In order to participate in any ACSI Sport Events for the 2017/2018 school year you must complete and return this form. Your school may pay for all three terms at once or in three instalments with an additional surcharge of $15 per term. The registration form needs to be sent to the ACSI Sports Coordinator (fax 905-887-3355 or email ) by September 8th. Payment is made byscanning the form and paying by E-transfer to OR mail it with a cheque to: ACSI Eastern Canada, 1 WendenCrt., RR#2, Minesing, ON L9X 0G7. Your school does not pay the registration fee if you are the host and/or ACSI is using your gym. Registration fees will be refunded if: a) the event is cancelled, b) the event date is changed and as a result your school cannot participate or c) if written notice is given at least three weeks ahead of the event that you cannot participate in. Questions about payment: Ginny Kennedy 705.728.7344

School: ______No. of Gr. 4-6 Students______No. of Gr. 7-8 Students ______

Contact Person(s) ______Contact Person’s Email ______

(Please note: It is very important that our records are up to date.)

*Sport Convenor: Dave 905.887.3330 Please contact Dave about any sports related questions.

A Coed Soccer (7-8) / Sept. 28 / Bayview Reservoir / North Toronto / $125
A Coed Soccer (4-6) / Sept. 29 / Bayview Reservoir / North Tororto / $125
B Coed Soccer (4-6) / Sept. 26 / Milton / Meadow Green / $125
B Coed Soccer (7-8) / Sept. 28 / Milton / Meadow Green / $125
Cross-Country (3-8) / Oct. 19 / Dagmar / Stouffville / $160
A Girls Volleyball (7-8) / Nov. 20 / Brampton / Brampton / $125
A Boys Volleyball (7-8) / Nov. 22 / Brampton / Philopateer / $125
B Boys Volleyball (7-8) / Dec. 4 / Stouffville / Niagara / $125
B Girls Volleyball (7-8) / Dec. 5 / Stouffville / Newmarket / $125
A Coed Volleyball (5-6) / Dec. 4 / Brampton / Richmond Hill / $125
B Coed Volleyball (5-6) / Dec. 12 / Stouffville / Wesley / $125
A Girls Basketball (4-6) / Feb. 6 / Philopateer / Philopateer / $125
B Girls Basketball (4-6) / Feb. 7 / Whitefield / Whitefield / $125
B Boys Basketball (4-6) / Feb. 5 / Don Mills / Cornerstone / $125
A Boys Basketball (4-6) / Feb. 8 / Brampton / Brampton / $125
A Boys Basketball (7-8) / Feb. 20 / Brampton / Brampton / $125
AGirls Basketball (7-8) / Feb. 21 / Kings CC / Oakville / $145
B Boys Basketball (7-8) / Feb.22 / Whitefield / Whitefield / $125
B Girls Basketball (7-8) / Feb. 27 / Whitefield / Wesley / $125
Swim Meet (5-8) / April 11 / North Toronto / North Toronto / FREE
ABadminton (7-8) / April 23 / Brampton / Richmond Hill / $125
B Badminton (7-8) / April 23 / Stouffville / Stouffville / $125
Coaches Meeting / May 3 / North Toronto / North Toronto / $0
Track and Field (7-8) / May 29 / Centennial Stadium / Peoples / $200
Track and Field (3-6) / May 31 / Centennial Stadium / Mississauga / $200
Ultimate(4-6 & 7-8) / June 4 / Pickering / Oakville / $145