Jen Lawrence

English I/II

First Block

July 15, 2009

Time: 100 minutes(7:50-9:30)

Objective: TSW apply (DOK 2) knowledge of language and inferences to evaluate (DOK 4) context clues for vocabulary identification and comprehension. (2C)

Materials: dry erase markers, overhead projector, vis-à-vis pen, fill-in-the-blank-notes/printed transparency, example context clues worksheet printed transparency, copies (x 16)context clues worksheet, copies (x 16) context clues quiz, index cards (x 4)


Write four complete sentences about your favorite athlete. Use direct characterization.

(4 minutes)

7: 54


  1. TTW review: Yesterday, you learned about unreliable narratives. What does it mean for narratives to be unreliable? What are some clues we might see to notice an unreliable narrative? You also learned about characterization. What does characterization mean?
  1. Involve the learner: TSW read bellringer. TSW offer examples. (“Why is this direct characterization? What is the difference between direct and indirect characterization? Show v. tell…”) If I didn’t know who _____ was, what could I use to give me hints?
  1. Connect to reality:Okay, just like if I didn’t know who Kobe Bryant was, you could talk about playing basketball for the Lakers and being an MVP, and eventually I might figure out who he was… What if you don’t know a particular word? Like, “ZACH, YOU AWFUL, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD, FLYCANMOP! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY SUCH A THING TO ME! WHAT A FLYCANMOP!” Okay, who knows what a flycanmop is? WHAT?! You’ve never heard of a flycanmop? So is a flycanmop good or bad?....

4.State objective: First block, we will learn aboutcontext clues, understanding the meaning of words you don’t know, by using words you do know. (TSW read objective from the board.)

A)Agenda: First, we have already completed our bellringer. “What’s next?” Okay, what is it time for now? (TSW read agenda from the board.)

(6 minutes)




  1. TTW display overhead notes on context clues.

II. TSW help distribute copies of fill-in-the-blank notes template.

a. TTW have students read portion of notes, then copy/fill in the blanks “exactly as you see it here.” TSW assist in completing notes, then copy “exactly as you see it here.” TTW continue process until students are finished copying notes in full. (TTW ask, “Raise your hand if you need more time…”)

  1. TTW then have the students close their notebooks and put hands ON binders – TTW now ask the students to answer questions of notes (what they just wrote down).

II. TTW ask student to help distributeindex cards.

a. TTW demonstrate activity with another student and an example index card.

TRANSITION: “Please put your notes away. We have worked on one together, now I would like you to get in groups of three (assign groups--do not put Rayford/D. Dowdy in group with Clintrel; do not put Brounson and Wright in the same group or near each other), and I would like each group to brainstorm a definition for the underlined work on your index card.” (10 minutes)


Group Practice

  1. TTW explain directions for group activity more thoroughly if necessary. TTW reference demonstrated example; give students time limit and cue to begin. *If students successfully finish first index card, TTW have surplus and have groups continue working on new definitions.



TRANSITION: “Okay class, now we will work on a worksheet to practice our context clues skills. Remember to UNDERLINE the context clues you find in the sentence. Your answer will be marked incorrect if you do not complete this step.”

Individual Practice

VI. TTW instruct students to work individually on context clues worksheet. At the end of this time, TTW collect completed student work.

(10 minutes)


* Individual Practice II:

  1. TTW give instructions for context clues creation assignment. “You will each make up a word, a fake word that isn’t in the dictionary, and it must have a definition, but you cannot tell the class your definition. You will write a sentence using this word, and the class will have to guess the meaning of your word using the context clues you give. YOUR WORD MEANING MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE; IF YOU ARE UNSURE, CHOOSE A DIFFERENT MEANING.”

(6 minutes)

  1. TSW present their sentence by reading it aloud, and (in an organized fashion, as TTW instruct), TSW identify context clues then guess the word meaning.

(10 minutes)



  1. TSW take a formal quiz on context clues.

Closure: (9:25)

  1. TTW restate the day’s objectives. (TTW ask student to read objective from the board.)
  2. Review day’s learning: Today we learned about context clues, how to figure out the meaning of words we don’t know by using the language around them…
  3. TTW ask: “Can someone tell me what you should do when you come across a word you don’t know?” “What does “context clues”mean?” “Give me an example of a context clue.”
  4. Preview next lesson: Next period, we will use The Tell-Tale Heart to discuss perspective.


Informal- TTWlisten to the students discuss and respond (M) during group activity and check for participation, identification, and understanding (C).

Formal- TTW collect (M) the context clues worksheet [10] and quiz [25], grade for accuracy (C), and record each grade in the gradebook (D). TTW also assessstudents (M) with an exam on Thursday (C) and record scores in gradebook (D).