phys., accepted, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.11.005.

2.  D. S. Akerib, et al. (the LUX Collaboration), “Data acquisition and readout system for the LUX dark matter experiment”, NIM-A 668 (2012)1–8.

3.  R. Abbasi et al. (IceCube Collaboration), “Calibration and Characterization of the IceCube Photomultiplier Tube”, NIM-A 618(2010)139–152.

4.  R. Abbasi et al. (the IceCube Collaboration), “Limits on a muon flux from neutralino annihilations in the Sun with the IceCube 22-string detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102(2009) 201302.

5.  X. Bai, Dmitry Chirkin, Thomas Gaisser, Todor Stanev, and David Seckel, “Muon bundle energy loss in deep underground detector”, the 31th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. (ICRC 2009), Lodz, Poland.

6.  Tang Guoyou, Bai Xinhua, et al., “Measurement of Angular Distribution and Cross Section for 58Ni(n,a)55Fe reaction at 5.1 MeV”, Chinese Journal of Nucl. Phys. 17(1995)45.


1.  D.S. Akerib, et al., (the LUX Collaboration), “LUXSim: A component-centric approach to low-background simulations”, NIM-A 675 (2012) 63–77.

2.  R. Abbasi, et al., (the IceCube Collaboration), “An Absence of Neutrinos Associated with Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Bursts”, Nature 484 (2012)351-354.

3.  X. Bai, T. K. Gaisser, A. Karle, K. Rawlins, G. M. Spiczak and Todor Stanev, "Muon flux at the geographical South Pole", Astropart. Phys. 25(2006)361.

4.  J. Ahrens et al. (the AMANDA and SPASE Collaborations), "Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee with the SPASE-2/AMANDA-B10 Detectors", Astropart. Phys. 20(2004)565.

5.  J. Ahrens et al. (AMANDA Collaboration), “Limits to the muon flux from WIMP annihilation in the center of the Earth with the AMANDA detector”A search for nearly vertical up-going muon-neutrinos from neutralino annihilations in the center of the Earth has been performed with the AMANDA-B10 neutrino detector. The data collected in 130.1 days of live time in 1997, ∼109 events, have been analyzed for this search. No excess over the expected atmospheric neutrino background has been observed. An upper limit at 90% confidence level has been obtained on the annihilation rate of neutralinos in the center of the Earth, as well as the corresponding muon flux limit, both as a function of the neutralino mass in the range 100 GeV–5000 GeV., Phys. Rev. D 66(2002)032006.

6.  X. Bai, T. K. Gaisser, G. Spiczak, T. Stanev, "Muon Measurement with an Ice Cherenkove Tank at the South Pole", the 27th International Conference on Cosmic Ray (ICRC 2001), Hamburg, Germany.


·  SDSMT institution representative on the LBNE institutional board (IB).

·  Convener of the “Radiological and Cleanliness Control Project” of the LBNE, 2012 – present.

·  Chair organizer of “2010 DUSEL PHYSICS WORKSHOP at SDSMT” (supported by NSF, DOE, SDSMT and CUBED) http://www.phy.sdsmt.edu/~bai/dusel.php

·  Member of the SDSMT Council on Graduate Education, 2009 – present.

·  Member on the IceCube Collaboration publication committee, 2007-2010.

F. COLLABORATORS (in the past 48 months)

·  Executive Member: (2009-present) of the “Large Underground Xenon” (LUX) Collaboration; Executive Member (2011-present) of the “LUX- ZEPLIN” (LZ) Collaboration.

·  Member (2010-present) of the “Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment” (LBNE) Collaboration.

·  Member (2001-2009), Associate Member (2009-present) of the IceCube Collaboration.


Dr. Jimin Hu, Professor of Physics, Fellow of CAS, Beijing University, Beijing, China, deceased.

H. GRADUATE STUDENTS within 48 months at SDSMT:

·  Boris Western, M.Sc., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 2012- present.

·  Doug Tiedt, M.Sc., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 2011- present.

·  Mark Hanhardt, M.Sc., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 2009- 2011. Graduated with degree.


Jacob Queen, Jordan Anderson, Daniel Nix, Nicholas Padilla, Micheal Cowan, Chase Nice, Colen Kling, Tenzin Choenyi, Tyler Borgwardt, Douglas Tiedy, Lori Rebenitsch, Chris Amert, on their senior design at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.