

Grammar Midterm

You may use 1 page of notes on this exam.

Write the corresponding question(s) that helps you to find the part of speech

  1. Nouns:
  1. Adjectives:
  1. Verb:
  1. Adverb:

A verb in the past tense (usually ending in “ed”) is called a ______

Give the past participle of the following present tense verbs

  1. think =
  2. is=
  3. go=
  4. sing=
  5. run =
  6. become=

What are some ways to tell if a word is a noun (think of endings, or words to preface a noun)







Circle the nouns in the sentences below.

  1. A flock of crows is known as a murder.
  1. King Henry VIII beheaded two of his six wives.
  1. Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they do not drift apart.
  1. Chewing gum while taking a test can help you perform better.

How many kinds of pronouns are there?

In the following sentences, circle the pronouns and determine what kind of pronouns they are.

  1. This ring belonged to my mother.
  1. I told myself that everything would be ok.
  1. Whose shoes are those?
  1. I like the boy who had green eyes.
  1. Someone asked a really good question this morning.

What is the difference between a linking verb and an action verb? Give an example of each in a complete sentence:

  1. Action:
  1. Linking:

Determine if the verbs in the following sentences are action (A), helping (H), or linking (L)

  1. I am trying to stay awake.
  1. I will run to the store.
  1. She looks really pretty.

Adjectives modify______

Adverbs modify______

List 4 adverbs that end in “LY”





List 4 adverbs that do not end in “LY”





In the following sentences, underline the adverbs and circle the adjectives.

  1. The stunning sunrise almost made waking up early okay.
  1. She pet the big dog cautiously because she did not want to get bit.
  1. He was very kind to share his ice cream with me.

How do you find the subject of a sentence?

What do you do if the sentence is in the form of a question?

A subject can never be part of a ______

Find the subject in the following sentences:

  1. Do you ever think about the girl who got caught in a tree?
  1. In Alaska, there are grizzly bears.
  1. Bob went to the store with Joe.

Prepositions are always a part of a ______, which contain a ______and a ______.

Find the prepositions in the sentences below and put parentheses around them.

  1. Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, was born with six fingers on her right hand.
  1. All business signs in the province of Quebec, Canada must be written in French.
  1. I must run to the store across the street to get potato chips.

In the following sentences, identify as many things as you can. Each part of speech will be worth 1 point. (ex. If you correctly identify the pronouns, you get 1 point).

Create a symbol key if necessary.

Step 1: Begin by finding the prepositional phrases and put them in (parentheses)

Step 2: find the verbs and put a squiggly line beneath it. Put A for action, L for linking, H for Helping and PP for past particle.

Step 3: Using the verb to help you, find the subject. Underline it twice.

Step 4: Find the adjectives. Circle them

Step 5. Find the adverbs. Underline them once

Step 6: Find the pronouns. Put them in a box and number them (1= personal, 2= possessive, 3= reflexive, 4=demonstrative, 5=interrogative, 6=relative, 7=indefinite)

Bonus points if you can identify the conjunctions.

  1. I am so happy that we are done with this grammar unit.
  1. However, I know that all that I learned in this unit will play a part in

future grammar lessons.

  1. I will not try to murder Hillary after this test even if it is what I really

want to do.

  1. Instead, I will consider buying Hillary a warm latte.
  1. She did not just bribe me because that would have been very wrong of

her to do.

  1. She simply made a suggestion of something you could do in all your spare

time now that you are done with your grammar test.