Postgraduate Certificate in Learning Teaching

Module 2

Assessment Guide

September 2012


Module 2 Assessmentpage 5

Deadlinespage 6

Portfolio Cover Sheetpage 7

Checklistpage 8

Assignment 1page 9

Assignment 2page 11

Assignment 3page 13

Assignment 4page 15

Assignment 5page 16

Assignment 6page 17

CiLT Community of Learningpage 18

Final Activitypage 19

Module 2 Assessment Criteriapage 21

Further Guidance: The Vivapage 27

The University of Sheffield

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching

September 2012

Module 2 Assessment

The Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching at Sheffield is a 60-credit programme at M Level. It consists of two 30-credit modules which are both assessed by Portfolio and Viva. The second Portfolio is a collection of work carried out during Module 2. You will find all the details you need in the sections below. The Viva is a professional development dialogue centred on your Portfolio and assessed against the CiLT assessment criteria.

Before you start work on Module 2 please read through ALL the assignments carefully. Assignments 1 and 2 must be submitted by the deadlines shown to be marked by CiLT tutors. Note that Assignment 4 requires you to book onto CPD sessions and that you are advised to book places as soon as possible.

On completion of all the assignments and teaching observations below you will have all the material you need for your Portfolio. Please complete and attach the cover sheet (page 7) and checklist (page 8) before you submit. If any part is missing your Portfolio will be returned and you will be asked to resubmit and you will not be permitted to proceed to Viva until all sections have been submitted.

Following submission your Portfolio will be assessed by your CiLT Tutor (and is subject to moderation by another). If successful you will be invited to attend a Viva where your Portfolio will be used as the basis of discussion against the CiLT assessment criteria (pages 21-26).

If you have any questions or are unsure about any of the activities please speak to your CiLT Tutor.


Module 2 Attendance Block


3 – 6 September 2012

Assignment 1 (a):
The Impact of Strategy
Assignment 1 (b):
Comments on PEERMARK
Assignment 1 (c):
Designing Strategy into learning/curriculum
Audio feedback from Tutor / 5 October 2012
19 October 2012
2 November 2012
23 November 2012
Assignment 2:
Critical Reading
Written feedback from Tutor / 1 March 2013
22 March 2013
Assignment 3:
A Strategic Conversation / By end of Semester 1
Assignment 4:
Reflection(s) on CPD Session(s) / By end of Semester 1
Assignment 5:
Peer Conversation on Learning Technologies / By end of Semester 1
Assignment 6:
Conversation with Students on Assessment and Feedback / By end of Semester 1
Community of Learning:
Reflection on Session 1
Reflection on Session 2 / Semester 1
Semester 2
Module 2 Final Reflection and Portfolio Submission
Written feedback from Tutor / 17 May 2013
7 June 2013
Viva (advised) / By 5 July 2013

The University of Sheffield

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching

EDU6058 Portfolio Cover Sheet

CiLT start date:
Portfolio due date: / Date submitted:
CiLT Tutor:
Deadlines are final and cannot be negotiated. Extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances and should be negotiated in advance. Please refer to the programme handbook for more information about deadlines and extensions.
An extension has been granted for this work. The new deadline is:
I certify that this work is my own original work and that material has not been copied from any other work (published or otherwise) without acknowledgement in the text (see
I have submitted two hard copies: in person by post
I agree that this assignment can be made available (anonymised)
to future CiLT participants


Learning and Teaching Services confirm the receipt of the CiLT Module 2portfolio from:

Name: / Department:
For office use:
Received by (print): / Signature:

CiLT Module 2 Portfolio


Please complete the checklist below, attach at the front of your Portfolio along with the Portfolio Cover Sheet.

ACTIVITY / Date Completed
Assignment 1 (a): The impact of Strategy
Assignment 1 (b): Peermark feedback on Impact of Strategy
Assignment 1 (c): Designing Strategy into learning/curriculum
Assignment 2: Critical Reading
Assignment 3: A Strategic Conversation
Assignment 4: Reflection(s) on CPD Session(s)
Assignment 5: Peer Conversation on Learning Technologies
Assignment 6: Conversation with Students on Assessment & Feedback
Community of Learning (a): Reflection on Session 1
Community of Learning (b): Reflection on Session 2
Module 2 Final Reflection & Learner Assessment Form

Assignments 1 to 3 ask you to choose a key strategy from the following list (you must choose a different strategy each time):

  • Employability
  • Equality and diversity
  • Internationalisation
  • Research experience
  • Transitions
  • Unfair means

Assignment 1: Strategic Impact

In recent years the success of universities has been partially measured through their interpretation and implementation of various strategies – some driven by legislation, others by the HE sector. Quality Assurance (QA) processes have been put into place to ensure quality and monitor specific objectives. Quality Enhancement (QE) asks institutions to appraise and improve. In the first CiLT Module 2 workshop you discussion curriculum design in the wider context of QA, QE and the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy.


Choose a Strategy from the list above. Discuss how your chosen strategy:

  • is seen in the current context of Higher Education
  • has been implements at the University of Sheffield
  • impacts on your students’ learning
  • connects to your curriculum design, assessment or feedback

The full discussion should be 800-1000 words (maximum) and should include at least one reference for each of the bullet points (cited appropriately).


SUBMIT/POST your discussion from Assignment 1 (a) online in PEERMARK: Three CiLT peers from your Cohort will be randomly assigned for you to comment on their strategy discussions and for them to comment on yours (see Box 1 below). A guide to the use PEERMARK as a student is available at Post your work by 5.00pm on the date of the deadline (see page 6).

BOX 1: Questions asked in PEERMARK (~100 words per question)
1. Is the strategy clearly situated in the Higher Education context?
2. Does the writer consider how this strategy has been implemented at the University of Sheffield?
3. Do the writer show how the strategy impacts on their students’ learning?
4. Is the discussion referenced appropriately?
5. Does the writer discuss how the strategy connects to their curriculum design, assessment or feedback?


Using comments received from your peers in Assignment 1 (b), discuss how you (would/could) design your chosen strategy into your module or give feedback on/assess this(500 words maximum).

Submit your discussion online in MOLE2 by 5.00pm on the date of the deadline (see page 6).

You will receive audio feedback on your work from a CiLT tutor within three weeks of submitting your discussion.

Insert your discussions for Assignments 1 (a), 1 (b) and 1 (c) into your Module 2 Portfolio and complete the “date completed” box on the Checklist.

Assignment 2: Critical Reading on a Strategic Issue in Curriculum Design, Assessment or Feedback

This assignment requires you to critically engage with a small-scale literature review exercise on an issue that is relevant to the topic of Curriculum Design, Assessment or Feedback. Thus, please adhere to all the academic conventions that usually apply for Literature Reviews. If you would like to compare the differences between your own disciplinary Literature Review conventions and what we expect here in CILT, please see the “Critical Reading PowerPoint” in the Module 2 Resources folder in MOLE2.Once completed, your literature review should be submitted to your Tutor via MOLE 2 before the deadline in the CiLT Handbook. Following comments from your Tutor your completed literature review should be inserted into your Module 2 Portfolio.

The aim here is to not simply consider “theory” in an abstract way but to start to research a specific topic or research question that is of specific relevance to your practice. Please conclude your review with some ideas about why what you have read is of interest or of use to you in your practice, and how you might begin to adopt what you have read.


Maximum: 1500 words

Choose a third Strategy from the list (one not used in Assignments 1 or 2).

Undertake some research intohow your chosen Higher Education Strategy is taken into consideration in curriculum design, feedback or assessment in your subject area or wider discipline by consulting with relevant generic and discipline-specific literature. A good starting point is the list of references given in the Further Reading section of the Course Handbook. Higher education journals are available through:

(Accessed August 2012)

Further possible avenues of enquiry might include the Higher Education Academy Web Site:

(Accessed August 2012)

including the subject network:

(Accessed August 2012)

the Supporting New Academic Staff (SNAS) database:

(Accessed August 2012)

Beyond that, Google, Google Scholar and the University of Sheffield’s Library STAR database, particularly Education-based e-journals databases are obvious search tools to use. CiLT course tutors will further provide additional advice and guidance should you need it.

  1. Having undertaken your research, produce a critical review of your findings. Please do not simply summarise what you have read; you need to evaluate if what you have read is useful and relevant to your curriculum design, assessment or feedback. You should cite 4-6 references in your literature review. References should be appropriately cited in the text and a list of references provided (this is in addition to your 1500 words).
  1. Submit your literature review to your Tutor via MOLE2 by 5.00pm on the date of the activity deadline (see page 6).
  1. You will receive feedback from CiLT course tutor on your submission, normally within three weeks of the submission deadline.
  1. Following comments from your Tutor your completed literature review should be inserted into your Module 2 Portfolio.

Assignment 3: A Strategic Conversation

This Assignment requires you to carry out a short, focussed, conversation with a colleague in your department about supporting one of the strategies above (you must choose a different strategy to that used in Assignment 1). You should complete Part 1 before your conversation, which can be either face-to-face or over the ’phone/Skype and should be no longer than 30 minutes. Complete Part 2 after the conversation.

Your name:
Colleague’s name:
What strategy have you chosen?
Why did you choose this colleague for a peer conversation about your chosen strategy?(100 words maximum)
How might you implement this strategy into your curriculum design, assessment or feedback? (200 words maximum)
Identify an issue relating to implementing your chosen strategy that you would like to discuss with your colleague. (100 words maximum)
What is the benefit of your idea of integrating your chosen strategy into your curriculum design, feedback or assessment? (100 words maximum)
Write a brief reflection on your conversation. (250 words maximum)

Once completed this form should be inserted into your Module 2 Portfolio.

Assignment 4: Continuing Professional Development

Engagement with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an important aspect of career progression and development, and forms part of the HEA UK Professional Standards Framework. To become a Fellow of the HEA you must be able to show a commitment to CPD. Part of the Module 2 requirement is that you undertake CPD activities of your choice equivalent to one day (8 hours). Suggestions include:

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) runs one-day CPD events across the country. These are usually free to attend and often have travel bursaries attached. You can find out more at

The annual Learning and Teaching Conference

Your professional body will run CPD activities, as will your Faculty

Speak to colleagues to help identify appropriate CPD activities.

Your CPD activity for CiLT Module 2 should not include “Supporting the Supporters” activities or activities provided by your own department (such as might be provided through a weekly/monthly seminar programme). CPD activities run by the HEA or an external body hosted at Sheffield are acceptable. If you have exhausted the suggestions above please speak to your CiLT Tutor.

If you attend ONE full-day session:

Write a short reflection (500-600 words) on the session you attended. This should include the following information:

  • CPD session title and provider
  • Date attended
  • Length of session
  • A reflection where you consider the issues raised, and/or solutions provided, in the CPD session in your own practice. (Note the reflection should not be a description of the session).

If you attend two half-day sessions:

For each session you attended write a short reflection (250-300 words). Both reflections should include the following information:

  • CPD session title and provider
  • Date attended
  • Length of session
  • A reflection where you consider the issues raised, and/or solutions provided, in the CPD session in your own practice. (Note the reflection should not be a description of the session).

On completion, the reflection(s) should be inserted into your Module 2 Portfolio.

Assignment 5: Peer Conversation

Assignment 5 is a peer conversation with a colleague from your CiLT cohort. Please choose a colleague for this Assignment. Your Assignment should include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your CiLT colleague’s name
  • Date of conversation
  • A rationale for choosing that colleague
  • Two or three areas within the theme that you would like to discuss in relation to curriculum design, feedback or assessment in your subject area
  • A reflection (250-300 words) on your conversation

The theme for your conversation is:

The use of learning technologies in your subject discipline

Once completed insert your Assignment into your Module 2 Portfolio.

Assignment 6: Student Conversation

For Assignment 6 you will discuss the theme below with one or more students from your discipline. For example, they could be your personal tutees, project students or volunteers from a lecture/seminar. Your Assignment should include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Name(s) and level of study of student(s)
  • Date of conversation
  • A rationale for choosing the student(s)
  • Two or three areas within the theme that you would like to discuss in relation to curriculum design, feedback or assessment in your subject area
  • A reflection (250-300 words) on your conversation

The theme for your conversation is:

Assessment and feedback in your subject discipline

Once completed insert your Assignment into your Module 2 Portfolio.

CiLT Community of Learning

You are required to attend one session with your CiLT Tutor each semester of Module 2. The times are shown on the Course Timetable on page 5 of the Workshop Guide and should be booked via the cilt@ email address – you will be given a location in the confirmation). You should bring assignments completed to each session.

The session in Semester 1 will provide an opportunity to

  • engage in peer-led discussion;
  • let your Tutor know how your CiLT assignments are progressing; and
  • look forward to the literature review (Assignment 2).

The session in Semester 2 will allow a further catch-up on progress. The focus of the session will be on the final preparation of the Portfolio and what to expect in the Viva.

Following each session you should write a short reflection (250 words maximum).

Both reflections should be included in your Module 2 Portfolio.

Final Activity: Module 2 Reflection

The final activity for Module 2 is to compile your Portfolio. This should consist of the cover sheet, checklist, all assignments, your two Community of Learning reflections and the final activity below.

The focus of Module 2 is on design of effective curricula including feedback and assessment methods. Professional development has been encouraged through exposure to principles of good practice in curriculum design and assessment, as well as introduction to a range of assessment and feedback techniques, curriculum models and the use of evidence-based practice to inform your professional development.

Write a reflection (1000-1200 words) considering the following:

  1. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your module? (250-300 words)
  1. Explain your rationale for (250-300 words each):
  • choice of learning activities;
  • method(s) of assessment; and
  • method(s) for obtaining feedback from students.

Base your discussion on outcomes from your practice, peer conversations, research, scholarshipor CPD activities.

Once completed place this reflection along with your Learner Assessment Form (see page 20) at the end of your Module 1 Portfolio.

Learner Assessment Form – Module 2

Please complete this form and attach it to your Final Activity for Module 2 for one group of learners you teach:

Course/Module name:
Number of learners:
Age range:
Issues of diversity in the classroom? (eg cultural background, gender, disability, access needs, particular strengths and convictions you’ve noticed between students):
Subject experience, range or differences:
How do you assess prior learning?
How do you evaluate learning during a module, during an assessment, or through feedback?
How do you obtain feedback on your curriculum, assessment, or the way you give feedback to learners?

Module 2 Assessment Criteria

  1. Your ability to recognise and evaluate the particular needs / requirements of your students

Assessors will be looking for sustained exploration of how consideration of students has influenced professional practice. This is likely to include credible exploration of what student needs and requirements are, how this is likely to affect learning and how you as the teacher can respond to these needs / requirements in order to optimise learning.

  1. Your ability to employ appropriate methods / structure to the subject matter you are teaching

Assessors will be looking for sustained exploration of how consideration of specific subject matter has influenced professional practice. This is likely to include credible description of the subject matter you teach; what methods and strategies lend themselves to this subject matter and why.