End of Season Dance Friday 11thMay 2018

Mr Iain Stuart Robertson8 x 32 Reel

1s set advancing and turn bh to face down and give nh to 2s,1s & 2s set and 1s turn 2s with nh; 1s followed by 2s dance down for 3 bars, 1s dance to top as 2s divide and follow, 1s cast to 2nd place and 2s to top and face out; 2s, 1s & 3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in and down to start, all giving hands where possible) 2s and 3s ending with a loop; 1s dance ½ reels of 3 across (1l with 2s and 1m with 3s), 1s dance ½ reels of 3 across (1m with 2s and 1l with 3s).

Chequered Court8 x 32 Jig

1s cross rh and cast off one place, 2s step up, 1l dance ½ fig of 8 round 3s, 1m round 2s, ending passing ls to face 1st crnr; crns dance normal crnrs pass and turn, 1s dance path of crns pass and turn, but pull back rs to end back to back in middle 1l facing up, 1m facing down, 1s and prtnrs 2nd crnr (2l and 3 m) dance path of cnrs pass and turn, ending pulling rs back to end back to back in middle facing own side ready for; 6 bars double triangles, 1s move to right with 2 pas de basque to end 1l facing 2l, 1m facing 3 m; 1l with 2s, 1m with 3s dance rs reel of 3 across, 1s cross rh.

Minister on the Loch3 x 32 Strathspey

1s & 2s all round poussette, 1s dance down middle, turn bh, dance up middle turn bh to face top; 1s & 3s dance double figure of eight; 1l with rh, 1m with lh turn 2s 1 ½ times, with other hand turn 3s 1 ½ times

Plantation Reel5 x 32 Reel

1s & 3s cross rh & cast off one place, 2s & 4s step up, 1s & 3s dance down one place & cast up one place: 1s with 2s 3s with 4s dance ½ rights & lefts, petronella on 2 places; 1s & 3s dance rh across with cple to their right, pass rs to dance lh across with cple on left; 1s & 3s cross rh, cast off; all turn rh.

Muirland Willie8 x 32 Jig

1s lead down crossing over rh and cast to 2nd place on opp side, while 2s set & cross down to 3rd place on opp side, while 3s cast up 2 places & cross rh to opp side, all 3 cples set and turn bh ½ way; repeat last 8 bars from new positions; 1s dance up for 4 steps and set for 4 bars; 1s and 2s poussette.

Montparnasse4 x 32 Strathspey

1s and 4s set and cross rh, cast down or up one place, 2s and 2s stepping up or down respectively, 1s and 4s dance lh across ½ way, to end in order 2413 ready for a reel of 4; rs reel of 4 on side, ending facing same person at start of reel; all set and turn bh on sides, 2s with 4s, 1s with 3s dance 4 hands round; 2s with 4s, 1s with 3s dance all round poussette.

Nottingham Lace1 x 96 Reel

PART 1: All dance 1/2 Grand Chain & set to partners, 3/4 turn RH to end with Ladies in centre for LH across; Ladies dance LH across 1/2 way while Men dance 1/4 way round clockwise, Ladies 1/2 turn nearest Man RH, Men dance LH across 1/2 way while Ladies dance 1/4 way round clockwise & all 1/2 turn partners RH; All repeat bars 9-16 to original places. PART 2: 1L & 3M change places RH, cast behind 4s & change places RH to join end of line while 1M & 3L dance similarly behind 2s, all set; all Adv+Ret, 1s+2L+4M also 3s+2M+4L circle 4H round to left to end in line . (1s & 3s in centre of line); All Adv+Ret, circle 8H round 1/2 way to end in Sq.Set opposite to original places. PART 3: Repeat PART 2 with 2s & 4s as dancing couples, all ending in original places. PART 4: Repeat PART 1

The Elephant's Stampede4 x 48 Jig Square Set

All circle round and back; 1s3s advance and with free hand join with 2s and 4s and retire into longwise set across the dance, all dance ½ parallel reels of 4 across ; all dance ½ r & l at each end of set, turn (person on man's left) rh 1½ times to form sq.set; all ladies petronella turn to next lady's place to right and set, repeat to meet partner (all have progressed 1 place to right); all dance full Schiehallion Reel

Glengarry Homestead4 x 32 Strathspey

1s & 3s dance ½ figs of 8 round 2s/4s, 1s & 3s dance down 1 place and turn inwards face up as 2s also 4s dance up 1 place and in to face 1s/3s and all set; 2s with 1s and 4s with 3s circle 4h round to left, all dance ½ rs reels of 4 on sides but end with 1s & 4s ¾ turning with lh bringing Ladies into centre ready for the targe;1s & 4s dance the targe:- 1st and 4th ladies ¾ turn rh while men dance ¼ way round anticlockwise, 1st man with 4th lady and 1st lady with 4th man full turn lh, 1st and 4th ladies ¾ turn rh while Men dance ¼ way round anticlockwise, 1st man with 4th Lady and 1st lady with 4th man turn lh to end on sides in order 3,1,4,2; all dance ½ rs reels of 4 on sides, all set and 3s & 4s (in 2nd and 4th place) cross to own sides, ending in order 2413.

The Irish Rover 8x32 Reel

1s dance down below 3s and cast up to 2nd place own sides, 1l dances rh across with 2s while 1m dances rh across with 3s; 1s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, ½ reel with 2nd corners and ½ turn lh to face 1st corners; 1s dance reel of 3 across giving ls to 1st corners ending in 2nd place own sides; 1s dance diagonal rights and lefts.


City Of Belfast3 x 32 Strathspey

1s dance ½ fig of 8 round 2s, 1l & 2m turn rh 1¼ times while 1m & 2l turn lh 1¼ times and 1s end BtoB between 2s facing opposite sides; 1s & 2s dance reel of 4 across and 2s end in 1st places while 1s pass lsh to face 1st crnrs; 1s set to 1st corner and 2nd corner ending (pulling rs back) between corners, all set and 1s cross rh; 1s & 3s dance Espagnole:- 1s & 3s cross (ladies lead across rh passing between men) with ladies changing places rh, 1s & 3s cross back (men lead across rh between ladies) with men changing places rh; 3s turn rh as 1s turn lh to end 231

Pines of Pitlochry8 x 48 Jig

1s cross rh and cast 1 place, 1l dances ½ fig of 8 round 2s and 1m round 3s end in centre each facing 1st corner and holding lh; 1s set to 1st corners, turn inwards and set to 3rd corner, ¼ turn rh and set to 2nd corners, turn inwards and set to 4th corner; 1l with 2s and 1m with 3s dance rh across, 1s turn 1½ times lh in centre while 2s and 3s chase round clockwise ½ way; 1l with 2s and 1m with 3s dance rh across (same couple but at other end), 1s turn 1½ lh while 2s and 3s chase round clockwise ½ way; 1l with 2s and 1m with 3s dance full ls reels of 3, 1s endingon own sides in 2nd place; 2s, 1s & 3s circle round and back.

JB Milne8 x 32 Reel

1st man and 2nd lady set advancing and turn rh, 1st lady, 2nd man repeat: 1s set advancing, turn both hands, cast off and petronella to face up and down the dance; 2nd & 3rd ladies , 2nd & 3rd man cross rh and set while 1s set and turn rh ¾, 3s and 2s cross rh and set while 1s set & turn rh ¾; 2nd & 3rd man, 2nd & 3rd lady cross rh and set while 1s set & turn rh ¾, 2s and 3s cross rh while 1s pull rs back and cast to 2nd place on own side of dance, all set. Repeat from new position.

Father Connelly's Jig4x64 Jig

1s & 2s Set & Rotate : - ` Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd pl); 1s dance 1/2 diag R&L with 1st corners while 2nd corners set & change places diagonally RH, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on opposite sides; 1s dance 1/2 diag R&L with 3rd corner (pstn) while 2nd corners (pstn) set & change places diagonally, 1s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on own sides; 1s dance reels of 3 across Lady with 2s & Man with 3s; 1s cross down between 3s, 1L casts up round 3M & 1M casts down round 4L, 1s change places LH in centre & cast to 3rd place own sides; 3s+1s+4s (bottom 3 couples) repeat bars 9-24; All (or bottom 3 couples only) circle 8(6)H round & back

Far North Queensland5 x 32 Strathspey

1s5s cross rh and cast down/up 1 place (2s4s step up/down); 1m &2s, also 1l & 3s+5m, also 5l & 4s dance circles round to left. 1s5s end in middle facing partners (men facing down, ladies facing up); 1s5s set, dance ½ reel of 4, set advancing to partners, pass lsh to face 2nd corner positions; 1s5s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, turn lh to face 1st corner positions, dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, turn lh to face 4th corner positions (partner's 2nd corner position); 1s5s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 4th corners, turn lh to face out on own sides, cast 1 place (3s2s step up on bars 31-32) to end in order 43521.

Blooms of Bon Accord4 x 32 Reel (2 chords, 3s and 4s cross to opp sids)

All set and 1s and 2s also 3s and 4s dance rh across once round, 1s and 4s cast in 1 place; 1s and 4s cross rh and cast to ends of set to meet partners in prom hold and dance into centre of dance; 1s and 4s dance round passing rs and end 1s in the middle on men's side facing up and 4s in the middle on ladies side facing down; All (1s and 4s in prom hold) dance reels of 3 on sides; 4s and 1s dance rh across in centre once round to end 4s facing up and 1s facing down, 4s and 1s lead out of ends crossing and cast in 1 place.

Best Set in the Hall8 x 32 Jig

1s set and 1l followed by prtnr casts below 3s, 1l crosses and casts up to face her 1st crnr while 1m dances up the middle to face 1st corner; 1s set to 1st crnrs and dance rsh round each other into 3rd crnr position while 1st crnrs dance in and turn right about to face their original position, 1s &1st crnrs set facing, and 1st crnrs dance rsh round each other into diag opp corners while 1s dance in and pivot to right to face 2nd corners; 1s repeat last 8 bars with 2nd crnrs and end passing rsh to 2nd place on the opp side; 2s, 1s & 3s chase clockwise ½ way and turn partners rh.

Mrs Milne of Kinneff S4 x 32 Strathspey

1s and 3s join hands with prtnr and adv for 2 steps, turn opp prtnr rh once round, retaining opposite partner hand dance rh across with 2s/4s; dancing couples facing side couples dance parallel reels of 4 across the dance; dancing couples set to side couples, dancing couples dance out between side couples and cast to original places while side couples separate and dance into centre to meet partners then holding nearer hands dance out to original places, all turn partners bh; all circle ½ way round to left, ¾ turn partners rh into prom hold and all promenade 1 place clockwise

Ramadan-ce8 x 32 Reel

1s dance Inveran Reels with 2s&3s; 1s cross rh, cast 1 place & turn rh to face 1st crnrs; 1s dance rs round 1st crnr, pass rs & dance rs round 2nd crnr to end 2nd place opp side while 1st crnrs dance in, ½ turn rh, twirl & dance out to each others place, 2nd crnrs dance similarly; 1s dance ½ ls reels of 3 across (Man at top with 3s & Lady at bottom with 2s), 1s dance ½ rs reels of 3 on own sides (Man Down, Lady up)

Seton’s Ceilidh Band4 x 64 Jig

1s cross over rh and weave in and out along opp side into 4th place on opp side (2s, 3s and 4s step up as 1s pass them); 4s and 1s dance mirror reels of 3 on the side; 1s cross rh and weave in and out of own sides back to original position (2s, 3s and 4s step down as 1s pass them ); 1s, 2s and 3s dance full reels of 3 on the side; 1s cross rh and cast into middle 2nd place, giving rh to each other and lh to 1st crnrs, 1s set balancing in line with 1st crns, then turn rh to 2nd corners; 1s set balancing line with 2nd crns, then releasing hands dance out and down round 3s and meet facing up the middle of the set; 1s lead up the middle crossing over at top to face in 1st place facing down own sides of dance, 2s face up; 1s and 2s change places rh on the sides, 2s and 1s cross lh, 1s change places rh with 3s on the side, 3s and 1s cross lh;1s change places rh with 4s on the side, 4s and 1s cross lh, all turn ptnr rh one and a half times to own side.


Quarries Jig8 x 32 Jig

1s set & cast off, dance ls round 1st crnr to end in 2nd place on opp side; 1m dances reel of 3 across the dance with 2s, 1l with 3s ending with 1s turning lh to face 1st crnrs; 1s change rh with crnrs on 1st diagonal, 2nd crns set, 1st crns change lh while other dancers move on one place, repeat last 4 bars from new position; repeat last 4 bars again except that when 1s meet they turn lh to end in 2nd place on opp side, all set, 1s cross rh.

Mairi’s Wedding8 x 40 Reel

1s turn rh & cast off one place, 2s step up, 1s turn lh to face 1st crnrs; Is dance 4 half diagonal reels; 1s dance reels of 3 across the dance, giving ls to 1st crnr to begin; 2s, 1s & 3s dance 6 hands round & back.

Foxhill Court8 x 32 Strathspey

1s2s dance Espagnole, ending with1s facing first cormers; dance to each corner and set for 12 bars until 1s face 3rd corners (in 1st crnr position) with 3s and 2s in 1st and 3rd places opposite sides, 1s turn 3rd corners bh to face diagonally in (corners on 1s right) and set while 2nd corners set and cross rh; 1s3rd corners adv & ret and dance ¾ rh across to end in order 213.