Refugee Advice and Support Centre (RASC)
Palingswick House241 King Street
W6 9LP
Tel: 020 8748 0155
/ Company Reg. No 3183927
Charity Reg. No 1055379
Date: as post marked
Dear Applicant,
Refugee Advice and Support Centre (RASC) Volunteer Development Worker
We are writing to thank you for your enquiry and interest in the post of RASC VolunteerDevelopment Worker.
Please find enclosed:
- Guidance note for applicants
- Job description and person specification
- Application form
- Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forum
- Background notes on RASC
- Equal opportunities statement
- Terms and conditions
You should ensure that your completed application forms are sent in plenty of time to reach the address above by the closing date of Friday 16April 2010 at 3:00pm.
It is vital that you take care in completing the application form as fully as possible and read all the documents we have sent you especially the job description and person specification. The information in it will guide us in considering whether you have the right skills and/or experience for the job. We cannot make assumptions about your experience or skills – please spell them out, drawing on both paid and unpaid experience. The most important document is the person specification. Please clearly demonstrate how you meet the essential criteria in the person specification. You should go through this point by point and show on your application form how you have the particular experience or ability asked for. You will not be short listed unless you demonstrate how you meet the requirements of each point; therefore we are unable to accept curriculum vitae.
We receive a large response to our job vacancies. Unfortunately we can only reply to those who have been short listed for interview. If you have not heard from us within 5 days of the closing date you should assume your application has been unsuccessful.
Please note interviews will be held on Thursday 22 April 2010.
Good luck and we look forward to receiving a completed application form from you on Friday 16 April 2010 at 3:00pm.
Yours truly,
Recruitment Panel
Refugee Advice and Support Centre (RASC)
The job description describes the duties of the job. It sets out range of responsibilities and tasks.
The PERSON SPECIFICATION describes the person we are looking for by describing abilities, experience and skills needed to do the job. We will be looking at your application form to see how you fit the person specification – the extent to which you have the relevant skills and experience.
- Before completing the application form, read the job description and person specification carefully.
- Type your application or write clearly in black ink, as it will be photocopied. It may help you to do draft first before filling in the form to avoid mistakes.
- The PERSON SPECIFICATIONis what we shall use to decide whether you should be shortlisted for an interview. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ADDRESS EACH REQUIREMENT LISTED UNDER THE PERSON SPECIFICATION, INCLUDING DESIRABLE ATTRIBUTES. If you miss out any requirements, particularly if they are ESSENTIAL for the job, we shall not be able to invite you for an interview. We cannot make assumptions about your experience and skills – please spell them out.
- You will probably need to use additional sheets of paper to provide additional information, please number them and put your name at the top of each page.
- Your form should be written in a concise, well-organised and positive way. Use active words such as “I organised …. or I planned …. or I do”.
- Make sure that your application is sent in plenty of time to meet the closing date.
- Keep a copy of your application form for your reference.
- All shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview by letter. It will inform you of the time, location and contact as well as of any test or exercise you may be asked to do.
- The recruitment panel is usually comprised of 3 to 5 people including relevant line manager of the post.
- The panel will ask questions relating to the job description, person specification and application. They will take notes during the course of the interview. All candidates will be asked the same questions.
- If you are not sure that you have understood the questions do not hesitate to ask for it to be repeated or clarified.
Good luck.
Job Description:
Job Title:Volunteer Development Worker
Hours Worked:28 hours per week
Organisation: Refugee Advice and Support Centre (RASC)
Project:The “Migrants and Refugees Volunteering Project”
Salary:£24,191(Including London Weighting) per annum pro- rata
(1 year fixed term contract)
Responsible To:VRASC Project Manager
Job Purpose:
The main purpose of the post is split into 2 main spheres:-
Development of a new volunteering programme for young Black Asian, and Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities between the ages of 16 - 25 living in West London.
Networking & representation of the RASC externally in relation to the development of volunteer and young people’s programmes
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
- Project Delivery :
RASChas identified and set target of developing services in 6 areas to respond to the need of its Black Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) service users.
These categories are:
- Social and Recreational Activities,
- Health Activities,
- Advice and Guidance,
- Training and Education,
- Children and Young people,
- Research and policy work.
The Volunteer Development Worker will develop the project to achieve a target of benefiting (i.e. Short term opportunity = 65, Part-Time opportunity = 50, and full time opportunity = 2 young BAMER volunteers)per annum by:-
- encouraging them to develop projects on issues they feel passionate about.
- providing them an opportunity to gain work experience within the voluntary sector; insight into working culture and practices, and enhancing their employment opportunities.
- raising their confidence and self-esteem and awareness of themselves as valuable to their communities and the wider British society.
- offering training and giving an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned,
Specific tasks will include:-
- Selection, recruitment, support and supervision to volunteers.
- Developing communications systems and team building through team meetings
- Provision of one-to-one support and supervision every month to volunteers to feed back on progress, discuss future development and air any concerns and problems.
- Provision of a full programme of training for volunteers – the volunteer co-ordinator will be responsible to help volunteers identify their training needs and provide for those training needs, both in-house and externally.
Where possible we will seek to offer our volunteers training opportunities that lead to a nationally recognised qualification.
- RASC values the views and ideas of young people – the volunteer co-ordinator will be responsible for consulting and involving young refugees about project development to establish effective user participation
- Achieving the target of recruitment / engagement of 117 young BAMER volunteers
- Developing a target of 15 community projects designed and delivered by volunteers
- External Liaisons:
- To liaise with organisations which provide similar or inter-related services (e.g. social services departments, health authorities, refugee groups etc)
- To develop a programme of capacity building activities for groups which have aims consistent with our own for the benefit of the broader refugee population and voluntary sector in general as it relates to volunteering
- To attend networking meetings and develop the interests of the RASC for the benefit of the volunteer programme
- To be aware of the external legislation and initiatives which could be beneficial to refugees relating to voluntarism
- Management of volunteers:
- To manage and supervise volunteers, and schemes.
- To supervise, monitor and review the implementation of voluntary action programmes of volunteers
- To service and report to Vrasc Project Manager, the management committee of the Refugee Advice and Support Centre, and prepare project reports.
- To attend project management committee meetings and other meetings of the project and sponsoring organisations.
- Other Duties:
- To manage project resources and finance
- To support the chief officer as regards fund -raising activities.
- To be familiar with the project's equal opportunities policies, and to implement them in relation to the job responsibilities.
- To be responsible for effective monitoring & evaluation systems and their implementation
- Other duties commensurate with the post and grading
Personnel Specification:
Most important
Job applicants are expected to explain in their written application how they meet the following criteria, so that this information can be considered in the short listing process. Candidates are required to comment on each criteria.
- 2 years experience in management, or supervising volunteers and volunteer led projects(essential)
- 2 years experience of project delivery in the community setting (essential)
- Experience of working with young people particularly those who are from refugee and black and ethnic minority communities (essential)
- Experience of working with community organisations and groups particularly refugee and black and ethnic communities (essential)
- A knowledge and awareness of the needs and problems of young refugees in the fields of health, personal social services, immigration and asylum, training, employment, housing and welfare(essential)
- An ability to identify the training requirements of volunteers and deliver effective solutions(essential)
- The ability to work with the broader voluntary sector in networks and partnerships to promote the project and RASC in general (essential)
- An ability to initiate, develop, implement, and monitor work programmes and work schedules for volunteers of the project(essential)
- An ability to prepare and present (both in writing and oral forms) project information to the management committee, Funders, clients, voluntary and statutory organisations (essential)
- An ability to promote and market the project services to targeted clients, and recruit volunteers for the project(essential)
- A knowledge and proven commitment to equal opportunities policies and practices (essential)
- Proven experience of delivering training to young people or adults(desirable)
- A commitment to the aims and objects of the project (essential)
POST: / Refugee Advice and Support Centre Volunteer Development WorkerSOURCE OF VACANCY:
Please complete the application in full, using BLACK INK, typescript or work process in the same format.
/ Forenames:Date of Birth
/ MobileFax
/ Email address:Do you have permission to work in the UK?
/National Insurance number:
Name & address of person to contact in an emergency:
Full name:
/ RelationshipAddress:
/ Email1
Please show ALL periods of employment, including self employment, unpaid (voluntary) jobs with FULL POSTAL ADDRESS. (Please start with your PRESENT/LAST EMPLOYER & work backwards).
Present/most recent employer:Address:
Present/most recent position held
(Job title or description)
Dates / From / To
Present/most recent salary and benefits
What is your period of notice?
Please give details of you duties and responsibilities:
If necessary please continue on separate sheet.
Number of days sick leave in the past two years
Have you had any serious illness in the last 5 years: Yes / No
If yes, please state the nature of the illness and extent of time off sick.
We would like you to give your reason(s) for applying for the post, and then show how you meet the person specification criteria. Draw upon all relevant experience / skills / abilities and qualifications. It is important to show how you are qualified / able to do the job. You must address all essential sections in the person specification.
Please bear in mind that simple statements of competence or experience under the headings are not sufficient.In your response we want you to demonstrate your understanding of the skills needed by using examples drawn from your experience.
If necessary please continue on separate sheet.
Previous Employment:
Please give details of your employment history, most recent first up to the last three positions.
Name & address of previous Employer / Position held(Including key responsibilities) / Salary / Date
From - to / Reason for leaving
Unpaid / voluntary work experience
Please give details of any relevant unpaid / voluntary work experienceIII. EDUCATION AND TRAINING
Name of Secondary School (s)
Giving Full address: / DatesFrom To / Subjects Studied/
Course Details / Qualifications Gained (grades or results)
Name of further educationCentre giving full address / Dates
From To / Subjects Studied/
Course Details / Qualifications Gained (grades or results)
Name of college, firm or Institute giving full address: / DatesFrom To / Type of raining / Qualifications gained
IV. LANGUAGES (Indicate degree of fluency, oral and written)
Please give any other information which you think will help your application (including hobbies & interests). Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.VI. DISCLOSURE OF CONVICTIONS:
Do you have any unspent convictions under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (i.e. have ever been convicted of any offence, which is not considered “spent”?)YES / NO (please delete as appropriate. If yes, please give details)
Please provide two referees who have known you for the past 3 years and over, or since you left full time education. They must not be related to you, or to each other. Home addresses (as opposed to work/professional) must be given. One of the referee must be your former employer or from the authorities of former schools/colleges.1. Name……………………………………….. 2. Name……………………………………….
Address……………………………………….. Address…………………………………….
………………………………………………… ………………………………………… …..
Occupation……………………………………. Occupation……………………………… …
Post code ……………………………………. Post code…………………………… … …
Tel. No. Home………………………………… Tel. No. Home…………………………… .
Work……………………….. Work………………………………… ……
Known from( ) to ( ) Known from( ) to ( )
Entitlement to work in the UKIn accordance with Section 8 of the asylum & immigration Act 1996, an offer of employment will only be confirmed upon receipt of original documentation (e.g. National insurance number, P45, valid Passport)
Can you provide proof of entitlement to work in the UK? Yes / No
1. If offered employment, it will be initially for a probationary period of six months.
2. During the probationary period your contract of employment will be terminable by you or by RASC (except in the case of gross misconduct) by not less than one week’s notice.
3. Continued employment is conditional upon satisfactory completion of probationary period.
I………………………………………………………….. Certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information
(full name in capitals)
I have given is complete and correct, and I understand that misrepresentation of facts is ground for immediate dismissal, and renders me liable for prosecution.
I understand that misrepresentation of facts is ground for immediate dismissal, and renders me liable for prosecution.
I authorise RASC to approach former employers & personal referees to verify the information given.
Applicant’s Signature………………………………...... Date………………………………......
Under the terms of Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 the information you give us will be kept confidential and will be used only for personnel management.
Please note if you send this form by email, you will be asked to bring a signed print-out if your are called for interview.
Charity Registration No: 1055379
RASC is committed through its Equal Opportunities Policy to ensuring that all job applicants are considered on a fair, unbiased and lawful basis. The following information will be used for monitoring purposes only and will be treated in strict confidence. Please return it with your application. This information will play no part in our selection decisions and is for monitoring purposes only.
Please put an X in the appropriate box / Female / MaleDo you have a disability? / Yes / No
(The loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the community on an equal part with others due to physical or social barriers and discrimination).
If yes, are you Registered Disabled? / Yes / NoIf yes, please give registration number?
Please indicate which ethnic group you belong:
(N.B these categories are recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality).
Black – other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Alternatively, please provide any additional information regarding your ethnic origin, which you feel is appropriate or important.
Date of BirthWhere did you see the vacancy advertised?
Local NewsletterJob Centre
National Newsletter Internal Vacancies Bulletin
Other (Please specify)
Refugee Advice and Support Centre (RASC) is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee founded in 1995 to address the needs and settlement issues affecting Refugees and migrants within the UK.
RASC main aims: - the main aims of the organisation are that Refugees will:-
Speak English and be able to communicate effectively in this country
Gain meaningful employment and support themselves financially
Go into further training and education to gain relevant skills
Have adequate housing and access to care for their physical and mental health
Have a place to go for support and social network, and
Fully integrated into the UK society.
To achieve our aims we provide support, information, advice and advocacy in the areas of welfare benefit, housing settlement, integration, training, job search, English and computing courses, organise workshops and seminars on heath and other issues by working in partnership with other statutory and non-statutory organisations to meet the unmet needs of refugees and asylum seekers.