Meeting held Tuesday, 12th January, 2010, at 7.30 p.m.,
Wymondham Village Hall*
In attendance : Councillor Chris Semmens, Chairman CSS
Councillor P. Peters, Vice ChairmanPP
Councillor M. BrayMB Councillor C. Semmens CSJ
Councillor C. Smithson-ConnellyCSC
Councillor L. WatkinsLW
Apologies for absence:Borough Councillor M. Graham,
PC Darryl Cunnington
* * * * * * * *
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.55 p.m., as there were no parishioners present.
1.Apologies for Absence
As noted above.
2.Approval of Minutes of the Last Meeting
Approval of the minutes of the last meeting was proposed by LW and seconded by MB. Minutes approved and signed by the Chairman as a true copy.
3.Declarations of Interest
CSC declared that he is now Vice Chairman of the Village Hall Committee. All other declarations of interest as previously noted.
4.Matters ongoing from previous meetings if any
i.Affordable Housing, Glebe Road Development
All councillors, viewing this development positively and wishing to see incoming residents together with the community achieving optimum benefit, were in agreement with proposal that PP should keep a "weather eye" on the development and report to Clerk as necessary. Proposed by LW and seconded by CSC.
5.Police Report
As previously received and e-mailed to all parish councillors. Increase in thefts throughout the Parish was noted, and Clerk to word article appropriately in next edition of The Journal. Parishioners to be invited to send e-mail addresses to PP, for inclusion in Country Watch circulars.
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6.Highways and Bridges
E-mail dated 6th January from Leonora Hanna, LCC Highways Senior Technician, previously circulated to all councillors, from which it was noted that the first phase of the infilling work on the Melton Road bridge would commence 18th January, 2010. Second Phase to commence 2011, and Parish Council to be notified re. programming.
i.Application No.09/00771/TCA
Removal of Norway spruce tree at Priory Cottage, Church Lane: permission granted.
ii.Application No.09/00871/FUL
Erection of ground floor extension for conservatory at 79A, Main Street, Wymondham: there were no objections to this application.
iii.Letter from Mr. J. Worley, head of Regulatory Services, dated 21st December, 2009 inviting comments from Parish Councils on planning application for new council offices. There were no comments.
Councillors approved the following expenditure:
ch.no.387, Society of Local Council Clerks, £72.00: annual membership
ch.no.388, J.S. Stevens, £215.00: Clerk December
dd, Severn Trent Water, £157.96: Wymondham Village Hall
dd, Severn Trent Water, £27.02: Wymondham allotments
a. Precept 2010-2011
The precept for 2010-2011 was confirmed by all Councillors and Precept form signed for return to MBC.
i.Wymondham Village Hall
Contribution to the above precepted at £2,500, and considered in conjunction with accounts received for the year end 31st March, 2009. It was agreed that this support would be reduced by £500 a year as from 2011-2012 (subject to review), and Clerk to write accordingly to the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee.
9.The Reading Room Trust
The Clerk reported that applications to become representative trustees had been received from Mr. G. Bell, Mrs. R. Elsome, Dr. J. Lewis. Proposed by CSC and agreed unanimously that they be invited to attend individually prior to next Parish Council Meeting for an "informal chat," following which selection by signed ballot would take place at the Meeting. It was further agreed that attendance by Messrs. Crossley and Whiteoak would not be necessary, as their service to the Charity was already noted. Clerk to write appropriate letters.
10. Reports from Representatives
a. Borough Council: There was nothing to report.
b. County Council: There was nothing to report.
c. LRALC: the Chairman had nothing to report.
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d. Edmondthorpe: MB reported that, following circulation of letter re. dog dirt there had been no significant improvement in this nuisance.
e. St. Peters C/E Aided Primary School: PP reported that school numbers had now risen to forty-six, and a new teacher had been engaged to replace Mary Johnson. Field access had been reviewed, with regular inspections. However, although less than before fencing was erected, broken glass and beer bottles were still proving a nuisance and a matter for concern together with dog excrement on the field.
Play equipment had been inspected by ROSPA and the draft travel plan had been approved.
f. Rights of Way: LW reported that all in good order.
g. Allotments: The Clerk had nothing to report.
h. War Memorials: There was nothing adverse to report.
i. Archaeological Network & Civic Society: CSJ had little to report following last meeting in November.
j. Maintenance/Health & Safety:
i.Litter Bin
The Chairman noted that the bin removed from the front of The Sedley Centre to the verge by the recreation field would be relocated as soon as weather conditions permitted.
ii.Salt Bins
Clerk to order refill of salt for the bin by Meadows Rise.
k. Wymondham Village Hall: CSC reported that a new management committee had now been appointed, and they would be pursuing funding towards energy efficiency measures together with the requirement for disabled access and loos.
l. Sir John Sedley Educational Centre: There was nothing to report.
11.Street Lighting
There was nothing to report
12. Correspondence
i. Current magazines were tabled to the meeting, other correspondence having been considered throughout.
13. Date of the next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 9th February, 2010, at 8.15 p.m., Edmondthorpe Social Club .
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.05 p.m.
*rescheduled meeting and venue, as meeting timetabled for 5th January, 2010 at Edmondthorpe Social Club abandoned due to severe weather conditions.