Writing TEEL paragraphs

A paragraph is a collection of statements that relate to the same point.

  • Start with a sentence that sums up the main point of the paragraph
  • Develop the point made in the topic sentence by using relevant explanation, details and examples
  • Conclude with a sentence that rounds off the paragraph and links back to the main topic.

A good way to remember the structure of a paragraph (and one that English teachers will refer to right up until year 12) is ‘TEEL:

T- ……………………….

E- ……………………….



Example TEEL paragraph:

Question: Conformity is good for society.

Conformity is not good for society because it suppresses individuality. In ‘the community’ of The Giver people are expected to conform to an enormous number of rules. Citizens are controlled in every aspect of their lives. For example, one of the rules is that children receive their bikes at nine years of age and they “were not allowed to ride bicycles before then”. As a result of these requirements of conformity, the community suffers constant surveillance to make sure people are following the rules. The day that Jonas fails to conform to the rules and takes an apple home, he is chastised by public announcement “that objects are not to be removed from the recreation area and that snacks are to be eaten, not hoarded”. Jonas feels “humiliated” by the announcement. The community’s expectations of conformity, which are supported by surveillance and punishment, mean that people are unlikely to show individuality by behaving unusually, making it a boring place to live. The novel The Giver therefore shows us that in order to make people conform they must be subjected to strict rules that do not allow individuals to develop into interesting and complex human beings.

  1. Use 4colours. Highlight and label:

  1. Topic sentence
  2. Explain/expand
  1. Evidence/examples
  2. Link

2. Topic sentences.

A topic sentence is a response to a question; an idea; a reason.

Think of 2 possible topic sentences for the following questions:

Essay question 1: The world of ‘The Giver’ is too controlled.

Topic sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic sentence 2:





Essay question 2: People in power should be able to use surveillance.

Topic sentence 1: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic sentence 2:





  1. Explanation

Next, choose one of your topic sentences from section 1. Get a partner to help you decide which is the best one by looking at the rubric on the last page of this handout.

You need to explain and explore the idea in your topic sentence. ‘Tease it out’. Discuss the themes in the novel.




  1. Examples/evidence

What proof do you have for your idea? Can you think of any examples from the book? Find an actual quote that ‘proves’ your idea. The quote doesn’t have to be something a character says, just any text from ‘The Giver’ that is relevant to your point.


  1. Link

Make a link back to the main question form part 1. This part is like a mini conclusion. What does your paragraph tell us about the topic? What does it say about conformity? What does it say about conformity, society, power or surveillance?



Now- put it all together!

You are now ready to write a full TEEL paragraph in your books.