Class of 2017 First Destinations Snapshot

A knowledge rate of 70% was achieved for the Class of 2017 (388 respondents, N = 553).

Status / Percentage
Working Full-Time / 60%
Working Part-Time / 8%
Interning Full-Time / 4%
Volunteering / 2%
Includes respondents who selected “Interning Part-Time”, “Unemployed and Not Seeking Employment”, and “I would rather not answer” / 1%

A Sampling of Employers Selected By the Class of 2017:


Albany Molecular Research Inc.



BET (a subsidiary of Viacom)

BNP Paribas

Boston Symphony Orchestra

Brigham & Women’s Hospital

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.


City Year

Dana Farber Cancer Institute


Earth Law Center


Goldman Sachs


Grey New York

Horizon Media

HSBC Global Banking and Markets




Massachusetts General Hospital

Mount Sinai Health System

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

New York Islanders

New York Psychiatric Institute

NYC Dept. of Education

NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

Philadelphia Phillies

PURE Group of Insurance Companies


Rockstart Games

Second City Theater

Success Academy Charter School

Syracuse University

The Child Mind Institute

Traveler’s Insurance

United States Air Force

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Weil, Gotshal & Manges

Yale School of Medicine


How Do We Compare?

Peer Schools 2016 – 2017 Employment
Amherst College
Amherst, MA / 74%
Bates College
Lewiston, ME / 86%
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY / 80%
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA / 79%
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY / 78%
Union College
Schenectady, NY / 70%
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY / 74%

Skidmore'sliberal arts education prepared me well for the interdisciplinary world of marine biology, and more specifically, aquarium husbandry. I frequently call upon my arts background when designing an exhibit, and utilize my biology training when creating a sea jelly culture. My diverse interestshave the opportunity to collide in my profession. The CDC was an incredible asset during my initial application process, as well as, now when I am looking to explore new career adventures. (In fact, I am meeting with Lauren Sisson next week!) The CDC helped me create confidence through polishingmy application, resume, and interview skills. This confidence has helped me network and create new opportunities that forward my career. I am so grateful for everything the CDC has helped me accomplish.

-Isabella Gaw

Employment: Salary Overview

60%of those who reported employment shared salary information. Below is a summary of findings of those reporting Full Time Employment:

Salary Range / Respondents / Percentage of Respondents
$9,999 or less / 4 / 5%
$10,000 – 19,999 / 10 / 2%
$20,000 – 29,999 / 14 / 16%
$30,000 – 39,999 / 34 / 27%
$40,000 – 49,999 / 32 / 21%
$50,000 – 59,999 / 16 / 17%
$60,000 – 69,999 / 10 / 6%
$70,000 – 79,999 / 3 / 5%
$80,000 – 89,999 / 2 / 1%
$100,000 or more / 1 / 1%

The median salary for the Class of 2017 was $40,000 – 49,999.

My Skidmore experience provided me with a foundation built on a diversity of perspectives, philosophies and practices. This unique foundation prepared me for my career by not only instilling critical business fundamentals but also helping to develop creative processes to tackle cutting edge issues that the work force faces today.

-Ryan Haig

Employment: Industry Breakdown

Industry classification codes are those used by the US Department of Labor.

Industry / Respondents / Percentage
Education and Training / 43 / 17%
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics / 39 / 16%
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications / 32 / 13%
Business Management and Administration / 29 / 12%
Marketing, Sales and Service / 27 / 11%
Finance / 20 / 8%
Human Services / 14 / 6%
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources / 11 / 4%
Health Science / 11 / 4%
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security / 10 / 4%
Government and Public Administration / 6 / 2%
Hospitality and Tourism / 6 / 2%
Architecture and Construction / 1 / Less than 1%

The following industries experienced an increase in representation in the Class of 2017, from the Class of 2016:


  • Architecture and Construction
  • Business, Management and Administration
  • Education and Training
  • Finance
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Marketing, Sales and Service
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


The industries bellows witnessed a decrease in representation from the Class of 2017 from the Class of 2016:


  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Health Science
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security


Key Findings:

  • Every industry experienced a shift in reporting from the Class of 2016 to the Class of 2017.
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications, which historically has reported closer to 20%, experienced a drop of 9% to 13%. This field in the past has recorded weak starting salaries, and a smaller population selecting this field would impact the median salary reporting for the class.
  • Education and Training continued to represent strongly within this class, even with lower levels or no reported participation in international educational programs such as UCETAM, JET, EPIK, and French Teaching Assistants, as well as the discontinuation of Skidmore Teach in China.
  • Business, Management and Administration, as well as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics both experienced increases. These fields historically are strong performers in salary, which raises the median of the class.

Continuing Education

On average, 15% - 21% of Skidmore graduates elect to continue their education after graduation. Within 5 years, this number increases to 45% - 55%. Skidmore graduates find themselves more likely to immediately continue education:

Continuing Education
Amherst College
Amherst, MA
/ 16%
Bates College
Lewiston, ME
/ 10%
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY
/ 16%
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA
/ 14%
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY
/ 19%
Union College
Schenectady, NY
/ 22%
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY
/ 19%

A Sampling of Institutions and Programs Selected by Class of 2017 Graduates:


Boston University, Education

Brown University, Biostatistics

Colgate University, Secondary Education

Columbia University, International Social Welfare & Policy

Columbia University, Mathematics of Finance

Dartmouth College, Engineering

Duke University, Law

Emory University, Nursing, Women’s Health

Glasgow University, Battlefield Archaeology

Harvard University, Landscape Architecture

Indiana University, Mathematics

London School of Economics, Development Studies

Northeastern University, Sports Leadership

Rochester Institute of Technology, Metal and Jewelry Arts

Rosalind Franklin University, Podiatric Medicine

Tufts University, Water Resources Engineering

University of Colorado, Boulder, Physical Chemistry

University of Maryland, Physical Therapy

University of Pennsylvania, Nurse Practitioner Pediatric Acute Care

University of Rochester, Finance

Wake Forest University, Business Administration

Washington University in St. Louis, Audiology


I am currently enrolled at Columbia University’s School of Social Work. I attended the CDC Graduate and Professional School Expo to meet the admissions directors for social work schools and ask questions that I was unable to find on the websites. I also got an application waiver from NYU, which saved me tons of money! Meeting Debbie Lesperance from Columbia was so important because she remembered me after that when we were communicating via e-mail. After I was accepted to Columbia. she was the one who I contacted to request more scholarship money and she approved it! I was also able to ask her in person for an application waiver which she gave to me through e-mail so it was not as obvious as NYU’s waivers. Because so many students apply to these schools, I think it is helpful for admissions directors to know us in person so that they can put a face and personality to the name on paper.

-Shannon Gunter

Experiential Education

86% of respondents reported completing at least one internship prior to graduation, a 10% increase from the Class of 2016. 56% reported 2 or more.

87% of respondents reported their internship as “Very Helpful” or “Helpful” in preparing for their post-graduate career aspirations.

A Sampling of Internship Sites Selected by Class of 2017 Graduates:


3Arts Entertainment

Albany Molecular Research Inc.

Ayco Company

Barclays Center

Bellevue Hospital

BNP Paribas

Bose Corporation

Boston University

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office

Calvin Klein

Cambridge Associates

Cengage Learning

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia


Columbia University Medical Center

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Discovery Communications Inc.

Earthos Institute


HSBC Global Banking and Markets


JP Morgan Chase

Kate Spade & Company

Larchmont Animal Hospital

Latin American News Digest

Lincoln Center for Performing Arts

Mass Audobon

Massachusetts State Senate


Mount Sinai Health System

National Infectious Diseases Laboratories

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

New York Daily News

New York State Council on the Arts

Northfield Mount Hermon School

Notre Dame University

NYS Department of Labor

Planned Parenthood

Ropes & Gray LLP

Safe Horizon

Saratoga County Opportunity Council

Scholastic, Inc.

Seder & Chandler LLP

Senator Chuck Schumer

Silver Hill Psychiatric Hospital

Sirius XM Radio, Inc.

Smithsonian Institute

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

The New York Times

The Trust for Public Land

Trident Fantasy Films

Twentieth Century Fox

United States Environmental Protection Agency

USA Hockey

Vienna Austria Center for Social Innovation

WallachBeth Capital

Weill Cornell Medical Center

Wilkinson Ecological Design Company

World Civic Orchestra

World Policy Institute



Despite decreased hiring projectionsand deflated salaries reported by employers in the NACE Job Outlook 2017 report, respondents from the Class of 2017 have reported higher direct relationships between their academic majors and career goals from last year’s class:

  • 87% rated their current occupation as related to their area of study, an increase of 6% from the Class of 2016, and an 11% increase from the Class of 2015.
  • 81% rated their current occupation as related to their career goals.

Thispositive correlation is all the more impressive, as the Class of 2017 reported valuing the relationship between their academic major and professional status at the same percentage as the Class of 2015.

  • 75% of respondents viewed the relevance of their current occupation to their area of study as important, a 3% increase from the Class of 2016.

The valuing of the relationship affirms that the positions are indeed in support of the students’ academic interests or career goals, and not a shift in attitude from the Classes of 2016 and 2017.

The Class of 2017 is more satisfied with their current occupation,
feel that their current occupation is related to their area of study,
and is related to long-term career goals at a higher rate than the Class of 2016.

Additionally, the Class of 2017 participated in experiential education at higher rates than the Class of 2016 (a 10% increase), which could be positively affecting the class’s ability to find and obtain positions in their fields of interest.

At Skidmore, I was a psychology major and dance minor, but the CDCis the entire reason that I found my employment after graduation at the BET network.

-Jazmine Paredes

Navigating the post college life can be somewhat a mammoth, and the transition may seem scary, if not impossible. This was my reality at some point in college, and I was overwhelmed by how much I didn’t know, and how much I ought to know or ought to have figured out. It took a lot of resources from Skidmore (faculty and staff), to help me clearly layout the path ahead of me. One of the resources — which goes unnoticed and underutilized — is the CDC (Career Development Center) which was instrumental in helping me draft my resume, hone my interviewing skills, and enhance my elevator pitch. Skidmore has a wealth of resources that, when utilized, can land anyone on their next career dreams; be it jobs, or entrepreneurship venture.

-Thabang Maphothoane