Written Component Rubric

Written Component Rubric

Project Rubric

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
/15 / Project demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of play and/or chosen topic / Project demonstrates sufficient knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic / Project demonstrates strong knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic / Project demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of play and chosen topic
/10 / Project shows limited evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted but incomplete / Project shows adequate evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and mostly complete / Project shows considerable evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and complete / Project shows clear evidence of planning
Planning sheet submitted and complete
/15 / Ideas communicated clearly showing some awareness of audience and purpose.
Limited mastery of conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing sufficient awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of some conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing good awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of most conventions of chosen form / Ideas communicated clearly showing excellent awareness of audience and purpose.
Mastery of conventions of chosen form
/10 / Demonstrates limited inferential thinking.
Analysis only at surface level / Demonstrates some inferential thinking.
Analysis mostly at surface level / Demonstrates considerable inferential thinking.Analysis goes beyond the surface meaning / Demonstrates sophisticated inferential thinking.
Analysis goes well beyond the surface meaning

Written Component Rubric

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
/10 / Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of content / Demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content
/15 / Made limited use of the writing process
Support from the text is present but may not be sufficient / Made use of some stages of the writing process
Support from the text supports thesis / Made good use of every stage of the writing process
Support from the text is well- chosen and supports thesis / Made thorough use of every stage of the writing process
Support from the text is thoughtfully chosen and supports thesis
/10 / Numerous errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation. May appear to be a rough draft.
Essay contains multiple formatting errors
Ideas show minimal organization and may lack clarity in expression. / More than 5 small errors and some major errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay contains a number of small formatting errors
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly. / More than 5 small errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay mostly demonstrates proper MLA format
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly and sufficiently. / Minimal errors in spelling, grammar, verb tense, and punctuation.
Essay demonstrates proper MLA format
Ideas are organized and expressed clearly and sufficiently.
/15 / Demonstrates limited inferential thinking.
Analysis only at surface level / Demonstrates some inferential thinking
Analysis mostly at surface level / Demonstrates strong inferential thinking
Analysis goes beyond the surface meaning / Demonstrates sophisticated inferential thinking
Analysis goes well beyond the surface meaning