Annex- 3

Help Sheet for Data Capture Format for PPP infrastructure projects

S. No. / Parameter / Description
A. / General Information
Project Name / Provide the name of the project as mentioned in the concession agreement
Project Brief / Provide a brief description of the project including key features of the project E.g.
  • Roads and highways: Greenfield or lane expansion, number of lanes, etc.
  • Electricity Generation: Green field or expansion, installed (proposed) capacity and type of fuel etc.
  • Airports/ Ports: Capacity in passengers/ cargo handled, location, land area etc.
  • Water Supply/ Sanitation/ Sewerage: Rehabilitation/ Up gradation/New infrastructure, treatment technology, key components (treatment, distribution, transmission etc.)
Provide any other project details and/or specifications that are available.
Sector / Select a sector from the drop down menu
(In case of hardcopy submission, indicate the sector as per the list of infrastructure sectors attached)
Sub sector / Select a sub sector from the drop down menu
(In case of hardcopy submission, indicate the sub sector as per the list of infrastructure sectors attached)
Project Capacity / Select the appropriate unit and provide the capacity of the project. For example select “Km” and provide total length in case of road and highway project, select “MW” and provide generation capacity in case of power generation project, select “passengers/annum” and provide passengers handled per annum in case of an airport project.
Location / Select the state/ union territory (UT) from the drop down menu.
In case the project extends to two or more states/ UT, select the option “multiple states” and select the origination state from the drop down menu. (In case of hardcopy submission, indicate the state/ UT for the project and If the project extends to multiple states/ UT, indicate “multiple” and mention the origination state/ UT)
Type of PPP / Select the type of PPP project from the drop down menu. Select/ indicate from the following types/sub-types:
  1. Management Contracts
  2. Management Contract (O&M)
  3. Management contract (O&M with rehabilitation/expansion)
  4. Lease Contracts
  5. Lease
  6. Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT)
  7. Build-Own-Lease-Transfer (BOLT)
  8. Build-Transfer-Lease (BTL)
  9. Concession [city/regional level brownfield/expansion project]
  10. Build-Operate-Transfer Contract
  11. Design-Build-Operate (DBO)
  12. Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
  13. Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer (DBFOT)
  14. Build-operate-transfer (BOT) Annuity
  15. Build-Own-Operate-Transfer Contract
  16. Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)
  17. Build-Own-Operate (BOO)

Status / Select the current status of the project from the drop down menu. Select/ indicate:
  • “Under construction” for projects awarded but are not yet under operation;
  • “Operation” for projects which have achieved commercial operation;
  • “Completed” for projects whose concession period is over;
  • “Terminated” for terminated projects.

Nodal Authority / Select the nodal authority from the drop down menu. Select/ Indicate
  • “Centre” in case the project is initiated by a central government/ agency;
  • “State” in case the project is initiated by a state government/ agency.

Concession Duration / Provide the actual duration of the concession agreement including construction period in years. Calculate the duration between concession signing date and actual end date of concession
Project Authority / Provide name of the authority responsible for the project. Also provide contact details including name of the contact person, address, email, phone and fax
Project Concessionaire / Provide name of the concessionaire executing the project. Also provide contact details including name of the contact person, address, email, phone and fax
B. / Bidding Information
Bid Parameter / Select the bidding parameter from the drop down menu. Select “Other” in case of any other bidding parameter and provide the details of the same. Select/ indicate from the following options:
  • “Minimum grant”
  • “Highest premium”
  • “Annuity”
  • “Concession Duration”
  • “Revenue Share”
  • “Lease Rent”
  • “Management fee”
  • “Tariff or User charge”
  • “Others” for any other type and provide details

C. / Project Timelines
Concession Agreement Signing Date / Provide the actual date on which the concession agreement has been signed. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Financial Closure Date / Provide the actual date on which the financial closure is achieved. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Appointed Date / Provide the actual date on which the project has started. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Construction Completion Date (as per Concession Agreement) / Provide the expected date of construction completion as per the concession agreement. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Construction Completion Date (Actual) / Provide the actual date of construction completion. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Date of Start of Commercial Operation (as per Concession Agreement) / Provide the expected date of start of commercial operation as per the concession agreement. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Date of Start of Commercial Operation (Actual) / Provide the actual date of start of commercial operation as per the concession agreement. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Concession End Date (as per Concession Agreement) / Provide the expected end date of concession as per the concession agreement. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Revised end date of the concession, if any / Provide the revised end date of concession agreement, if any. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Concession End Date (Actual) / Provide the actual end date of the concession as per the concession agreement. Provide the date in dd/mm/yyyy format. Provide only for completed projects
D. / Project Costs
Project Funding / Select the source of project funding from the drop down menu. Select/ indicate:
  • “Government funded” for projects which are completely funded by the government;
  • “Private funded” for projects which are completely funded by the private;
  • “Both” for projects which are funded by both government and private sector.

Type of Grant / Provide details as per following table
Type of Grant / Value
Project Development Grant: The grant provided for the purpose of project development/ preparatory activities / Indicate the value in Indian Rupees crore
Construction Grant: The grant provided for capital works / Indicate the value in Indian Rupees crore
Operation Grant: The grant, including subsidy, provided during the operations period / Indicate the annual operation grant/ subsidy provided in Indian Rupees crore. In case, the grant/ subsidy is being provided on each unit of the output, calculate the total annual grant by multiplying the unit cost of grant/ subsidy by the annual average production.
Project Cost (as per Concession Agreement), in Rs. crore / Provide the cost of the project in Indian Rupees crore as per the concession agreement.
Project Cost (Revised), in Rs. crore / Provide the revised cost of the project, if any, in Indian Rupees crore.
Project Cost (Actual), in Rs. crore / Provide the actual or the executed cost of the project in Indian Rupees crore. The cost is to be provided only for completed projects
E. / Others
Any other information / Provide any other information relevant for the project and not captured elsewhere in the information template

Annex- 3

List of Infrastructure Sectors & Subsectors

S.No. / Category / Sub Sector
1. / Transport / Roads and bridges
Ports (excluding captive)
Inland waterways
Railway track, tunnel, viaducts, bridges
Urban public transport (except rolling stock)
2. / Energy / Electricity generation (grid)
Renewable energy (grid)
Electricity transmission/distribution
Oil pipelines
Oil/ gas LNG storage
Gas pipelines
City gas distribution
3. / Communication / Telecommunication towers
4. / Water and sanitation / Solid waste management
Water supply pipeline
Water treatment plants
Sewage collection, treatment and disposal system
Irrigation (dams, channels, embankments, etc.)
Storm water drainage system
5. / Social and commercial infrastructure / Common infrastructure for industrial parks, SEZs
Cold Chains