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IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 1

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1. Abiotic A. A complex interlocking series of individual food chains.

2. Biotic B. A pyramid that refers to the flow of energy through a trophic level, usually measured in units of flow (for example, g m–2 yr–1 or J m–2 yr–1).

3. Trophic level C. Graphical model of the quantitative differences that exist between trophic levels of an ecosystem. Follows the 2nd law of thermodynamics, since the numbers & quantities of biomass & energy decrease along food chains; therefore they become narrower as one ascends.

4. Foodchain D. A graphical model of the number of organisms at each trophic level of a single ecosystem that represents a storage within the system.

5. Foodwebs E. A pyramid that represents the storage of each trophic level measured in grams per square metre (g m–2) or units of energy, such as J m–2.

6. Biomass F. A non-living, physical factor that may influence an organism or ecosystem; for example, temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, precipitation, dissolved oxygen.

7. Pyramid of numbers G. Pyramid with a different pattern, when individuals or numbers at lower trophic levels are relatively large or when greater quantities are at higher trophic levels because they represent biomass present at a given time (seasonal variations).

8. Pyramid of biomass H. A linked feeding series in which a sequence of organisms transfer materials & energy.

9. Pyramid of productivity I. The position that an organism occupies in a food chain, or a group of organisms in a community that occupy the same position in food chains.

10. Ecological pyramid J. The mass of organic material in organisms or ecosystems, usually per unit area. Sometimes the term “dry weight” is used after the removal of water.

11. Inverted pyramid K. A living biological factor that may influence an organism or ecosystem; for example, predation, parasitism, disease, competition, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.)

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 2

1. Biomagnification/bioaccumulation A. Animals that consume meat.

2. Species B. Heterotrophs that obtain energy & nutrients by feeding on other organisms. Can be primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary.

3. Population C. A community of interdependent organisms and the physical environment they inhabit such as a salt marsh.

4. Habitat D. Relationship between individuals of two or more species in which all benefit and none suffer.

5. Niche E. A common demand by two or more organisms upon a limited supply of a resource; for example, food, water, light, space, mates, nesting sites. It may be intraspecific or interspecific.

6. Community F. Fungi & bacteria that break down complex organic material into simpler molecules (can recycle matter but not energy.)

7. Ecosystem G. A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time, and which are capable of interbreeding.

8. Competition H. A species’ share of a habitat and the resources in it. An organism’s ecological niche depends not only on where it lives but also on what it does.

9. Parasitism I. Feeding strategy of secondary/tertiary consumers.

10. Mutualism J. The environment in which a species normally lives.

11. Predation K. Autotrophs that synthesize food molecules from inorganic molecules using an external energy source such as the sun.

12. Herbivory L. Keystone species such as polar bears & wolves that exist at the end of flow of energy/foodchain/foodweb.

13. Producers M. Relationship between two species in which one species (+) lives in/on another (-) gaining all or much of its food from it.

14. Consumers N. Organisms that eat only plants.

15. Decomposers O. A group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat.

16. Herbivores P. Group of organisms that interbreed/produce fertile offspring.

17. Carnivores Q. Non-biodegradable toxins build up in food chains, limit the length of food chains, & ultimately end up in the top carnivores.

18. Top carnivores R. Feeding strategy that is typical of primary consumers.

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 3

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1. Marine A. Blue crabs, killiefsh, marine algae, high salinity, always flooded.

2. Freshwater B. Direct method for measuring the salinity usually in ppt. High salinity à brackish à fresh (zones)

3. Terrestrial C. Ribbed mussels, fiddler crabs, saltmarsh cordgrass, high & low tides twice daily, high salinity.

4. Secchi disk D. Direct method for measuring the Hydrogen ion concentration, below 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral, above 7 is basic alkaline. Effect of acid deposition can be determined directly here.

5. D.O. Test Kit E. Direct method for measuring the amount of D.O. (in ppm) being used by organisms (respiration, decomposition.) High B.O.D. = low D.O. & indicates poor water quality. Low B.O.D. = high D.O. & shows better water quality.

6. pH Test strips F. Direct method for measuring turbidity in water using distance of visibility. The secchi disk disappears quickly (less distance) when lowered in eutrophic (polluted) water & will be visible for a great distance when lowered in an oligotrophic (nonpolluted) water.

7. Hydrometer G. Abiotic factors here include turbidity, flow velocity, pH, temperature, & dissolved oxygen.

8. Biochemical Oxygen Demand H. Direct test for dissolved oxygen levels in water in ppm. Higher temps (thermal pollution) will lower D.O. Cooler temps will have higher D.O. Higher D.O. is better (higher diversity/less pollution) Lower D.O. is worse (lower diversity/more pollution)

9. Thermometer I. Clapper rails, meadow voles, salt meadow cordgrass, seasonal salinity (spring tides.)

10. Fringe J. Abiotic factors here include salinity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, & wave action.

11. Supratidal K. Direct test for temperature in ˚C or ˚F. Helps to determine of temperature is a limiting abiotic factor.

12. Intertidal L. Abiotic factors include temperature, light intensity, wind speed, particle size, slope, soil moisture, drainage, mineral content.

13. Submerged M. Edge of a salt marsh with trees, herons, muskrats, & phragmytes, zero/low salinity.

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 4

1. Dichotomous key (biological key) A. Comprised of temperature, precipitation and insolation.

2.Capture,mark, release, recapture B. A numerical measure that is derived from the # of species(variety) & their abundance. High value of D suggests a stable/ancient site, Low value of D suggests pollution, recent colonization or farming.

3.Quadrates C collection of ecosystems sharing similar climatic conditions; tundra, tropical rainforest, desert. Biomes cross national borders) Sahara, tundra, tropical rainforests.

4.Diversity D. Sparse rainfall, extreme daily temperature fluctuations, drought-resistant cacti, succulent plants. Moderate/low productivity.

5. Simpson’s diversity index E. Method for estimating abundance of organisms. Strength = ease in use/don’t have to count total population . Weakness = may harm/interfere with organism being studied/migration.

6. Biome F. Method for measuring population density, percentage frequency and percentage cover. (usually for plants/sessile organisms)

7. Tropical rainforests G. 11% of Earth’s land surface, long severe winters, thawing subsoil, conifers, short growing season.

8. Deserts H. A generic term for heterogeneity/variety, it may refer to species, habitat, or genetic variety.

9. Tundra I. Moderate precipitation, cold winters & warm summers, deciduous trees (maple, oak, beech, deer, squirrels, & songbirds.

10. Taiga J. Cover 6% of Earth’s surface, hug the equator, contain 2/3 of all species on Earth, rainfall 100-200”annually,Temp 80-90º broad-leaf plants monkeys, apes, jaguar, canopy, understory, high productivity.

11. Temperate deciduous forest K. Alpine & arctic, permafrost, lichens, mosses, & grasses, low precipitation, diversity, & net primary.

12. Climate L. A listing of specific characteristics such as structure/behavior that helps in the identification of organisms. Strength = helps to identify classify unknown species. Weakness = need to have organism/reference to compare to.

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 5

1. photosynthesis A. Loss of radiation through reflection absorption, overall conversion of light to heat energy by an ecosystem, re-radiation of heat energy to the atmosphere (insolation.)

2. Aerobic respiration B. Approximates a closed system & includes processes of photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, combustion, fossilization, erosion/deposition

3. Anaerobic Respiration C. Illustrated by boxes in energy-flow diagrams (representing the amount of energy or biomass per unit area at the various trophic levels)

4. Incoming solar radiation D. Converts/transforms light to chemical energy requiring inputs of CO2, H2O, chlorophyll & visible wavelengths of light to produce outputs of organic matter (sugar) H2O, & oxygen.

5. Storages of energy E. Converts/transforms chemical energy to kinetic/heat energy. Inputs are organic matter while outputs are energy, carbon dioxide, and other waste products. Energy is released in a form available for use by living organisms, but is ultimately lost as heat. (without O2)

6. Flows of energy/productivity F. Transforms organic Nitrogen to NH3 & NH4+

7. Carbon cycle G. Converts/transforms chemical energy to kinetic/heat energy. Inputs are organic matter oxygen while outputs are energy, carbon dioxide, & water. Energy is released in a form available for use by living organisms, but is ultimately lost as heat.

8. Nitrogen cycle H. Process by which soil bacteria transforms ammonia (NH3) or ammonium (NH4+) to NO2- then to NO3-

9. Nitrogen-fixation I. Transforms inorganic N (NO3-, NH3, NH4+) to organic molecules.

10. Nitrification J. Approximates a closed system & includes processes of Nitrogen-fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, & denitrification.

11. Assimilation K. Transformation of NO3- to N2 performed by bacteria.

12. Ammonification L. Transformation of N2 to NH3 by bacteria in legume root nodules).

13. Denitrification M. Shown as arrows of varying widths (representing energy rates unit are J m–2 day–1.

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 6

1. Hydrologic (water) cycle A. The total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time, which could be through photosynthesis in primary producers or absorption in consumers.

2. Evaporation B. The gain by producers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time. This term could refer to either gross or net primary productivity.

3. Condensation C. The downward movement of water through soil.

4. Precipitation D. The transformation from vapor to liquid.

5. Infiltration E. The transfer of liquid water downward. (Ex: rain, sleet, snow, hail, fog)

6. Percolation F. The transformation from liquid to vapor.

7. Gross productivity G. The total gain by consumers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time through absorption. (GSP)

8. Net productivity H. The total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time, which could be through photosynthesis in primary producers or absorption in consumers. (GPP)

9. Primary productivity I. Photosynthesis/production per unit time

10. Secondary productivity/ J. The gain by producers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after allowing for respiratory losses (R). This is potentially available to consumers in an ecosystem. Uses GPP – R where R = respiratory loss. (NPP)

11. Productivity K. The gain by consumers in energy/biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after respiratory losses(R).

Equation is GSP – R where R = respiratory loss

GSP = food eaten – fecal loss (NSP)

12. Gross primary productivity L. The gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after allowing for respiratory losses (R). Other metabolic losses may take place, but these may be ignored when calculating and defining net productivity for the purpose of this course.

13. Net primary productivity M. Also known as assimilation, the biomass gained by heterotrophic organisms, through feeding & absorption, measured in units of mass or energy per unit area per unit time.

14. Gross secondary productivity N. Approximates a closed system & includes processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, percolation, & runoff.

15. Net secondary productivity O. The transfer of water into soil.

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 7

1. Limiting factors A. Limiting factors that affect population from outside the population) such as predation, disease.

2. Carrying capacity B. Limiting factors that affect population from within such as density-dependent fertility & size of breeding territory.

3. S population curves C. Species that usually concentrate their reproductive investment in a small number of offspring, thus increasing their survival rate adapting them for living in long‑term climax communities.

4. J population curves D. Survivorship in which death is greatest among the young, typical of r-strategists; fish, Oysters with free swimming larvae.)

5. Density-dependent factors E. Species that tend to spread their reproductive investment among a large number of offspring so that they are well adapted to colonize new habitats rapidly and make opportunistic use of short-lived resources.

6. Density-independent factors F. Curve that depicts logistic growth with a lag phase, exponential phase, & leveling phase. Environmental resistance in which population overshoots & eventually reaches equilibrium around K. (K-strategists)

7. Internal limiting factors G. Survivorship in which equal chance of the young & old dying such as some lizards (Anoles)

8. External limiting factors H. Survivorship in which death is greatest in old age typical of K-strategists like humans.

9. K-strategists I. Not influenced by changes in population density (same for all individuals) hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, drought, volcanic eruptions, & fires. Many r-strategists are regulated by these, weather is the most important.

10. r-strategists J. Regulate population growth by affecting a larger proportion of the population as density rises, predation, disease, competition. Act as - feedback mechanisms leading to stability or regulation of the population.

11. Type I survivorship curves K. Chemical or physical factors that limit the existence, growth, abundance, or distribution of an organism.

12. Type II survivorship curves L. The maximum number of a species or “load” that can be sustainably supported by a given environment.

13. Type III survivorship curves M. Curve that depicts exponential growth, with a lag phase, & exponential phase, but no leveling phase. No environmental resistance in population. (r-strategists)

IBESS Topic 2 Ecosystem Matching Review 8

1. Ecological succession A. The goal of ecological succession in which a stable ecosystem is achieved characterized by an increased consumer community, high gross productivity, net productivity approaches zero & the production:respiration (P:R) ratio approaches one, high diversity efficient mineral cycling.