Enclosure 2

Continued Service Agreement

Army Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Administration

•DepartmentoftheArmy(DA)policyrequirescivilianemployeesselectedfornon-Governmenttraininginexcessof 80hours,orlong-termtraininganddevelopmentalprogramsinexcessof120calendardays(Governmentornon-Government)completeaserviceagreementbeforeassignmenttothetraining.




a.I AGREE that uponcompletion of the training that I have requested, if I receive salary coveringthetraining period, Iwill serve inthe Departmentof Defense (DoD) three times the lengthofthetraining period.If I received no salary during the training period, Iagreetoservethe agency foraperiod equal tothelength of training,butinno caseless than one month.The length of part timetraining is thenumber ofhours spent in class or with the instructor. The length offull-time trainingis eight hours for each day of training, upto a maximum of 40 hours a week.

b.If I voluntarily leave the DoD and theFederalservice before completing theperiod of serviceagreed to in item a above, I AGREE to reimbursetheDoD for the registrationfees, tuitionandmatriculationfees, library and laboratory fees, purchase or rental of books, materials, supplies, travel, per diem, and miscellaneousotherrelated training program costs(EXCLUDINGsalary)paid in connection with mytraining. However, the amount of the reimbursement will bereducedonaprorata basis for the percentage of completion of the obligated service. This training program is considered non-Government training.

The government cost of the Army-Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Administration is $70,464 comprised of $38,580 for the didactic phase and $31,885 for the residency phase. These costs do not include your salary, which is not reimbursable, or travel/PCS costs which may be reimbursable IAW DoD and/or Army Policy.

c.If I voluntarily leave the DoD toenterservice of another Federalagency or other organization inany branch ofthe Government beforecompleting theperiod of service agreed to in item aabove, I will give myserving personnel office ortrainingofficeadvance notice of at leastten working daysduring whichtime,in accordance withFederal regulations, a determinationconcerningreimbursement or transferof the remaining service obligation to the gaining agency will be made.Requests towaive repayment of training dollarswillbe routed to the Commander, MEDCOM, for endorsement. Send requests, including the command’s recommendation, toHeadquarters, US Army Medical Command, G37 Readiness, Training & Exercise Division, ATTN: MCOP-O-RT, 2748 Worth Road, Joint Base San Antonio, TX 78234-6000.

d.I understand that any amountswhichmay be due tothe employing agency as a result of anyfailure on mypart to meet the termsof thisagreement may be withheld from anymoniesowedme by the Government, or may be recovered bysuch other methods as are approved by law.

e.I further AGREE to obtain approval from my organization and the Commander, MEDCOM, ATTN: G37, requests ofany proposed change inmy approved training program involving courseand schedulechanges, withdrawals orincompletions, and increased costs. Submit requests to Headquarters, US Army Medical Command, G37 Readiness, Training & Exercise Division, ATTN: MCOP-O-RT, 2748 Worth Road, Joint Base San Antonio, TX 78234-6000

f.I acknowledge that thisagreement does not inany way committhe Government to continue myemployment.I understandthat if there is a transfer of my service obligation to another Federalagency or other organization in any branch ofthe Government, the agreementswill remain ineffect until I have completed my obligated service withthat other agency or organization.

Periodofobligatedservice: Estimated services obligation based on training start date of 14 June 2017 and graduation date of 22 July 2019.

MY CONTINUED SERVICE OBLIGATION IS FROM: 23 July 2019 TO: 22 October 2025 (75 Months)

Failure to complete training, voluntarily or involuntarily, will result in a service obligation of three times the length of training attended and will be calculated at time of departure from training.

I am not receiving any contributions, awards, orpayments in connection with this training, fromany other government agency or non-Governmentorganization and shall not accept such withoutfirst obtainingapproval from the authorizing training official. I agree that should I fail to completethe requested training successfully, due to circumstances withinmycontrol,Iwillreimburse theagency foralltraining costs excludingsalary associated with my attendance.


Employee’s SignatureDate Signed

Print Employee Name: ______SSN:______

Witnessed Signature:______Date:______

Print Witness Name:______

