WSN F2F 30/7/04 Afternoon session

Friday, July 30, 2004

3:37 AM

Issue resolution continued

·  WSN 2.11 - Consumer can't identify subscription causing notification

PN: observation sub issue of 2.9 trying to cancel subscription

MC: IRP aside; Would it be valid to have a property that is subscriberID that is scoped by the consumer? Resource Property of the subscription that is in the instance document

JT: In line with other notification systems (possibly consumer provided identity). No particular format.

SG: Currently don't have that functionality

WSRF wants to stay out of identifier business. Domain specific identifiers are appropriate (eg WSDM). A user of WSRF defining its identifier

AK: Believe it is in scope for WSN to define a subscription identifier. If you have an id that a consumer can use later then you can use that identifier for pause and resume.

IS: Does not solve this issue

AK: Subscription ID is service provider generated and sent back to consumer.

IS: Just having the ID does not help. Whom do you talk to about that identity.

AK: Consumer has no idea how to contact the producer

IS: Also does not know how to contact the subscription manager

SG: Subscriber role gets the EPR of the subscription manager

AK: Identity does not change the fact that consumer does not get EPR for Subscription manager

WV: Issue needs to address situations where subscriber and consumer are separate and the same

SG: Consumer, Notification Producer 1 and 2.

Subscribe to NP1, EPR1 and SubID = 5

Subscribe to NP2, EPR2 and SubID = 5

AK: Unique identifier in notification message to correlate to the subscribe message EPR

IS: Why not just use reference as opposed to identity?

SG: So EPR1 flows on the notify

So consumer can compare to EPRs (somehow)

And what about raw?

AK: wrt comparisons. The only thing the consumer can do is bitwise compare.

IS: Why compare?

A: Doing admin does not require comparison.

BM: If the consumer and the subscriber are the same then consumer could put something into the reference properties to get information back for comparison.

AK: That assumes that you are using WS-Resource qualified endpoint. What if you did not create the consumers EPR

BM: Consumer could keep track of EPRs and ref props

AK: Relies on WS-Addressing

WV: If someone subscribes on your behalf this will not help you

PN: Summarize:

Issue is not clear 2 aspects

1.  Have subscription list (assumes subscriber -> consumer handshake) Subscriber associates number. EPR to subscriber imbeds that in consumers EPR

2.  Consumer gets notification (no handshake). No way to cancel that

Imbed enough information in the notify to address the subscription

Explicit notify message do we want to make it mandatory?

Wrapped form that defines additional things for consumer.

Rough Proposal:

In notify message we put EPR that can be used to pause, resume, cancel, etc for the subscription.

AW: Why is that not identical EPR to the return of the subscribe.

PN: Use of the EPR returned will have the same effect as the EPR returned by the subscribe. Refers to the same subscription.


In notify message we put EPR that can be used to pause, resume, cancel, etc for the subscription. The EPR in the notify message refers to the same subscription returned by the Subscribe MEP.

DH: Subscriber putting something in the consumer EPR. Easter eggs in the notify message. There needs to be at least one way for the subscriber to pass information to the consumer. Consumer needs access to the subscription and the proposal covers that. Has nothing to do with the SPAMming issue.

MC: (at whiteboard) Look at current notification message structure

Section 3.1

<SOAP Hdr/>

<SOAP Body>



SubscriptionEPR * (0..unbounded)




</SOAP Body>

SG: Observed the following; optional producer reference. Can we get rid of that?

PN: No, Producer ref was original notification

SG: withdraw

AK: Likes the proposal; modulo WS-Resource discussion. In general good direction does not impose the same requirements as WS-Addressing.

DH: Optional unbounded? Why? We should be concerned with optimization. Not so much at the message format level. Not clear it will save CPU on either end. Saving space on the wire use compression…

MC: 0..unbounded discussion

15 subscriptions set up by the subscriber

Overlapping topic expressions

On match of 10 can send only one with multiple subscription ids

And can also send multiple messages.

PN: Impacts the consumer

MC: Some extra work on consumer

AW: Do we assume that we would never make multiple subscriptions to the same producer on the same topic?

Group: No

AW: So we need this functionality. Unless one of these is mandatory the consumer will not be able to decide.

AW: So reference property as a correlation context

GD: That pattern works but there needs to be work done on the subscriber side

Clarification subscription EPRs are all related to the same consumer.

PN: To do the boxcar the Notification Producer needs to compare the consumer EPRs

Optional or required

MC: Optional

PN: Control of optional

MC: Notification Producer

PN: Concerned about simple minded consumers

PN: Do we need no boxcar on subscription EPR parameter?

PN: There will be a class of consumers that will not be able to or want to do that.

PN: Amend to allow policy/parameter in subscribe request

DH: What is the exact amendment?

PN: Mechanism to allow subscriber to control boxcaring of subscription EPR on the Subscribe MEP (editorial changes by minute taker (added "on the Subscribe MEP"))

DH: If we add Subscription EPR 0..unbounded shouldn't we add 0..unbounded on the producer reference

WV: No interface is defined for producer reference

DH: Not convinced we are gaining much here. It is dead simple what an optional subscription EPR means. If we get into 0..unbounded you introduce parameters/policy, you have other questions but it is a difference between dead simple. Opt for 0..1 as opposed to 0..unbounded.

WV: Show of hands on the current proposal:

0..unbounded - 5 people

0..1 - 6 people

About 50-50

MC: Why unbounded makes sense

IS: Against 0..unbounded. 0..1 is reasonable. 0..unbounded complexity is unnecessary. Solve the 80% case. Boxcaring is totally orthogonal to the issue at hand. How do you know the subscription.

SP: Uncomfortable with putting the admin on the consumer. The original idea of separating the consumer and subscriber was a split of operational and administrative. Against entire proposal. Stick with consumer and subscriber model. The consumer coordinates with the subscriber for administration.

Identify subscriber interface for this administrative role.

IS: Clarification. What makes you think there is a trust?

SP: The main problem is if the consumer gets unwanted subscriptions.

WV: Clarify Sanjay's counter.

AW: As proposal of query mgmt interface I would not like to use this mechanism as per Sanjay's proposal. Minimize out of band mechanisms.

The proposal solves the issue for me

SP: Optional does not solve the issue

WV: straw poll

For proposal - 13

Sanjay's proposal or something else - 1

Go back to other proposal thread

MC: (at whiteboard)

0..1 Subscription EPR

Subdispatch of message is the same for 0..1 or 0..unbounded

SG: sending 2 identical subscribe requests will cause generation of two separate subscriptions

AK: Not sure what the delta is between 0..1 or 0..unbounded. Very similar fan out. Having said that the important part is having the identity in the message. Why is this more complicated?

DH: What would the unoptimized message look like? Let's focus on that. One notification per subscription on event generation. We should support the ability to put more then one notification message into one physical message. There is some per message overhead. Subscription EPR should be optional. RECOMMEND that it be there.

Do not get in the optimization business in general. 0..unbounded against.

SG: During the development of this we did not have the boxcar. If we had the NotificationMessage+ we could use same message format for response of poll.

WV: Whether 0..1 or 0..unbounded. Not a big deal either way. Not a high stake issue. Prefer simpler approach.

SG: Against star but for 0..1. Implication of how NotificationProducer knows how to do bundling. Uncomfortable with consumer comparison.

DS: Whole discussion about inserting EPR addresses requirement for administration of subscription. Coorelation of subscriptions on server side not addressed. Line 393-396 of spec covers.

IS: Do you have many messages or one? For every message you want to fire some work. Forcing requirement to look into the message is not good. Arguing that multiple subscription EPR (0..unbounded) is not good.

A: No good answer why this is more difficult.

IS: Can no longer use SAX parser for this message.

AK: Start using pull parser better performance :-)

MC: I'll go with prevailing side.

WV: Strawpoll

0..1 - 9

0..unbounded - 3

AW: Does the spec permit single notify to go to multiple consumers?

Group: Still does not allow that.


In notify message we put EPR that can be used to pause, resume, cancel, etc for the subscription. The EPR in the notify message refers to the same subscription returned by the Subscribe MEP.







Issue is forwarded to editors for action

·  New motion to open issue to revisit the "MUST implement the IRP" before issuing next public draft.

No opposition. New issue.

·  WSN 2.19 - Soften the wording for Subscribe operation

PN: Do we want to just accept proposed recommendation?

AK: Just create or fault?

MC: Upon successful completion you must return….

AW: Need to explain the faults.

WV: Any concerns on accepting proposed recommendation?

Proposed recommendation accepted.

Issue is forwarded to editors for action using proposed recommendations

·  WSN 2.13 - Bindings often the wording for Subscribe operation

This may depend on IRP work to be done in WS-RF TC.

Mechanism the Notification Producer uses to create EPR for the subscription reference is an implementation issue, which is not subject to standardization.

This issue remains unresolved

·  WSN 2.20 - QOS for change of subscription properties

This issue is related to WS2.7 Updating resource properties via Set Resource Property. It is possible to modify any resource property of a resource using Set Resource Property in WS-RP spec.

Essence of this issue: if you change a subscription parameter "on the fly," e.g. termination time, how seamless will the transition be?

·  Thank Fujitsu

DS: Comments please on things to improve to Dave