Wyoming Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Application to Co-Sponsor Continuing Education Activities

The Wyoming Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Association (WSHA) will individually administer co-sponsorship of CE activities that meet ASHA required guidelines. All events and topics must conform to ASHA guidelines for professional or related content. Speaker must possess professional qualifications. The focus of the activity must not be for the sale of a specific product. Please contact the WSHA CE Administrator as soon as you begin planning your event so we can assist you with the necessary ASHA requirements.


Respond to each of the questions below and attach required information. Course and Offering Registration Form and required attachments must be received a minimum of 90 days prior to the event. Shorter time frames are submitted to ASHA as “exceptions” and can be negotiated with the CE Administrator. Detailed instructions and additional forms are available on the WSHA website (

Contact Person:
Contact Phone: / Contact Email:
Contact relation to the organization/company offering the activity:
Organization/company offering CE activity:
Expected attendance: / Attendee cost for activity:
Location of the activity:
Beginning date of activity: / Ending date of activity:
Total CEUs offered: / Total hours offered:
(60 minutes or 1 contact hour = 0.1 CEU, time does not include breaks)
Course Title (not to exceed 60 characters):
Course Description (not to exceed 300 characters):

Subject Code (clickon one check box):

1010 Fluency Disorders - Assess and Intervention

1020 Voice Disorders - Assess and Intervention

1030 Motor Disorders of Speech - Assess & Intervention

1040 Dysphagia - Assess and Intervention

2010 Speech Science

3010 Lang Disorders - Assess & Intervention

3030 Lang Disorders -Aphasia and Acquired

Neurogenic Disorders & Cognition

3040 Language Disorders - AAC

3050 Language Disorders - Articulation

4010 Language Science

5010 Audiology - Assessment

5020 Audiology - Habilitation/Rehabilitation

5030 Hearing Assistive Technology

5040 Industrial Audiology/Hearing Conservation

6010 Hearing Science

7010 Service Delivery assoc with Sp/Lang/Hearing

7015 Pre-professional Education Assoc with Sp/Lang/Hearing

7020 Education/Training issues in Sp/Lang/Hearing

7025 Regulatory Issues in Sp/Lang/Hearing

7030 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education & Public Policy

7040 Psycho-social Issues in Assess & Intervention

7050 Leadership and Management in Profess Practice Setting

7060 Patient Safety and Prevention of Medical Errors

8010 Microcomputer and Technology

9010 Speech-Language Conferences with Multiple Sessions

9015 SLP Self Study or Journals

9020 Audiology Conferences w/ multi sessions

9025 Audiology Self Study or Journals

9030 Audiology and SLP Conferences with multiple sessions

9035 Audiology and SLP Self Study or Journal

9040 Review Courses for National Exam in SLP or Audiology

Content Code (clickon one check box):

Basic Communication Processes



Instructional Level (clickon one check box):

Introductory – assumes little or no familiarity with the area

Intermediate – assumes general familiarity with the area

Advanced – assumes thorough familiarity with the area

Various – single level cannot be determined; multiple sessions

Type of Activity (clickon one check box):


2 Seminar

3 Conference

4 Forum

5 Symposium

6 In-service

7 Journal Group

8 Study Group

9 Grand Rounds

10 Teleconference

11 Videoconference/Satellite TV 12 Self Study: Video or Course

13 Self Study: Journal or newsletter

14 Convention

15 Short Course

16 Miniseminar

17 Technical Session

18 Poster Session

19 Roundtable Discussion

20 Traditional academic courses

22 Independent study

23 Web-based courses

List course offerings on Course Search on ASHA website?



If yes, please provide contact name and phone number or web address, etc.:

Course CEUs

Attacha copy of the time-ordered agenda that lists the activity’s schedule by time periods including content, instructional personnel, etc.

Can participants achieve the entire course’s learning outcomes without full attendance? (Is partial credit an option)?

No (continue to promotional materials section)

Yes (respond to the following)

How will course participants who do not attend the entire course demonstrate achievement of the course learning outcomes? (check one):

The course has multiple sessions and each session has discrete learning outcomesthat are assessed at the end of each session.

The course is a series of sessions. Participants must attend a minimum of sessions.

A passing score on an exam is the satisfactory completion requirement.

Participant will successfully demonstrate a skill as the satisfactory completion requirement.

Other (please describe):

Disclosures and Promotional Materials

The Wyoming Speech-Language Hearing Association requires that all individuals involved in developing and delivering course content to be offered for ASHA CEUs disclose relevant financial and nonfinancial relationship(s).

Sample disclosure statements can be found by clicking on the following link:

Attach a copy of the disclosure form for all planners and presenters.

Attach a copy of the promotional materials including course advertisement, which includes the following:

1. The ASHA CE Approved Provider Brand Block and CEU sentence (Contact the WSHA CE Administrator for a copy of the ASHA CE ApprovedProvider Brand Block by emailingthe WSHA CE Administrator: )

2.Instructional personnel disclosure(s)

3. Disclosure that the course is focused on a specific product or service and there will be no or limited information about similar products or services (if applicable).

4. Disclosure of the names of organizations contributing financial and in-kindsupport (if applicable).

Prior to the course, did you disclose that the course content was focused on a specific product or service?


Not applicable

Prior to the beginning of the course, will you disclose financial and in-kind support given by other organizations used to pay for all or part of the costs of the CE course?

Not applicable

Yes, disclosure is made in promotional materials for all instructional personnel.

Yes, disclosure will be made at the start of the course for all instructional personnel.

Course Design Needs Assessment Process (check all that apply):

Interviewed key individuals

Conducted focus group(s)

Surveyed sample population

Other (please describe):

Learning Outcomes

Describe the skills, knowledge and/or attitudes (learning outcomes) participants will be able to demonstrate as a result of this activity. These must be measurable such as: participants will: demonstrate or describe or identify, etc.

Attach course’s learning outcomes

Assessment of Learning Process (check all that apply):

Performance demonstrations

Written report

Written examination

Oral report

Oral examination


Question and answer session

Other (please describe):

Instructional Methodology (check all that apply):


Small group activity

Video or audio presentation

Panel discussion

Demonstration of procedures

Observation of patients

Case study


Other (please describe):

Planning and Instructional Personnel

It is important instructional personnel meet ASHA requirements. Visit the ASHA website for resources on the following:

• Evidence-Based Continuing Education Tutorial

• Guidance on Infusing Evidence into CE Course Content

For additional assistance, please contact the WSHA CE Administrator:

Diana Seabeck • 307-742-7956 •

Satisfactory Completion and Course Evaluation

How will you determine whether participants meet the course’s satisfactory completion requirements and are eligible to earn CEUs? (check all that apply):


Attainment of learning outcomes


Attach a $325 ASHA processing fee to this form plus attachments:

Check enclosed payable to American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Credit Card Visa Mastercard Credit Card Number:

Expiration Date:

Authorized Signature:______

Return the completed Continuing Education Activity Approval Worksheet, required attachments, and fees by US mail to: WSHA CE Administrator:

Diana Seabeck

2533 Park Avenue

Laramie, WY 82070

OR by email with attached documents to

Timeframe – In accordance with ASHA timeframes, the above requested information must bereceived by the WSHA CE Administrator at least 90 days prior to the event. Timeframe exceptions may be negotiated with the administrator.