REPORT TO: Council
DATE: 9 March 2005
REPORTING OFFICER: Chief Legal and Administration Officer
CONTACT OFFICER: Trevor Coxon (ext 2202)
SUBJECT: Revisions to the Constitution
1.1 To revise the Constitution to take account of delegation changes in response to YMCD.
2.1 As a result of further structural changes resulting from the YMCD changes, some Chief Officers have requested that their delegations contained in the Scheme of Delegations in Part 5 of the Constitution be reviewed to reflect their new responsibilities. The proposed changes in detail are identified in Appendix 1 to this report and are highlighted in italic bold font for ease of reference.
2.2 In short they relate to a number of changes requested by the Chief Economic Development Officer to reflect revised responsibilities and current practices; an addition to the delegations to the Chief Environment Officer resulting from his new role; a transfer of delegations from the Chief Economic Development Officer to the Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer and a notification of changes to the panel of doctors identified as Proper Officers under the Control of Diseases legislation and a change of the Proper Officer for the purposes of Ordnance Survey.
2.3 Subject to approval of these amendments, the Constitution will be updated to reflect these new delegations and previous decisions regarding YMCD changes.
It is recommended that the Council agree the amendments to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 1 to this Report.
Chief Economic Development Officer Pages 3-56 to 3-57
To have the power to:-
1. To grant options on industrial estates.
2. To authorise grants for training and to reclaim grants in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.
3. In consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Executive Board to agree the terms for the acquisition and/or disposal of land and premises designated for economic development purposes with prospective purchasers and/or vendors, to authorise completion of transactions and for the Chief Transportation and Asset Management Officer to report thereon to the Executive Board as part of his/her annual update.
4. In conjunction with the Chief Transportation and Asset Management Officer to manage the facilities and property utilised for economic development purposes including markets and town centre shops and in particular:-
(a) the selection and vetting of tenants.
(b) the negotiation and settlement of terms for disposals and to authorise lettings; and
(c) the agreement of concessions.
5. To approve, implement and administer business development grants and loans to eligible businesses in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Executive Board in accordance with the terms and conditions of approved schemes.
6. To approve the opening and operational hours of facilities within the purview of the Economic Development function including the ITeC and, the Tourist Information Centre, Shopmobility and all other satellite offices.
7. To determine applications under the Wrexham County Borough Rural Scheme taking account of the recommendations of the Rural Scheme Steering Group.
8. To authorise the holding of specialist markets such as Farmers Markets, French Markets, Continental Markets and other similar markets on Council controlled land in consultation with ward members as appropriate.
9. In the event of misconduct of a trader on the Open Market Monday Market or any other Speciality or similar market to take disciplinary action including the suspension or exclusion from the Market if deemed appropriate.
10. To implement an administer the 'Building Conversions for Rural Businesses' grants scheme in consultation with the Rural Scheme Steering Group.
11. To sign grant bids on behalf of the Council for the Communities First Companies/Partnerships.
12. To authorise the Chief Economic Development Officer to continue To utilise Economic Development Department resources to support the Wrexham Science Festival, Wrexham Business Week, Christmas Events and the Borderlands - Music and Media Event until such time as the Council decides to withdraw its support.
13. To enter into contracts with European Partners and Welsh Assembly Government (and any other publicly sponsored body) to deliver services which support the delivery of the Council’s approved Economic Development Departmental Strategy.
14. To authorise, monitor and evaluate grants to the voluntary sector which facilitate the delivery of the Council’s approved Economic Development Departmental Strategy.
15. To submit bids to public, private and voluntary sector providers for funding and to deliver services in accordance with funding bids in support of the Council’s approved Economic Development Departmental Strategy.
Chief Environment Officer Page 3-66
29. To authorise the letting of contracts for works associated with highways, transportation and drainage in accordance with Financial Regulations.
Chief Housing and Public Protection Officer Page 3-44
43. To authorise the issue of licences in respect of car boot sales and other similar sales where such applications are of a charitable nature, following consultation with the Local Member.
Schedule of Proper Officers Page 7-3
Chief Planning Officer / Property Planning Services Manager / s.191 / Functions with respect to ordnance surveySchedule of Proper Officers Page 7-7
Dr. Richard Roberts(North Wales Health Authority) / Dr. Sandra Payne
Dr. Paul Elliston
Dr. Ruth Parry
Dr. Peter Stevenson
Dr. Lyndon Miles
Dr Joanna Cartwright
Dr Peju Famoriyo
Dr Gerry Idoniboye
Dr Marko Petrovic
Dr Mark Walker
Dr Marion Lyons
Dr Mark Temple
Dr Lika Nehaul
Dr Dyfed Huws
Mr Andrew Jones
Mrs Anne Tye
Dr Marion Lyons
Dr Sarah Hayes
Dr Mac Walapu
Dr Rob Atenstaedt
Mr Gary Porter Jones / Medical matters under public Health (Control of Disease) Act, 1984 all Sections and Associated Regulations; and
National Assistance Act, 1948 Section 47; and
National Assistance (Amendment) Act, 1951