Activities / Timeline / Lead Agency + Task Team Members / Description/Notes / Progress Update
Feb 2012/May 2012
Objective 1: Emergency Preparedness and Response
The GBV AoR has the capacity and resources to deploy quick and effective support to GBV coordination and programming in new emergencies, prepare for future or anticipated crises, and assist “neglected crises”
1.1Establish GBV AoR Rapid Response Mechanism for activation in emergencies
PRIORITY / Task Team established by Sept 23, 2011. Plan of action by Sept 30, 2011
Mechanism defined by Oct 15, 2011
Implementation of Mechanism initiated by January 30, 2012
Review by June 2012 / Task Team lead: AoR Coordinator
Task Team Members:
UNFPA (Erin Kenny, Maria Caterina Ciampi)
UNICEF (Mendy Marsh)
Beth Vann, (Independent Consultant)
IRC (Liz Pender)
  • Review models for Rapid Response mechanisms utilized by other clusters and agencies (eg Protection, WASH, CPWG, UNICEF Standby Arrangements, SURGE, ProCap, GenCap)
  • Reach consensus on best model for GBV AoR and create plan for implementation
  • Liaise with member agencies as needed to implement the plan and put the new system into place.
  • Review toolkit for deployable staff and revise as necessary
  • Support review and follow-up process
  • Fundraising, review of how model is working and review during workplan period.
  • Implementation, fundraising and revisions as necessary
/ RRT Task Team establishedSeptember 2011 (Global Coordinator lead). Other cluster RRT models reviewed.
GBV AoR RRT established and funded through GenCap GBV Window and 3 team members confirmed in position by end Feb[1].
Potential initial deployments under discussion (Feb 2011).
1.2 Develop long term strategy for developing the pool of GBV practitioners / December 2012 /
  • Investigate options and resources required to create a deeper talent pool
  • Define a concrete human resources strategy
(See also Objective 3 and Training Task Team) / Process has been initiated in terms of research on various options (nothing written up yet).
A dedicated telecom will be arranged by end May with the RR Task Team to decide how to initiate this activity.This activity will be finalized in 2013
Objective 2: Support to the Field
GBV sub-clusters and/or other relevant actors in the field receive adequate support from the global GBV AoR group of agencies to meet their needs
2.1 Create and implement system for effective communication and remote technical support between GBV AoR and GBV subcluster Coordinators or other relevant field actors / Develop Communication and Support Plan by November 30, 2011
Implementation timeline according to plan / AoR Coordinator and NGO Co-Chair /
  • Conduct review of field-based needs and gather recommendations for improving communication with and support to key field actors, including on how to enhance the usage of key GBV tools and resources at field level
  • In line with findings, develop plan to facilitate communication between GBV SC Coordinators and the AoR, communication between GBV SC Coordinators themselves, and the provision of remote technical assistance.
  • AoR Coordinator and Co-Chair to response to emerging needs
  • RRT provides communication channel between global and country AoR/sub-clusters
  • Website Reference Group includes field colleagues
/ 3 Scoping studies completed for S Sudan, Chad, Pakistan identifying priority guidance/resource development needs and individual country support needs.
Bilateral telecoms/email exchanges between GBV field coordinators and Global AoR conducted to establish support needs for S Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Philippines, Mongoliaand Afghanistan.
Decision to develop dedicated GBV AoR website to include technical helpdesk (based on CPWG model) agreed by membership Jan 2012. To be fully functional Q3 2012
2.2 Participate in Field Support missions (Protection Cluster, inter-cluster, or individual GBV AoR missions) in at least 3 countries per year, prioritizing at least 1 “forgotten crisis” / 3x annually / GBV AoR Coordinator
UNFPA (Erin Kenny)
UNICEF (Mendy Marsh) /
  • The GBV AoR will represent itself on Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and inter-cluster support missions. GBV-specific missions may also be needed. GBV AoR Coordinator will lead the members in a process of prioritizing support missions.
  • Participation in support missions, whether GPC, inter-cluster or GBV-specific,will be open to members. Where no member expresses interest, the GBV AoR Coordinator will represent the AoR.
  • “Forgotten crises” were prioritized for 2011 during the retreat. In 2012, GBV AoR should make suggestions to Protection Cluster according to new priorities
/ NB: CAR has been suggested to the GPC as destination.
UNFPA GBV support to CAR Sept-Oct 2011.
Support through agency-specific missions provided by members to Côte d’Ivoire, HoA, Pakistanand Philippines during 2011.
GBV AoR briefing to inform GPC mission to Haiti (Jan 2012); GBV AoR representation in GPC mission to Sri Lanka (2012)
Partner missions to crisis areas
2.3 Maintain the GBV AoR Community of Practice (COP) in a way which is accessible to field and global practitioners / Launch: March 2011
Maintain: Ongoing
Review: every 6 months (August 2011, February 2012 ) / COP Moderator and Advisory Group (NGO and UN agencies with GBV field programs/partners) /
  • Advisory Groupwill advise and support Moderator to facilitate growth and development of the COP through:
  • Periodic meetings (no more than once monthly) to discuss progress, give feedback on COP content and activities, and discuss future planning.
  • Advisory Group will gather feedback and inputs/postings from own agencies, partners and other AoR members
/ COP established and maintainedwith global and regional moderation until end ECHO funding (Dec 2011). Learning events and discussions conducted[2]. By Dec 2011 600+ registered COP members.
Monthly COPs reports circulated to membership through GBV AoR Monthly Update and on COP. Lessons learned collated to inform new COP platform on GBV AoR website (Dec 2011).
Transition arrangements negotiated with UNITAR to maintain COP in interim before GBV AoR website developed. COP will be moved to dedicated website once developed.
2.4 Collaborate actively in providing input from a GBV perspective and commenting to products and tools in the framework of developing the Rapid Protection Assessment Toolkit / Ongoing – 2011/2012 until finalization of RPAT / UNICEF (Emmanuelle Compingt)
  • Provide GBV input to the tools, including formation of assessment questions, specific assessment techniques for GBV, linking rapid assessments with GBV intervention according to described SOPs, and ethical and do no harm questions relevant to assessing GBV
  • Provide general inputs and comments to RPAT tools
  • Participate in joint decision-making in the Information Management Task Force
/ Regular GBV AoR representation on RPAT Task Teamensuring that tool is GBV-appropriate.
2.5 Improve GBV AoR Support to the Field / Through 2012 / Relevant Task Teams:
Advocacy Task Team
Research and Training Task Team
Member led webinars /
  • Create a checklist for immediate GBV actions for 1st and 2nd 10-day period of response by the GBV SC coordinator
  • Include follow up mechanism for agreed actions, with associated timeline in scoping studies to be developed after finalization of country reports
  • Sustained advocacy for prolonged emergencies to be included in the Advocacy Strategy
  • Identify which of resources recommended above will be developed during 2012 and revise workplan accordingly
  • Define/map core competencies for GBV coordination and programming in emergencies
  • Introduce programme of thematic related teleconferences/webinars to address specific issues
/ Coordinator to circulate email request for potential webinar subjects and hosts. Jeanne Ward to revert with ideas by end May.
2.6 Accountability / Through 2012 / CDC, UNICEF, UNFPAco-lead /
  • Draft accountability tools for global and field level AoR/SC

Objective 3: Learning and Capacity-building
Base of knowledge and skills to implement quality GBV programs and meet emerging challenges in humanitarian settings is enhanced according to priorities identified by AoR members
3.1 Conduct discussions on priority programming issues and create 2-3 priority issue guidance notes or resources related to GBV programming. / Identify priority areas and create timeline/task teams: October 1, 2011
1 discussion topic and guidance note per year
By end 2012 / Scoping Study/Research Task Team: UNICEF (Emmanuelle Compingt) lead,
UNFPA (Erin Kenny)UN Women (Pablo Castillo-Diaz)
CDC (Samira Sami, Basia Tomczyk)
Beth Vann, Danielle, Jeanne (Independent consultants) /
  • Organize discussions on priority programming issues
  • Develop agreed guidance documents
  • Develop/agree process by which agencies share information on what they are doing in relation to specific programming areas. (See also 3.3 and 3.4 below).
  • GBV AoR Co-Chairs will work with the lead agency to determine system for prioritizing and criteria for selection.
  • Specific areas identified over the last 2 years and in the 2011 retreat are:
(i)Working with different types of survivors, eg children, boys, adult women
(ii)Engaging men and boys
(iii)Harmful practices
(iv)Developing a prevention framework
(v)Disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness
  • Review and update global-level guidance note on determining field level leadership (developed by AoR 2 years ago)
  • Scoping studies:
(i)Guidance identified as needed from scoping studies developed, with associated funding secured
(ii)Follow-through mechanisms for country-specific recommendations for the four scoping study countries
  • Prevention:
(i)Continue the conversation started at the Annual Meeting 2012 between the Global Health Cluster and GBV actors to identify next steps
(ii)Fund-raise to support consultation with external prevention actors (2013) / Identification of priority areas for guidance/resource development conducted through scoping studies.
Guidance on emerging issues developed by members (IRC/UNICEF on child survivors; WRC on Livelihoods) and disseminated through membership
Survey of member approaches to prevention conducted and reported. Discussion on way forward as part of Annual Meeting 2012.
A dedicated telecom will be set up for the TT to decide a final list of priority issues to be finalized in 2012.
Existing papers/fact sheets to be circulated to Research and Training TT for finalization (eg UNICEF paper on DRR/GBV; Training TT fact sheets developed for training in Nairobi
3.2 Roll out the GBV Coordination Handbook / Dissemination and Monitoring ongoing 2011 through 2nd quarter 2012
Review and revise Handbook: 4th quarter 2012 / Lead agency: UNICEF
UNFPA (Erin Kenny) /
  • Rollout will include:
  • Distributing copies to global actors and to the field sites as needed/requested and identifying regional and field focal points for local distribution
  • Supporting local distribution by providing standardized training tools as well as direct workshops as requested on the contents of the Handbook
  • Providing remote technical assistance on the implementation of the guidelines within the Handbook
  • Monitoring dissemination and usage of the Handbook through monitoring visits and remote follow-up
  • Collecting feedback through evaluation forms and monitoring visits
  • Review and revisions of the Handbook will be initiated in late 2012.
/ Dissemination to field through oneresponse website; email response to support requests; all GBV trainings; scoping study engagement. Global level introduction and dissemination IASC meetings and GenCap trainings.
Handbook has been disseminated to 25 countries and rolled out in 14.
Translation into 3 languages (French, Arabic, Russian)
Training on Handbookfor humanitarian staff and partners conducted through ECHO project in 3 regions/9 countries; dedicated training on coordination in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Somalia, Philippines, Uganda.
Handbook monitoring exercise conducted through 2011 to inform discussion at Annual Meeting 2012 and revision of Handbook 2012.
Revision of Handbook to be started in 2012 if ECHO (or other) funding received. To be finalized in 2013
3.3 Revise/update the IASC GBV Guidelines
PRIORITY / Activity to begin in 1st quarter 2012
Process for revising/updating the Guidelines will be defined in 1st quarter 2012 / Team to be constituted in 2012:
UNFPA (Erin Kenny)
UNICEF (Mendy Marsh)
Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict (Tonderai Chikuhwa)
  • TOR to be elaborated
  • Fundraising
/ Not yet initiated
UNFPA/UNICEF leading on developing next steps
3.4 Implement GBV Capacity Development Initiatives(“ECHO Project”).
PRIORITY / Design: October 31 2011
Implement design phase: May 2011- October 2012 / Lead: ECHO Project Manager and Steering Committee /
  • Develop Phase II with input from the field. Seek additional funding as needed. The process will:
  • Fully orient the GBV AoR on Phase I and its progress to date
  • Identify the best way to integrate additional UN and NGOs into design of Phase II
  • Write proposal, review and sign-off by the GBV AoR
/ ECHO project completed Dec 2011; report due March 2012. Lessons learned exercise conducted (Dec 2011) to inform report[3].
Finalized ECHO report and lessons learned with trainings of Capacity Promoters will inform activity 1.2 on long-term GBV capacity strategy
Hold lessons learned on ECHO project once report finalized.
Relationships with focus countries and GBV Capacity Promoters included in RRT mechanism with regional GBV Advisors including mentoring of CP in their TORs.
3.5 Continue developing, refining, and implementing GBV training and capacity building / Sept 2011: Convene task team / Training Task Team
Co-Lead: UNFPA (Erin Kenny) and IMC (Angie Wiens)
ARC, (Jessica Huber)
Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict (Tonderai Chikuhwa),
Beth Vann (Independent)
Action Aid
UNFPA Sudan (Jennifer Chase) /
  • Compile and maintain information about GBV-related training; disseminate through websites and to the field
  • Liaise with relevant training initiatives to avoid duplications and identify gaps
  • GBV Programming Course: Continue multi-phased GBV programming course (Phase 1 completed in 2010; Phase 2 planning to begin 2011)
  • GBV Coordination Course: Offer course (Nov 2011) in Belgium; develop plans for regional offerings in 2012 and beyond (by Feb 2012)
/ Task Team established September 2011 (UNFPA/IMC lead).
Coordination of training information through systematic dissemination of new and repeat training opportunities offered by member agencies.
Face-to-face and e-learning training conducted during 2011 for humanitarian staff, partner agency staff and standby partners including: Master Trainings (through ECHO project) on GBViE coordination and introduction to GBV AoR tools/resources);Coordination of Multi-Sectoral Response to Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings training[4] (UNFPA, UNICEF with the University of Ghent; Improving Protection of Women and Children through Improved Coordination,[5] (UNICEF, IRC); Phase II of Managing GBV in Emergency Settings e-learning (UNFPA, IMC); GBV Emergency Response Training (IRC)
3.6 Support global roll-out of the GBVIMS / Lead Agencies: Global GBVIMS Steering Committee (UNFPA-hosted Coordinator) /
  • Maintain updated information about GBVIMS progress; inform AoR members
  • Include GBVIMS training when feasible in GBV AoR-related training and capacity building events.
  • See Advocacy activities below; linkages between GBVIMS and emerging standards for data and monitoring for Security Council resolutions
/ GBVIMS roll out ongoing with GBV AoR endorsement. By end 2011, GBVIMS used in 40+ organizations in 14 humanitarian contexts.
Regular reporting to GBV AoR membership through monthly update.
3.7 Compile and maintain global library of key GBV tools and resources / Compile full list by Sept 30, 2011
Make first batch available for online downloads by October 15, 2011
Review and update library quarterly / GBV AoR Support Staff /
  • Draft list of key GBV tools and resources for input from AoR Co-Chairs and Co-Leads
  • Compile electronically and make available for download from AoR and COP sites
  • Create hard copy library of key tools and resources to be based with GBV AoR Coordinator
  • Review and update as needed (quarterly recommended)
/ Ongoing on COP and oneresponse website. Will be re-homed on GBV AoR website once launched.
3.8 Alternative models of coordination / By end 2012 / RRT members for countries to which they are deployed
Danielle Spencer
Member agencies
RRT members for countries to which they are deployed /
  • Map document and disseminate information on alternative GBV coordination models to be included in revised Coordination Handbook
  • Document South Sudan experience for possible application to other situations (contingency planning for coordination)
  • Arrange programme of webinars to discuss coordination experiences and different models
  • Document models for coordination in countries with cyclical crises
  • Develop cheat sheets of actors and coordination mechanisms for new staff in different countries

Objective 4: Advocacy
Key global stakeholders including donors, other clusters (global and field-level), and relevant IASC fora, understand and support implementation of GBV activities in emergencies that reflect IASC guidance and standards, and priorities identified by field actors.
4.1 Develop and implement Advocacy Strategy for global level and field level
PRIORITY / Strategy Development Task Team established by Sept23, 2011
Strategy Drafted by October 15, 2011 / Advocacy Task TeamLead: Women’s Refugee Commission
UNFPA (Erin Kenny)
UNHCR (Margriet Veenma)
MHPSS Reference Group
GBV AoR Coordinator
Beth Vann, Danielle Spencer (Independent) /
  • Develop strategy for advocacy activities at global level and in support of field
(i)Engage expanded Advocacy Task Team to develop time line (May 2012) and agree main actions to develop advocacy strategy with associated workplan including identifying funding for the strategy development
  • Identify activities that will be undertaken at the start of any emergency e.g. production and dissemination of action sheets, coordinated message to donors etc.;
  • Identify process by which global AOR identifies and responds to advocacy needs of field in early months of an emergency;
  • Identify special advocacy pieces that will be developed for use at global and/or field level and timeline for completion; this could include a fundraising piece for donors; a memo on how the AOR works with UN entities including UN Action and SRSG
  • Develop an advocacy strategy for at least one neglected crisis
  • Transformative Agenda monitoring and engagement as appropriate by members
/ Advocacy Task Team launched September 2011 (WRC lead).