Nutrition Concurrent Adjunct Instructor Evaluation Criteria
1. Course Content:
1 Out of compliance, less than all of the content in the six modules taught.
3 In compliance, all of the content in the six modules taught.
5 In compliance, all of the content in the six modules taught in addition to using other activities provided; such as end of module proficiencies, games and study activities.
2. Student Assessments:
1 Out of compliance, not all of the eight assessments are being used.
3 In compliance, all of the eight assessments are being used.
5 In compliance, all of the eight assessments are being used, and additional assessments that may be used are still influencing the grade 20% and support the learning content. Assessments are submitted in the Blackboard Learning class.
3. Student Performance
1 Out of compliance, the final grade is not determined objectively using the 20% assessment, 80% exam performance of the six exams provided with 3% extra credit.
3 In compliance, the six exams provided are utilized and comprise 80% for the grade, the eight assessments provided are used to determine 20% of the final course grade, and the extra credit provides no more than 3%.
5 In compliance, the six exams provided are utilized in addition to other exams and comprise 80% for the grade, the eight assessments provided are used in addition to other exercises to determine 20% of the final course grade, and the extra credit provides no more than 3%.
4. Classroom Ambience:
1 Chaotic, classroom, delivery of content not orderly
3 Orderly classroom, delivery of content orderly using the PowerPoint presentations
5 Orderly classroom, delivery of content orderly using the PowerPoint presentations with good student participation
5. Facilities/Equipment:
1 Presentation software and hardware are available
3 Presentation software and hardware are available with connection to internet
5 Presentation software and hardware are available and the Blackboard Learning template is being used to manage the class.
6. Instructional Materials
1 Out of compliance, does not use the current textbook, diet analysis software, lecture CD, Blackboard learning template, exams, assessments or learning activities.
3 In compliance, uses the current textbook, diet analysis software, lecture CD, Blackboard learning template, exams, assessments and learning activities provided.
5 In compliance, each student uses their own current textbook, diet analysis software, lecture CD, Blackboard learning template to submit assessments and take advantage of learning activities provided and has demonstrated the skills, knowledge and competency by successfully passing the six WSU provided exams on Chitester.
7. Adjunct Faculty Performance:
1 Out of compliance, does not use WSU provided tools to deliver Nutr 1020 content.
3 Uses the WSU tools provided ineffectively
5 Uses the WSU tools provided effectively