SEND Governor’s Report
July 2017
Annual Year 2016-2017 /
At the end of the 2016-2017 academic year there were 22 pupils on the official Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND) register, 1 of whom is being considered for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and 1 of whom is being considered for either an EHCP or Additional Funding. Two pupils with Additional Needs (see below) are being considered to be placed on the SEND register following further assessment, observation and evidence gathering.
Children on the register may have had one or more of the following areas of need:
· cognition and learning need (including dyslexia)
· social, mental and emotional health
· communication and interaction
· sensory and/or physical needs.
Profile of Pupils with SEN/Pupil Premium/Additional Needs at July 2017
C & I / C & L / SEMH / SPN / PP / ADF1 / 1 / 3
Y1 / 2 / 1 / 2
Y2 / 1 / 5 / 1
Y3 / 1 / 2 / 4
Y4 / 2
Y5 / 2 / 2 / 3
Y6 / 1 / 2 / 1
C & I-Communication and Interaction
C & L-Cognition and Learning
SEMH-Social, Emotional and Health
SPND-Sensory, Physical Needs and Difficulties
EAL-English Additional Language
PP-Pupil Premium
AD-Additional Need
Gender of Pupils on SEN Register-July 2017
Total Number of Boys / Total Number of Girls13 / 9
Policy Update
The policy for SEND has required no further changes for 2016-2017.
Tracking Pupil Progress and Attainment
Progress for each individual pupil and groups of pupils, including those on the SEND register, is regularly and closely monitored by class teachers and Senior Leadership Team to ensure that no child is at risk of under achievement and appropriate interventions are in place. Target Tracker is embedded across the school.
The attainment of children with SEND are often, but not always, below what is called ‘age related expectation’, however measures of progress for SEND are taken from the child’s entry point. Attainment alone is not a good indicator of the progress a child has made. I am currently re-designing a one-page progress sheet to track SEND children’s progress across the primary years. This will include attainment data/charts/graphs from Target Tracker as they become available. However, in addition the progress overview will also include other measures of progress such as; reading and spelling ages, Readiness to Learn scores, % of targets met and other measures of progress dependent on the child’s needs thus allowing a fuller view of the child’s progress and development. This will be introduced in September.
Phonics screening check: this year’s data:
Y1 Check / SEND School result% meeting the standard
Y2 Check
Re-take / SEND School
% meeting the standard / 0%
End of Key Stage 1 Outcomes:
Y2 all pupils 15 / Teacher Assessment / Test Scaled ScoreSubject / Foundations / Towards / At / Greater / At or Greater / Below 100 / 100+ / 110+ / Average
Reading / 5 (33%) / 5 (33%) / 5 (33%) / 10 (67%) / 9 (60%) / 6 (40%) / 2 (13%) / 97.8
Writing / 1 (7%) / 5 (33%) / 8 (53%) / 1 (7%) / 9 (60%) / 5 (33%) / 10
(67%) / 1 (7%) / 101.3
Maths / 3 (20%) / 10 (67%) / 2 (13%) / 12 (80%) / 4 (27%) / 11 (73%) / 2 (13%) / 101.5
· Numbers have been rounded.
End of Reception Year Outcomes
All Pupils / % at Good Level of Development / % Boys at Good Level of Development / % Girls at Good Level of Development12 (5 boys/7 Girls) / 75% / 40% / 100%
NB: The boys score is lower and those who did not reach the Good level of Development had been identified earlier in the year with ‘Additional Needs’ and so feature in the whole school SEND profile above. Some external service involvement has been in place this year (namely speech and language input) and all are being considered to be registered formally as SEND.
End of Key Stage 2 Outcomes Test Results
No of SEND / SPAG / Reading / Maths4 / Average Scaled score / % At Standard / Average Scaled score / % At Standard / Average Scaled score / % At Standard
107.5 / 100% / 105.75 / 75% / 105 / 100%
* It is worth noting 1 pupil missed ‘ At Standard’ by 1 mark.
SEND Progress in other Years (based on Teacher Assessment)
Year Group / No of SEND / Autumn % working at or above / Summer % working at or above1 / 3 / Reading 66% / Reading 66%
Writing 66% / Writing 66%
Maths 66% / Maths 66%
3 / 3 / Reading 33% / Reading 66%
Writing 33% / Writing 33%
Maths 33% / Maths 66%
4 / 2 / Reading 100% / Reading 50%
Writing 0% / Writing 0%
Maths 0% / Maths 0%
5 / 4 / Reading 25% / Reading 50%
Writing 0% / Writing 0%
Maths 25% / Maths 0%
Monitoring throughout the year
Pupil Questionnaire: a pupil questionnaire has been designed and will be shared with staff to gather pupil views before the end of the year.
Monitoring with External Agencies: I have worked closely with SENSS, to monitor the progress of identified pupils who have significant or complex needs. Monitoring in liaison with Emma Masefield (SENSS advisory teacher) has included pupil assessment and interviews, classroom observations and monitoring of additional adult teaching of specialist intervention. Mark Corness EP has visited and completed classroom observations and assessments and met with individual teachers. Home-School Link worker has been gathering information from families for their EHAs.
Monitoring Provision and Profile: Pupil Profiles and Outcome Plans are monitored termly by teachers with parent and pupil input, more complex cases have SENCo and external service involvement/progress measures included.
· Data is gathered about a pupil and may include; QCA Scores, Boxhall Profiles, Reading and Spelling Ages, Literacy and Assessments and other screening checks. All these help us to monitor where and how a pupils makes progress.
· Intervention monitoring is carried out. This includes looking at progress data and attendance data monitored termly via intervention sheets. Spot checks are carried out to monitor the quality of the interventions and to assess pupil participation, learning behaviours and engagement. New ‘Readiness for Learning’ scores will be introduced to measure the impact of Quality First Teaching on approaches to learning.
· The Whole School Profile for SEND is monitored annually; the profile for 2016-2017, as at July 2017, is above.
Multi-agency support in school
Pupils, staff and parents are supported by a number of visiting professionals which include:
· Educational Psychologist-Mark Corness-involved this year to assist in having input for individual pupils while I was absent having my operation.
· Speech and Language therapist-various workers.
· Language and Communication Advisory teacher- Emma Masefield.
· PCAMHs-Mark Arthur via consultation
· CAMHs-referrals made and accepted but no worker allocated as the waiting list is beyond 9 months at present.
· Early Intervention Hub Workers-The hub no longer exists in its previous form. It has been restructured as the Locality Community and Support Service (LCSS). The introduction of Early Health Assessments (EHAs) has replaced the Common Assessment Framework (CAF).This involved training for the Home-School Link worker.
· Home-School Link Worker-paid for by the partnership is currently working with families who have an EHA or who may need one.
· SEN Officer-Colette Ashley LA; discussions to take place around possible applications for an Education, Health and Care plan next year. Colette has recently confirmed with April that Additional Funding applications should be submitted in the Autumn.
Staff Training, 2016-2017
As SENCO I have continual professional development (CPD) through attendance at network meetings held by the Warriner Partnership of schools, membership of NASEN, and termly attendance for Reading Recovery CPD delivered through the Institute of Education. I have also attended additional training on Autistic Spectrum Conditions (via Autism Oxford and CAMHs).
Individual teachers and support staff have been briefed by professionals about individual programmes for the children with whom they work; there are too many briefings to list here. Staff members have undertaken training, examples are as follows:
· Social and emotional needs (in house/pupil specific cases)
· Autism Training and Sensory Needs (SENSS)
· Speech and Language Therapy input (SENSS) Pupil Specific
SEND Action Plan 2016-2017
Action Plan / ProgressEnsure there is accelerated progress in speech and language development, reading and phonics for pupils with SEND in KS1/F1 with a focus on QFT as a starting point with appropriate high quality intervention. / Intervention sheets are now consistently completed, entry and exit data and attendance tracked. Progress has been noted in speech and language, with pupils being discharged but also identified for early referral. Further work is needed to develop strategies within QFT and to effectively target need, to ensure that attainment in Literacy overall is improved.
Ensure that interventions are consistently delivered, monitored and of high quality so that they produce measurable positive outcomes for the pupils with SEND / Where additional and different interventions have occurred they have been rigorously delivered and tracked. In some areas staff absence has had an impact on the consistency of delivery and this has been evidenced on occasion. Dialogue between SENCo and CTs/TAs about how to monitor progress has had a positive impact; further support is needed in some areas of SEND to ensure that interventions fully target needs. Most TAs now fully versed in NOFAN and using intervention sheets to comment on progress. Comments are much more evaluative and useful in planning next steps. Parent and pupil voice is much more explicit within the documentation.
To evaluate the training needs of all staff and offer a range of carefully mapped professional development opportunities to ensure Quality First Teaching. / Very much a year of evaluating training needs through 1:1 dialogue with teaching staff and informal observation. Absence has punctuated the year (my own) and so planning development opportunities will continue into 2017-2018 with a focus on QFT and the many ways to ‘intervene’ within the classroom offer.
Possible Priorities for 2017/18
· To ensure Outcome Plans for pupils effectively target needs to ensure accelerated progress.
· Withdrawal intervention work will always be additional, different, measurable, specific and time limited and QFT will be ambitious for pupils with SEND.
· To ensure pupils with SEND benefit fully from their entitlement to Quality First Teaching in all classes through a range of strategies.
SENCo Sue Lenihan
SEN Governor Mrs Sue Neal
July 2017