Faculty/Staff Handbook 2017-2018
St. John VianneyHigh School
Members of the Corporation
Rev. Marty Solma, S.M.
Bro. Joseph Kamis, S.M.
Bro. Thomas Giardino, S.M.
Rev. William Meyer, S.M.
Bro. Ronald Overman, S.M.
Bro. Dennis Bautista, S.M.
Bro. Charles Johnson, S.M.
Rev.John Thompson, S.M.
Mr. Michael Loyet, ‘77
Board of Directors
Mr. David Woods, ‘92
Faculty/Staff Handbook 2017-2018
Mr. Kenneth J. Allgeyer ‘86
Mr. Daniel Basler ‘82
Mr. Matt Biffignani
Rev. Msgr. Jack Costello
Mr. Rick Davis ‘79
Mr. Donald Eggleston
Rev. Tom French, S.M.
Mr. Charles Hoffman ‘67
Mrs. Gina Jaksetic
Mrs. Tina Klocke
Mr. Michael Loyet ‘77
Bro. Joseph Markel, S.M.
Dr. David Mueckl ‘78
Mr. Ian Mulligan
Mr. Michael Normile ‘67
Mr. David Ringwald ‘86
Mr. Patrick J. Sly ‘68
Mrs. Kimberly Springer
Mr. Jon Townsley ‘94
Rev. Joseph Uvietta, S.M.
Mr. Larry Valenza ‘83
Faculty/Staff Handbook 2017-2018
School Administration
Mr. Michael Loyet ‘77, President
Mr. Ian Mulligan, Principal
Mrs. Kim Mohr, Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction
Mr. Scott Brown ‘84, Assistant Principal for Student Development
Mr. Tom Mulvihill ‘04, Director of Admissions
Mr. Terry Cochran, Director of Athletics
Fr. Timothy Kenney, S.M. Director of Campus Ministry
Mr. Wendell DePhillips ‘71, Director of Finance and Facilities
Mr. Pete Cerone ‘93, Director of Advancement
Table of Contents
Parts I through VII apply to ALL employees
Parts VIII and IX apply to Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Coaches, Activity Moderators, Campus Ministry members and Technology Support
IIPhilosophy and mission6
- Philosophy
- Mission Statement
- Marianist Witness Statement7
- Brand Promise
IIIAdmissions Policy8
IVAttendance for Employees9
- Personal Time Options
- Personal Days
- Sick Leave
- Jury Duty10
- Other Personal Needs
- Vacation
- Bereavement Leave
- Maternity Leave
- Parental Leave11
- Adoption Leave
A. Eligibility Requirements
B. Participation in retirement plan
C. Tuition Assistance for Employees
D. Tuition Reimbursement for Faculty13
E. Vacation Guidelines
VIGeneral Policies15
- Accident/Injury/Serious Illness
- Attendance at Special Events
- Attire
- Branding16
- Bulk Communications
- Child Abuse
- Communicable Diseases17
- Dining18
- Discipline of Students
- Emergency Drills and Plans19
- Fund Raising and Solicitation Policy to Benefit Vianney
- Fund Raising and Solicitation Policy to Benefit External Groups20
- Keys
- Language
- Mailboxes/Voicemail/Emails/Cell phones21
- Maintenance Requests
- Office Supplies
- Technology, E-mail Communications
- Technology, Privacy
- Technology, Purchasing of
- Technology Requests
VIITechnology and Electronic Communications Policies22
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Social Media Policy23
- Faculty Use of Social Networking Sites24
VIIIAcademic Policies26
- Absence from School for Teacher
- Attendance Recordkeeping for Students27
- Attendance at Special Events
- Cheating
- Course Credit
- Course Information Handout/Teacher Web Page
- Discipline of Students28
- Encore30
- Entering Grades Information
- Examinations31
- Failures
- Field Trips
- Homework Expectations
- Interview Requests
- Lesson Plans/Grade Books32
- Moderators and Coaches/ Special Circumstances
- Performance Criteria33
- Performance Observations
- Professional Development34
- Supervision of Students35
Assemblies/Pep Rallies
Other Duties
Social Service Project
General Supervision Duties
- Textbooks36
IXReduction in Force Policy37
IEmployee Classifications38
A. Administrator
B. Instructor
C. General
IISystem of Councils39
- Presidents Council
- Principals Council
- Academic Leadership Team40
- Academies41
- Admissions council
- Care Team
IIIThe Characteristics of Marianist Education Self Reflection Tool 42
- Educate for Formation in Faith43
- Provide an Integral Quality Education44
- Educate in Family Spirit45
- Educate for Service, Justice and Peace46
- Educate for Adaptation and Change47
IVResponsibilities of Administrators & Others48
- President49
- Principal
- Assistant Principal: Curriculum and Instruction50
- Assistant Principal: Student Development51
- Director of Athletics
- Director of Admissions52
- Director of Advancement
- Director of Finance and Facilities53
- Activity/Club Moderators
- Support Roles55
- Varsity Head Coach56
- Sub-Varsity Head Coach and Assistants58
VSample Employment Agreements
A. Administrators 61 B. Instructors 64
C. General67
It is the responsibility of each employee to read, understand, follow and apply the following policies, procedures, terms and conditions. Sections I through VII apply to all employees.
- Introduction
The policies and statements contained in this handbook have been approved by the Board of Directors and are in force for the 2017-2018 academic yearand beyond. As stated in Article 4 of the Employment Agreement they may be modified from time-to-time by the administration. The policies and statements shall be interpreted by the Administration of the school.
As a school in the Catholic/Marianist tradition, St. JohnVianneyHigh School seeks to create an environment in which administrators, faculty members, staff, and students work together to fulfill the mandate of Jesus to spread the Good News. Healthy interactions among the various constituents of Vianney form the basis of this experience of Church. The smooth operation of any group of people requires guidelines that coordinate the efforts of those involved. The spirit of these policies and statements aims at providing the employees a framework in which they can operate smoothly and efficiently.
Employees are responsible for the implementation of all of the following policies. Failure to do so will be documented in your personnel file and could result in the employee being responsible for all or part of any financial costs resulting from their failure to implement them, suspension with or without pay, non-renewal of employment agreement, freezing of individual at pay rate, termination or any other consequences deemed appropriate by the school administration. The administration will note in writing, violations of school policy as described in this handbook. Employee will receive copies of all notations and the consequence foreseen for the next academic year.
- Philosophy and Mission
St. JohnVianneyHigh School is a college preparatory school founded on the spirit of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, a priest of the diocese of Bordeaux, France. Its sponsor, the Society of Mary–Province of the United States, is dedicated to the development of mature Christians who are able to take responsibility for the future of the Church and the world. The school is a community, a family, dedicated to mutual support and the transformation of the world.
The spirit of the Church, the gospel, should permeate all aspects of the school. Teaching is a ministry, a work commissioned by Jesus. At Vianney, spiritual programs such as retreats, Marianist Life Community, liturgies, complement academics and co-curricular activities. Each, in its own way, helps the adolescents mature into responsible Christian adults.
Teachers are models for student behavior. Every action of the teacher enhances or detracts from the educational experience. The gospel demands justice tempered by mercy, and so discipline is a process of challenging inappropriate behavior and modeling correct behavior.
At a Catholic, Marianist school education extends beyond the simple acquisition of skills and knowledge to the complex behaviors necessary to help an adult make sense of his experience.
Mission Statement
St. JohnVianneyHigh School receives its identity and mission by participating in the contemporary educational mission of the Catholic Church and that of its Marianist sponsor, the Society of Mary-Province of the United States. Canonically and legally, Vianney is associated with the Society of Mary-Province of the United States through the “Members of the St. John Vianney High School Corporation,” and “the St. John Vianney High School Board of Directors.”
Accordingly, Vianney emphasizes the Marianist expression of the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ, as He is “Son of the Father becomes Son of Mary for the salvation of all,” while seeking to cooperate with Mary in her mission of bringing the fullness of Christ to all within a caring, family-like community.
To this end Vianney affirms the characteristics of Marianist education, specifically to:
- Educate for formation in faith,
- Provide an integral, quality education,
- Educate in the family spirit,
- Educate for service, justice and peace and
- Educate for adaptation and change.
This approach is summarized in the thought of the Marianists’ founder Blessed William Joseph Chaminade: “Through the Mother to the Son,” and “we teach only in order to educate, and we educate in order to Christianize.”
Marianist Witness Statement
All Employees agree to hold in trust the Catholic and Marianist Mission of the School. Our Catholic, Marianist education includes formation and transformation of our students. Therefore, it is essential that the Employee who serves in Catholic education proclaims Jesus Christ and is a witness to the Gospel Values. The Employee must at all times, witness by their public behaviors, actions and words a life consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Any action by the Employee that brings disgrace or harm to the reputation of the School or is contradictory to the Mission is cause for suspension, termination or non-renewal.
Our Brand Promise
To families who want to give their sons the best opportunity to grow, St. John Vianney High School is the catholic college preparatory high school that transforms boys into exceptional men of knowledge, character and accomplishment. That’s because Vianney offers a two semester, college style schedule, taught in the Marianist tradition of humility and acceptance that focuses on leadership, in a welcoming, family environment.
- Admissions Policy
Vianneyseeks to attract students who wish to develop their human potential within a group of caring people who are dedicated to the ideals of the gospel and who are excited by the pursuit of wisdom, invigorated by the power of the Spirit and motivated by the will to succeed.
Also, the young man and his family value our Catholic/Marianist mission and have demonstrated the potential to benefit and flourish from our academic, spiritual and co-curricular offerings.
The following are factors which are considered for acceptance:
- Evidence of average or better achievement on the grade school records
- Favorable evaluations regarding citizenship and effort
- Scores at the fiftieth percentile (national average) or better on the standardized tests
- If scores are below the fiftieth percentile, additional communication between the student and Vianney will occur to determine if he can succeed in our program.
- Involvement in school, church, community or other extracurricular activities
- Special consideration is given to a student whose family has past associations with Vianney.
- Being Catholic is not required but viewed favorably
- All students and families participate in an interview process before acceptance.
Students are accepted based upon the composite of acceptable criterion. No single factor determines acceptance or denial. St. John Vianney looks at the qualities of the entire person.
The Admissions Council reviews all applications. Members include: Director of Admissions, Principal, Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction, Assistant Principal for Student Development, Director of Guidance and President.
St. John Vianney High School is a college preparatory school with demanding academic requirements. It is assumed all graduates will attend college. Students enrolled at Vianney are expected to complete a college preparatory curriculum. Reasonable classroom and testing accommodations may be made if an official diagnosis of a learning disability/difference has been documented. To be eligible, the student must provide the Learning Consultant with a current and comprehensive written evaluation from a qualified clinician. It is important to note that Vianney is not able to provide all of the intensive accommodations typically found in schools with more extensive Special Education Programs.
- Attendance for Employees
- Personal Time Options
It is the policy of St. John Vianney High School to provide a caring, family orientated workplace for its employees. In order to assist the employee in providing for the financial and emotional security of themselves and their families, the following benefit is provided to all full-time, contracted, salaried employees.
In order to provide the employee with the ability to take necessary time off from his/her job duties, the employer has established a program of Personal Time Options (PTO). These Options are an earned benefit, which accrue at the following rates. Employees accrue personal time at the rate of ½ day per completed month of service, not to exceed six (6) days per school calendar year. There is no provision for unused days to be carried over from one year to the next. There are no monetary rewards for personal days not taken, nor is there payment for unused days upon employment separation.
1.Personal Days
The employer recognizes the need for the employee to attend to personal activities that may be in conflict with the contracted workday. Therefore, the employer will provide paid leave, through the use of the employee's accrued PTO for the employee's use to attend to personal business. The employee must provide at least forty-eight hours written notice to his/her supervisor. (The president supervises the Principal, Director of Admissions, Director of Finances and Facilities and Director of Advancement; the principal supervises the faculty and all clerical staff; the Director of Finances and Facilities supervises the business office, maintenance and cafe personnel and the Director of Advancement supervises the members of the Office of Advancement.)
Approval must be granted by the supervisor and recorded in the log maintained in the business office. This personal leave must be used in ½ day increments.
Personal Time Options may not be used to extend school vacation.
2.Sick Leave
PTO will also be used for personal illness leave, up to a maximum of six days (or until accumulated PTO expires). If a teacher is sick or needs to be absent from school due to a family illness or other acceptable reason, he/she should telephone his/her supervisor (as described above) at home by 10:00 PM the night before (if possible) or before 6 AM the day of the absence. Normally, accepted reasons for absence include personal illness and illness of immediate family members. Unusual circumstances will be handled on an individual basis as determined by the president or his designate. The administration reserves the right to require an examination and/or other certifications and documentation in cases where there is a reason to suspect abuse.
Illness/injury absences extending past seven days may require the employee to apply for short-term disability benefits.
3.Jury Duty
The employer supports the employee in his/her fulfilling civic duty through jury duty. PTO will not be charged for any time that the employee may need to fulfill this duty. Full pay will be continued for the period of jury duty as allowed for by law.
4.Other Personal Needs
Any absence not covered by PTO due to lack of accumulated time will result in the withholding of wages.
Since the employee, by contract, is engaged to follow the established school schedule, which allows for an extended period away from school during the summer recess, there areno vacation days available to the employee. PTO days may not be used as vacation days. Administrators and support staff arrange vacation time with their immediate supervisor.
- Bereavement Leave
Acknowledging that the loss of a family member is a traumatic time, the employee has the availability of PTO to attend the funeral of an immediate family member. Immediate family is considered to be spouse, grandparents, parents, parents-in-law, stepparent, siblings and children. If the funeral is out-of-town, up to four days may be used for this leave; in town funerals will allow a three-day leave. An employee may also use available PTO to attend the funeral of extended family member/friends by extending the leave by using a maximum of one PTO.
- Maternity Leave Policy (Adopted Fall 2016)
The School’s Maternity Leave policy provides a financial benefit for eligible employees who are unable to work due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Any FMLA Leave or Parental Leave that the employee may be entitled to will run concurrently with leave granted under this policy.
Eligible Employees: You are eligible if:
-You have been a full time employee with the School for the past twelve months;
-You are pregnant, have recently given birth, or are experiencing a related medical condition.
Eligible employees must be employed on the first date of the leave, and benefits will not continue beyond the employee’s employment with the School.
Notice:All eligible employees should notify the School as soon as practicable of their pregnancy. When possible, all eligible employees must give the School two (2) week notice prior to the beginning of their leave under this policy
Benefit Period: Eligible employees will receive 84 calendar days (12 weeks) of paid leave which must be taken consecutively and be used within three (3) months prior to and/or three (3) months subsequent to the birth of the child.
- Parental Leave Policy (Adopted Fall 2016)
The School’s Parental Leave policy provides a financial benefit for eligible employees for the birth of a child or the adoption of a child. Any FMLA Leave or Maternity Leave that the employee may be entitled to will run concurrently with leave granted under this policy.
Eligible Employees: You are eligible if:
-You have been a full time employee with the School for the past twelve months;
-You have recently become the parent of a child, through either birth or adoption.
Eligible employees must be employed on the first date of the leave, and benefits will not continue beyond the term of employment.
Benefit Period: Eligible employees will receive an additional ten (10) paid personal leave days in addition to the standard six (6) paid personal leave days per contract year. These personal leave days must be used within three (3) months prior to and/or three (3) months subsequent to the birth/adoption of the child, but need not be taken consecutively. The personal leave days used under this section shall be used in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 4 - Attendance for Employees and Personal Time Options.
- Adoption Leave Policy (Adopted Fall 2016)
The School’s Adoption Leave policy provides a financial benefit for eligible employees for the adoption of a child. Any FMLA Leave, Maternity Leave, or Parental Leave that the employee may be entitled to will run concurrently with leave granted under this policy.
Eligible Employees: You are eligible if:
-You have been a full time employee with the School for the past twelve months;
-You have recently become the parent of a child, through adoption;
-You are the primary care giver for the child.