Wyoming 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Evaluation Summary 2012-13
Program Coordinators: Please provide grant year 2012-13 data (summer 2012 and school year 2012-13) related to the program’s attainment of your yearly measurable objectives within the grant or continuation application(s). Each cohort of funding must submit the evaluation summary. This data is not collected through our annual performance report nor is the data often available to request in the continuation application. Due September 1, 2013.
Wyoming 21st Century Community Learning CentersState Program Goals
Goal 1: To establish community learning centers that help students in high-poverty, low-performing schools meet academic achievement standards
In the labeled text boxes below, please list each measureable objective in Goal 1, whether or not the objective was met, and provide the data to illustrate that the objective was met.
Objective 1
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 2
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 3
Was the objective met? Yes No
Goal 2: to offer a broad array of high-quality enrichment activities that are aligned with and complement the regular academic school daywhile positively affecting student outcomes such as school attendance and academic performance and decreasing behavioral risk factors.
In the labeled text boxes below, please list each measureable objective for Goal 2, whether or not the objective was met, and provide the data to illustrate that the objective was met.
Objective 1
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 2
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 3
Was the objective met? Yes No
Goal 3: to provide programming to engage the families of 21st CLCLC participants for the purpose of increasing parent/family engagement in learning and developing resiliency through positive home/school relationships.
In the labeled text boxes below, please list each measureable objective for Goal 3, whether or not the objective was met, and provide the data to illustrate that the objective was met.
Objective 1
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 2
Was the objective met? Yes No
Objective 3
Was the objective met? Yes No