November 7, 2012

9:00 am-12:00pm

QualityHotelConferenceCenter in Harper’s Ferry, WV


  1. Call to Order by acting chairperson Delberta Riffe in the absence of Carol Cipoletti.
  1. Introductions and Welcome

Those in attendance: Rebecca King, WVDE, Kristi Scaggs, RESA 2, Paula McCoy, RESA 4, Delberta Riffe, RESA 3, Deborah Stine, RESA 8, Milissa Mace, RESA 5 and Shelly Keree, RESA 7 via conference call.

  1. Approval of minutes from October 5, 2012 /Policy Revisions. In regard to CARDIAC program plan to invite Dr. Neal to attend the next Springcouncil meeting in Morgantown. Will also invite the president of WVASN or her designee. Minutes were approved.
  1. Old Business

WVBE Policy 2422.8-Medication Administration Revisions. Discussion of the cost reduction by purchasing stock epinephrine in boxes of 25 ampules and sharing with other nurses (and even counties) sharing the purchase price of a box. Could be as low as $3.00 per nurse per dose. This policy will be reviewed at the December WV State Board of Education meeting then go on public comment through January 2013.

AED study in regard to school discussed. 520 out of the 760 schools Becky King surveyed already had an AED on site.

  1. Updates from WVDE

Restructuring of WVDE and Office of Healthy Schools

Kanawha Circuit Court Immunization Challenge Case. Judge confirms that DHHR does have the authority for an interpretive rule.

School Health Memo to be sent in near future

IV. New Business

Review of 2012/13 School Nurse Needs Assessment. Some changes need to be made. Remove questions regarding Scoliosis & TB skin tests. Plan to add information about coordination of CARDIAC, mobile dentistry, AED/CPR program, and Healthcheck data. Also add information regarding epinephrine use and rather it was a diagnosed or an undiagnosed allergy.

Review of School Nurse Evaluation. Because of large numbers of school nurses reaching retirement age use of the form was discussed and decided that it be encouraged as a professional development tool. A LPN Evaluation tool is needed also. This will be requested from WVASN.

Review of Policy 2422.7 and Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedure Manual. It was recommended that we ask the school nurses to let their council member know if there are any items that need to be revised or re-written. It will be processed regarding where is the best place to address CPR and AED policies. Also, it was suggested that an evaluation tool be added to complete the "Safe Scale" in Section 3. Becky King to check with Dr. India Hosch to determine if such a tool could be added. .

  1. Closing remarks - Plan next meeting to be in March 15, 2013 in Morgantown, WV starting at 8:00 am.